The New Dark One? Hook's P. O.V.

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           I stood staring at the center of town looking at the spot of where Emma had disappeared and had saved the town from the darkness. Where the woman I love just sacrificed herself and just told me that she, loves me too. Lying there on the ground was the dagger of the dark one. Everyone was afraid to move after just watching what had happened.

I could hear Mary Margret's soft cries and David trying to console her. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Regina in Robin Hood's arms. I finally found the courage to go to the dagger. I walked and picked it up and read the name across the dagger, with all eyes on me. As I read it, my mouth dropped opened as I could feel the tears about to come. The name on the dagger wasn't Rumplestilskin, it was Emma Swan.

"Well what does it say?" asked David. "Emma Swan," I responded back. "No!" said Mary Margret. "She took the darkness that is meant for the Dark One into to her, so she is the new Dark One," said Regina.

"Well, where did she go?" asked Robin. "That's the question, where did she go? And how do we save her from this darkness?" asked David. "Before, she sacrificed herself, we talked with the Apprentice. He said that the only way to get the darkness out of her was to find someone named Merlin. He apparently tamed the Darkness to be controlled by this dagger and to attach the a human form," said Hook. "Who is this Merlin person?" asked David.

"I was hoping you two would know," said Hook. "I have heard of his name before, but he is only a legend," said Regina. "Well, he is apparently real, so we have to find him," said David. "We start with Belle and Rumple. Belle can research in the library and Rumple might know something about this Darkness," said Hook. "We split up, Me, Mary Margret, and Hook we go to Rumple and Regina you and Robin go ask Belle for her help," said David.

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