"Oh, I love this song," Astoria giggles.
It's fun to see her like this. So happy and carefree. We both love parties, and being in Slytherin, there is no shortage. Someone usually throws every weekend, but Blaise is the best host. Every time he throws, there is free alcohol and a killer playlist; the best combo. Because of this, his parties have the biggest turnout.
I grab Astoria's hand and lead her to the drink table.
Blaise runs up behind us and squeezes between us, throwing one arm around us both. He's clearly already wasted. He then points to a bowl of bright red liquid.
"You guys! I made this before the party. You should try it," he winks, then throws his hands up, "but I claim no responsibility for your drunk actions after you indulge yourselves in my mixology masterpiece."
"Thanks, Blaise." I laugh as he runs off.
Astoria and I give each other a quick glance, and pour ourselves a cup.
"Oh this is good," I nod enthusiastically. "Hold on let's do a shot real quick before we go dance."
She obliges, and we toss our heads back together.
"To the dance floor!" she announces, throwing a pointer finger to the ceiling.
Full cups in hand, we trot over to the designated dancing spot. I point Mia out in the crowd and we make a beeline towards her.
We've positioned ourselves in a prime dancing spot, right in the middle of the group. I prefer to be in the middle so people on the outside aren't as focused on me. I like to dance and feel like nobody's watching.
The three of us dance together, grinding and swaying our hips.
"I'm getting us refills," Mia announces, grabbing our cups and scooting through the crowd. She returns in record time, handing us full cups. With a wiggle of her brows, she reaches and grabs a bottle of liquor she had stored under her arm and waves it in front of us.
"Drink up girls, it's on Blaise."
We pass the bottle around. My head has reached the airy and thoughtless bubble that I often found myself craving.
I pass the bottle back to Mia, "Cut me off girl, no more hard liquor for me," I shake my head and Astoria agrees.
"You guys got it," Mia flashes a thumbs up and walks away to set the bottle down.
She returns looking a bit confused. "Neither of you have seen the boys tonight, have you?"
"We saw Blaise, but..." Astoria's drunk mind wanders off as she looks around the room for them.
"There's Blaise and Lorenzo," I point the two out, both of them heavily flirting with a set of twins. "It doesn't matter where the others are. Let's just have fun."
Throwing their hands up in agreement, my two friends and I get back to dancing to the music. By now, the crowd has thinned out a bit, but I've gotten to the point where I don't really care if people see me dancing.
I close my eyes and tilt my head to the ceiling. My hands run down my body, feeling the bright lights cover me and swaying to the beat. I love this feeling.
But then, something feels different. I can feel someone watching me.
I open my eyes and lower my head, turning it to find the culprit.
There. Nott stands by the wall talking to Mattheo, drink in hand. Mattheo is speaking to him, but his head is angled towards me. His eyes run down my body and make their way back up, stopping at my eyes.
I hold his eye contact and raise a brow.
He wants a show? I'll give him one.
Not breaking eye contact, I start to move a little differently. I slowly drag my hands up and down my torso and chest and sway my hips, rotating them more than before.
His gaze hardens and I see his jaw clench, and like it never happened, his attention snaps back to Mattheo.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I slur to my friends, "I'll be right back."
I drunkenly saunter towards the door and grab for the handle. Twisting it open, I go to enter. Before I get the chance a hand darts from behind me, slamming the door shut.
I turn angrily to face the person keeping me from using the toilet and cross my arms, my back now pressed against the door.
"Excuse you."
It's him.
"What was that?" He asks, nodding his head towards the dancing crowd.
"What was what?" I question, innocently.
"You know what I'm talking about," he responds roughly.
"I'm afraid I don't, now can you move your hand so I can go to the bathroom?" I refer to the hand still pressed against the door, over my shoulder.
He stares at me and I stare back. We're so close, I can feel his breath on my face.
I divert my eyes, unable to hold his gaze anymore.
My drunk brain takes over.
"Why are you so mean?"
If I had still been looking at him, I might have seen the regret flash in his eyes before his gaze turned hard again, but I wasn't.
He drops his arm from the door and tucks his hands into his pockets.
He tilts his head to the side, still looking at me.
"I'm not." he states, and walks away.
I stand with my back against the door for another moment, and then recollect myself enough to turn and finally go into the bathroom.
Once I wash my hands, I toss back the rest of the drink and shove the cup into the nearest overflowing garbage can I can find.
That doorway experience sobered me up more than I'd like to admit, and it's kind of too late to try and get it back. I walk back over to the now quickly-dwindling group still dancing, and inform the two girls that I'm going to sleep.
"See you at breakfast tomorrow, waffles and coffee are the best cure for a hangover," Astoria informs me.
I agree, and depart the common room to the comfort of my bed.
The most unrealistic part of this story is that the girls didn't go to the bathroom together lol

Treacherous - Theodore Nott
FanfictionViolet Alpheratz thought her sixth year at Hogwarts would be like any other year. But when a new group of students shows up halfway through the school year and a prophecy comes to light, everything turns upside down. With secrets between friends, a...