Training and Rage

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It has been 5 years since the destruction of planet Vegeta. After the destruction I landed with my father on this distant planet. That my father wants to call new Vegeta. He wants to lure more of our people here in hope of getting his revenge. That's all he thinks about revenge this revenge that. I don't care much about it Planet Vegeta died and with it so did King Vegeta. I'm mad he stabbed me of course but that was going to happen no matter what I tried. It still angers me. I crush a rock under my strength making it crumble, but there is no point in worrying about what could be.

Over these last few years I've been training trying to get stronger. However my father just isn't strong enough to handle or push me to my limit. He obsesses over the Saiyans. It honestly is a problem I need to talk to him about. My progress has slowed to a halt I need to find new challenges that I can handle. I've been trying to control the chaotic power but the more I use it the more it used me. The power is to much for my body. That's why my plan is to go to earth it's the only way for me to get stronger and learn to control my power. On earth there is masters wise and old enough to teach me how to properly learn my powers.

My father Paragus thinks I'm a prodigy, I've already read all the online files left of how our people fought. Most of it was barbaric, but it helped me build a solid foundation to work on. I looked towards my father as he started pacing again probably thinking. I decided now is the time to ask him. "Father?" Paragus looked towards me still analyzing. "What is it Broly I'm busy right now?" "Father... I believe it's time we leave this planet already." Paragus looked at me shocked for a second and then uninterested. "No, Broly we can't leave now. My plans are slowly coming into form. Once I enslave the whole planet I'll-." "Father you won't do anything! King Vegeta died with Planet Vegeta! Your revenge plot is over! Even if the royal saiyan bloodline or other Saiyans in general where out there what are you going to do? Kill them and lower our once great race even MORE?!"

Paragus stepped back a little thrown off by my out burst. To be honest it scared me too. One thing I noticed about this new me is my instinct and impulses would come out a lot more than usual. I would get angry and annoyed easily and if I break I destroy anyone in my path, but he needs to hear this he is going insane with revenge. Paragus looked at me then falling to the ground. In a low voice he answers me. "Maybe your right Broly." He says in a low tone. I knew I would get through to him the moment I was able to talk I needed to keep trying. He needs to think rationally. He then gets up telling me he will begin making a aircraft to leave this planet. His eyes where shadowed I could tell this hurt his pride greatly. He then walked away attending to his new project.

3 months passed in a flash as the ship seemed to be finished. It looked just like the one from the movie as soldiers boarded the ship with our goods. "Father do you have a plan on where we will go?" He looked at me as he was looking over data on the ship. He looked down still after these 3 months he seems defeated. "I don't know Broly we could conquer planets again or maybe it's just time to settle down somewhere." I looked at him with indifference. However my face betrayed my thoughts. I knew this was perfect for my plans. "Father I suggest we head to this planet. I touched some buttons before showing him a planet. He looked over it saying it's name. "Earth? Why this planet? The life on the planet is lush but the gravity is extremely low and the inhabitants are weak and not as developed. It is a planet on the other side of the galaxy."

I then smiled slightly responding to him. "Father this planet is perfect Frieza is still alive and out there. However he would never go to this planet it's to far off the radar. It's also perfect because of the low power levels there, it will be no danger to us." He looked at me thinking it over. Before he nodded agreeing this planet will be useful for now. We then got ready for our journey he says from where we are now it will take us 7 years to get to earth so I should be patient and train, and I did train immediately finding a silent room I sat on the floor. Trying to concentrate I folded my legs and closed my eyes focusing on the energy in my body. It flowed so easily like a calm river. However the moment I tried to call on it the energy became chaotic becoming stronger. I tried to contain it but the power kept coming.

I stopped as I was sweating. I slammed my hand into the floor as it indented it. My rage was at a all time high as I was trying to cut the energy off. It was way to much for me, but this training was needed to understand it. It was then a soldier rushed in. "WHAT IS IT!" I said with clenched teeth and uncontrolled rage. The soldier jumped in fear. He then quickly reported that my father needed me immediately. I got up as my power fluctuated. I made it to the front deck as my father looked stressed he turned around noticing me. "Broly what happened to you!? No there is no time for this we are being chased by what appears to be a Frieza force ship they will mess with our plans if we don't do something! DAMNIT!" I looked at him as I could feel my power peaking. "I will take care of it Father." I said in a chaotic tone.

I then unconsciously opened the bay door. As my father yelled at me to stop. Everything started flying out soldiers and cargo. However I didn't care at all. I created a green barrier to protect myself from the vacuum of space. I then looked around as I saw the ship in the distance. "FoUnD YoU!" I said as I concentrated all my energy into my hand as a small green ball of Ki formed in my hand I then grabbed it condensing it more before laughing maniacally. "EARSER CANNON!" I yelled as I threw the green orb. It quickly swirled as it made contact with the ship exploding making a huge shockwave and illuminating everything in green before going back to normal. I then flew back into the ship landing and then falling unconscious. As the last thing I heard was my father calling my name.

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