A Portal? Hook's P.O.V.

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Me, David, and Mary Margret walked to the library and found Belle. "Hey guys! Any luck?" she asked. "No, we came here to try to help you find any information in books," said David. "Well, have at it, I made a stack of the books I could find over there and I'm sure there are other books as well," said Belle. "Thank you," said Mary Margret. We all dove into the books in search for anything that might connect us to this Merlin person. I looked through book after book, but could find nothing. I went and sat in the corner and pulled out a picture that I always keep in my jacket. It was a picture of Emma and I on our little date night. She and I were both smiling at each other and she had her hand reached across the table holding min. Her smile was beautiful and could light up any darken soul, such as mine. I missed her so much and I just feel so lost without her. I don't know where to go or what to do, but I know one thing I am not going to stop until she is safe and happy. "She has her mother's smile," said David sitting next to me. "Her smile always brightens my day," I said. "Yeah, she had that affect on people. We are going to get her back, I promise Hook. I won't stop until she is back," said David. "I will never stop either. I just feel lost without her and confused where to go," I said. "What would she do if you had taken in the darkness?" asked David. "She would not lose hope and continue to find me no matter what," I said. "That is exactly what you have to do," said David. "I am worried about her too. I know what it's like to let the darkness in and trust me once you let it in, it's hard to get back on the path of good," I said. "Emma is tough, she can handle it," said David. "Aye. I hope your right," I said. I stood up and reached out a hand to help David up. He took it. "Thanks," he said. "Killian, I just had a thought," said Belle. "What?" I asked. "If you can't get a magic bean or open a portal, what if you use that portal to Arendelle?" asked Belle. "We could go to Arendelle," I said. "And then travel to the Enchanted Forest," said David. "And then find Merlin," said Mary Margret. "And then find Emma," I finished. "That could work," said David. "We should go and find Regina and Henry and tell them," said Mary Margret. "Thanks for your help Belle," I said as me, David, and Mary Margret walked out the door.

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