The Crane School

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The next morning after waking up. I decided to train doing pushups and pull-ups with some other light exercises in the courtyard of the Red Ribbon Base. My father was watching me from a far assessing my battle power with a prototype scouter Dr.Gero managed to create with the help of my father. "Good Broly your power is increasing steadily." I knew that my power was almost at its limit again. I have all this power but my control is horrible. Its too chaotic and wild. If Im not careful I could break and destroy everything, and I dont want that. Just then I see a familiar face appear as me and my father turn to look at him.

Tao looked back unimpressed by my little work out. "Come boy my brother has decided to take you in after some consideration you will now be training at the prestigious Crane School." My father nodded his head then looked towards me. "Go Broly this may give you a chance to experience new battles and techniques making you stronger." I looked at my father for a minute before deciding to go with Tao. I wanted to train under the turtle school. However the Crane School no matter how evil and cruel it can be is still just as strong and on par with the crane school.

As we left Tao decided to start speaking to me as we traveled through the forest on the tree branches. "Listen boy, do not embarrass me I recommended you personally so my brother will be expecting something special from you. There is many other students that are apart of the Crane School. They are all ambitious and will break you any chance they can if it means they get to be on top." As he told me this I looked at him with annoyance. The fact that he believes anyone can be above me in strength irritated me greatly. "I will simply crush them if they try." Tao smiled before we kept moving.

After a few hours we finally made it to a giant wooden gate in-front of a temple compound. With the Crane School symbol on it. Tao then looked at me saying "This is where you will train for the next few months. This is also where we will part ways I will be back at some point." With out another word he then disappeared leaving me there as I turned around back to the gate. However the gates immediately started to open as a man in a green and yellow outfit stepped out with a crane styles hat on. "I am your new master boy. You may call me Master Shen now come in I will show you too your room and give you your new clothes." I nodded my head as I followed him into the compound.

On the inside where multiple buildings and many students just as Tao said. None of them scared me I was more interested. Seeing as in the anime they never really showed much of the Crane School. As we walked through a courtyard I noticed a boy with 3 eyes talking with another boy that looked like a small clown. There was also a girl with green hair in two buns. The first two I could tell was Tien and Chiaotzu. The third girl however Ive never seen before. I thought maybe she was just some random student who didn't make it, however something about her felt similar to me. I put the thought in the back of my head for now.

"This is where you will be staying boy." I was taken out of my thoughts as Shen showed me my room. It wasnt anything crazy however. There was just a small space with a bed and drawer. There was some green and red clothes on the dresser. "Those are your gi you will where them with pride. We will begin training tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn I expect you to be ready and well prepared." With that Shen left me with my new clothes. I picked it up it wasnt something I would exactly where but I managed. I put the shirt as the bottom cloth like my original red one. It was just green now with red outlining and the symbol of the crane school was now on the front of the middle cloth. I still had my usual jewelry on as I walked outside to look around more.

Just as I made it outside I was stopped by some kids. "Woah your pretty tall, Ive never seen you around here, are you new?" One of the kids said. I looked at him with my same somber expression deciding to ignore him. "HEY YOU DEAF OR SOMETHING! You must be new because clearly you don't understand who your talking to right now. I am Rai the number one student right now and your senior in this school. All you newbies need to learn to take orders from your seniors and respect us." I started to get annoyed as I clenched my first getting visibly angry. "Ha what are you gonna do? If you want a fight how about a friendly spar?" His other followers started to back him up as they walked up behind him cracking there knuckles.

"You think you will win just because your taller or something your way out of your league here new kid." One of the goons said. I decided maybe beating them was the right option as I got in my own attack form. I bolted towards one in the back punching him as his body went flying towards two other kids. "GET HIM!" One of the screamed as the bunch of them started attacking me. I dodged a kick as I jabbed at his face blood spurting out of his nose. I turned around before kicking another one knocking down two more in the way. The kids started getting scared as I was mowing through all of them. Rai then launched towards me hitting me dead in my chest I however smiled at him. "Is that the best you can do? MY TURN!" I then slammed Rai straight into the floor knocking him out cold.

"You see this. It doesn't matter how long you have been here. Its simple Im stronger and you lot are all weaklings compared to me." I said with confidence. The kids started dispersing running away scared. They where all cowards it seemed it doesn't matter to me anyway. If this school is cruel and has no mercy then I will show the same. I walked back inside as I closed the door behind me. Up in the trees a man was looking down. "You where right brother his strength and ruthlessness is perfect for this school. I will train him well." Tao then appeared from the shadows. "I noticed how strong he was from our little battle he is exceptional he will make a fine student indeed his instincts guide him correctly." "Tomorrow will be his true test however."

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