💜 Ch - 9 💜

599 35 4


( Alarm ringing )

Kirti : " y/n wake up your alarm is buzzing you should wake up "

Y/n : " Please ten minutes more kirti don't disturb me get out from my room "

Kirti : " Ok fine I will get out but then don't say me that I didn't warn you about fanmeet today fine sleep as much as you want you will be late actually you know what I just take the ticket and go by myself atleast I should enjoy "

As kirti said that my eyes flung open and I wake up so fast that kirti almost slipped from my bed

Y/n : " What the f kirti you can't take my ticket I am going to get ready "

Whith that I run towards bathroom to get ready I don't want to be late and make my good luck into bad luck because of my lazy ass

Kirti : " Don't you think so you should thank me to wake up your lazy ass and save you "

Y/n : " I saved you countless times so you should shut up and get lost from my room bitch "

I shouted that from bathroom and heard the door slam shut huh she will definitely get scolded from mom for this just in 1 ..... 2 ..... And .............

Mrs Singh : " Yaa kirti how can you slam the door this hard huh what if the door will break you will go side by saying sorry do you think so a sorry can fix it if it's broken huh why don't you guys understand this much hdjdbsjsbsn
Vshhsbshdvxhxbsjhsvshdsjsbshd "

I heard mom shout ........ 3 huh 🤣 now mom will lecture her whole day yaa stop laughing y/n you should get your lazy ass ready soon with that I leave for the shower

After a quick and nice shower I opend my wardrobe to wear something nice I want to look super good today I still can't believe I am going to see them meet them spend time with them personally it's like every army dream and I am going to live that dream for two weeks with that I choose why outfit

Your Outfit



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