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Hi my name is George. I'm a 20 something dbz fan who lives a pretty normal life. I go to work, finished school and live alone in a apartment. I'm not out of the ordinary or anything like that. However when a little girl crosses the street and a truck is speeding towards her. Some people act on instinct and that's what I did. Now here I am in a dark black void floating aimlessly. This... sucks to say the least. I'm not a super religious person but you would think there would be something. Like a guy with a halo talking about all the good and bad I did judging where I go. Just as I finished that thought I saw a light in the black void.

Not being particularly picky about going towards mysterious lights. It was better than the unending dark void. I slowly floated towards the light until I was blinded then engulfed by it. I closed my eyes because of the harsh light in it. However when I opened my eyes I could feel? It was cold, no freezing. I started to shiver as I looked around my surroundings. I then noticed a sight that made me jump a little. It was some kind of alien with purple skin and green spots with big lips. "It's a boy!" It said in a kind of detested voice honestly it made me a little angry. I tried wiggling out of his grasp he was huge for some reason wait? Boy? Why would he say that.

I then looked around more the whole room looked like a futuristic hospital room there was all kinds of weird gadgets and other alien like staff. However as I looked to my side I saw a women who reminded me a lot of a Saiyan! She was getting dressed in her armor not caring about any on lookers. She then turned around grabbing me from the alien. "We have to test his battle power." She said in a stern voice. Honestly this was a little to much to process. What was going on!? We all then went to this pod filled with water. I was placed inside. I had a breathing mask on as I floated in the water. I could still see and hear everything going on however.

"Kale we are ready to asses his battle power now." The purple alien told my now mother, I guess? She then looked on with little interest however her eyes grew wider as it seemed the number kept going. "IMPOSSIBLE A POWER LEVEL OF 10,000 AT BIRTH THIS THING MUST BE BUSTED CHECK IT AGAIN!" The purple alien said as they ran test again but each time they where still in disbelief. Even now I could feel it the power flowing through my body after adjusting to the tank I could feel it in my body. My mother then walked towards my pod with admiration now in her eyes placing her hand on the glass. "My little Broly you will be the most powerful warrior in the universe, I see it now. I'm going to tell his father." She then walked off. However I was still registering what she just said to me.

She called me Broly! No way she means THAT Broly the legendary super saiyan Broly?! It can't be my luck is just that good?! Wait not so good. Which Broly am I? There was two different versions and both don't end well for me. Especially now that she is going to tell Paragus my now new soon to be vengeful and power hungry father! I couldn't do much at this point however. So I closed my eyes falling asleep. After awhile I awoke to the screams of a baby. As I woke up groggily, I wasn't in the same tank like before, I was now in a small bed next to other babies. I saw across from me a baby with spiky untamed hair crying. IT HAD TO BE. It was Goku or Kakarot here.

Honestly his crying got annoying fast. Oh no. Im Dbz Broly for sure I can feel the anger. I may be in this body but the same feeling of chaotic power and anger bursts are there for sure. Just going through all this irritates me to no bounds. Just as I thought this I watched as a door slid open as a man walked in. He had a dark deep brown spiky mane of hair with a goate to match. IT WAS THE ORIGINAL KING VEGETA AND HE HAD A KNIFE IN HIS HAND. No no no no. He grabbed me by my leg holding me up as he plunged the knife into my stomach. It burned and the pain was unbearable as I screamed and cried.

He then took me and threw me into a garbage area. Throwing my half alive father in the waste area with me. I was in so much rage I felt my power boil. However as I was about to rage. I felt the power of a blast getting close as the planet collapsing in on it. DAMNIT I need to do something now! I grabbed my father as I instinctively created a barrier around us I flew with all my strength taking my father with me. I watched as my now home planet blew up in space. Half of me was enraged at the loss of my planet and my own mother was also gone now. I barely knew her, but deep down she was still my mother. I vowed a few things while hurling through space.

Frieza was going to pay by my hands! I will become the strongest warrior using my knowledge. I also won't just be a crazy monster I'll be better than my original self. This chaotic power will bend to my will and I will crush anyone who gets in my way. I AM BROLY THE STRONGEST WARRIOR TO EVER BE BORN! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... I really am losing it because of these instincts I really just inner monologued. I shrugged as I sat back slowly falling into slumber waiting to land on a planet. With no real direction for me to go. I floated aimlessly in my orb of green energy with my father.

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