Chapter Sixteen

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I hop off of my broom with a loud sigh. Today's practice, and just today in general, has been exhausting.

I'm still reeling from my conversation with Theodore earlier. And then, he doesn't bother showing up to today's practice, much to Draco's annoyance.

It's funny; given how often Theodore, Mattheo, and Draco miss class, none of them have missed quidditch once.


Draco jogs up behind me, breathing heavily.

"You going to the dining hall?" He asks.

I nod, "I'm meeting Astoria and Blaise there."

"Okay, I have to run to my room but I'll meet you guys there."

With that, he jogs past me.


Blaise and Astoria are talking about some fifth-year drama, but I tuned them out minutes ago.

I dig into my dinner, honestly too mentally drained from the day to even pretend to be listening anymore.

I push the peas around on my plate, scraping my fork against the glass dish.

Astoria whacks my arms, "Would you stop? That noise is unbearable."

I shake myself out of my trance and mutter an apology.

"Bit late, he is," Blaise says, gesturing behind me.

I turn myself on the bench to see Draco approaching us, looking grim.

Suddenly, he stops in his tracks, staring horrified at something ahead.

I follow his gaze and land on Katie Bell and someone with their back turned.

She's the girl who got hexed by that necklace earlier this year. She must have woken up from her coma today.

A sudden foreboding silence settles across the Great Hall, heads turning one by one to Draco standing frozen between the long wooden tables.

The group surrounding Katie turns as well, revealing themselves to be the golden trio. Harry and Draco hold each other's stares for a beat, until Draco abruptly spins and hastily walks out of the room, Potter taking off shortly after him.

Harry quickly follows him out of the Hall, a sudden excitement erupting from the students who just watched the spectacle.

Loud whispers echo across the walls, and I can feel some of the stares being turned to our table, or rather, the people sitting at it.

I look at my friends, eyes wide with concern. It only takes one knowing glance for us to stand and walk briskly down the pathway, following after the two enemies.

Once we pass the towering oak doors, Blaise breaks into a run. Astoria and I quickly follow suit.

Our footsteps echo through the halls and up the stairs, shoes slamming against stone.

It's then that I wonder if Blaise even knows where he's going. We saw them turn this way, but after that there's a million corridors they could've turned off to.

A sudden shouted, "Expelliarmus!" echoes down the hallway to our right and we turn, following the noise.

As we run, I notice crooked and smoking paintings on the wall and smoldering stone, the effect of spells missing their target.

"Potter's gonna get it," Blaise growls through his breath as he runs, seeing the signs of the spells as well.

We continue down the corridor, but the path splits into three directions.

We stop to look at each other, knowing we'll have to split up.

I take the far left path. I believe it leads to the abandoned girl's bathroom on this floor.

My breathing is starting to turn ragged. I'm not used to running this much.

I stop to lean against the wall, panting. A loud crash reaches my earns from down the hall- they must've gone this way.

With a deep breath, I continue my run down the hall, sending a flare to my friends to let them know to come this way.

More crashing and angry yelling makes its way to my ears. It sounds like they're dueling. I can feel my heart pounding and my ears are ringing, but I keep running.

I burst through the door just as I hear Potter yell, "Sectumsempra!"

A yowl of pain echoes around the old bathroom and I skid to a stop.

Draco is laying in a puddle of water, a red stain growing through his white shirt. He's panting, gasping for air and clutching his wound. A burst pipe sprays a mist, clouding the room as Draco groans in pain.

Harry is standing over him, teeth gritted.

Out of nowhere, Professor Snape pushes past me.

He and Potter lock eyes, the latter soon turning and leaving without a word.

Draco cries out in pain and I feel my hand fly to my mouth, covering a gasp.

I watch from a distance as Snape murmurs a spell, drawing in the growing pool of red surrounding my friend.

I shake my head, unable to process the sight.

"What kind of spell was that?"

Snape turns to me, his usual expressionless face painted with worry.

"One you must never use. Don't speak of this to anyone. I'm bringing him to the hospital wing."

He bends down and takes Draco in his arms, the water dripping off of him into the quickly rising pool that is now covering the tile floor.

Snape leaves, Draco in his arms, and I gasp out a sob.

A wave of tears erupts from my eyes and I cry, the sight of my friend bleeding out on the floor now branded in my mind.

Splashing steps come to a halt behind me and I feel a hand grab my shoulder.

Blaise turns me around, taking in my red face and tear splotched cheeks with wide eyes.

"What happened?"

"Harry did this curse... I've never seen anything like it. Draco- he was bleeding out on the floor." I push out between sobs.

"Where is he now?" Astoria asks warily.

"Snape is taking him to Madame Pomfrey."

The two nod.

"What was that even about?" Astoria questions.

A sudden rage comes over me. Anger takes the place of the horror I was feeling moments before and I look at my two clueless friends.

I shake my head in feigned confusion, "I have no idea."

But I know who will.

I push past Blaise and Astoria, stalking with a newfound purpose to the common room.

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