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The 7 year wait was repetitive to say the least. After my outburst of power and rage. My Father put me in a healing pod. My body was badly damaged muscles pushed to their limits as was my mind. However I was able to recover becoming even more powerful than before. Over the years my father changed. He started gifting me more items. He even gave me the original clothes and jewelry that Broly had. Paragus sees me as a phropecy child. Which I didn't want at first, but it's too late now. Hopefully he doesn't start to see me as a threat and try to control me. Other than that new change everything else stayed the same. I decided to do light exercises and focus more on my knowledge than strength for these last 7 years. A strong body is good but mind and body is perfect.

Just as I was reading a old Frieza log my father called me to the front deck of the ship. As I got there he showed me that we where finally at Earth. I smiled I can now go with my original plans. Soon I will be able to not worry about my power. However it seems my luck is horrible as red lights started flashing. The ship with no crew now, because they all died, most because of my first rage fit, but the rest died because with little recourses we couldn't feed everyone. Especially with two Saiyans on board so my Father killed the rest to preserve food rations. However that was clearly a mistake seeing as the ship was in auto pilot making a crash landing randomly on earth. We braced as the ship made it through the hemisphere making contact fast with the ground.

I woke up groggily as the ship was now sideways I made my way towards the hatch that was open my father was probably outside scanning the situation. Right when I made it outside I saw something that I knew was gonna give me a bigger headache. My father was in a standoff against a whole army of humans. I didn't want to start a whole war against the humans right now, but I instantly noticed something that made me stop in my tracks. The soldiers they all had a red patch on their shoulders. It had two Rs on it! This was the Red Ribbon Army we crashed right next to the main base! Your kidding me?! "Who are you guys and what's that device behind you?" One of the soldiers asked.

I was about to turn around and blow the ship to smithereens. Technology like that this far back in the past might make Red Ribbon Army way to strong. My father quickly grabbed my arm though telling me to calm down and to trust him he had a plan. I looked at him oddly before powering down. My Father then walked up to them with a grand gesture. He was always the acting type of person in my opinion. "Hello Lifeforms of this planet, please we come here to aid you all." The soldiers looked at each other confused for a second. "General what do we do?" It was then a man very familiar to me came from behind, his blond hair and blue eyes being his most noticeable traits. General Blue himself stepped up. "I'll be the decider of that what exactly can you do to help us and why?" He said skeptically narrowing his eyes.

My Father then continued his plans. "The technology we have on that ship can aid you all greatly making your race finally evolve even further. Me and my son here are aliens from a different far off planet we ask for refuge and wish to make a deal with your leader." I looked at my father oddly the fact that he was trying to make a connection with the Red Ribbon Army was not sitting well with me. However to be honest I don't wanna change to much of what happens currently in this timeline. Otherwise all the knowledge I have will go out the window. "Fine then both of you follow me." I was then called back from my thoughts as we now had to follow General Blue. This will probably not be good, well it's to late now I'll just have to make sure not too much changes, maybe I can make Goku stronger as well to balance this out.

We walked down a long corridor after being led through a military style base. Honestly most of the Red Ribbon Army reminded me of the Army back in my original world. As we got to the end there was two big doors they opened up as we saw a man with Red slicked back hair and a eyepatch wearing a buisness suit. This was Commander Red leader and creater of the Red Ribbon Army. Next to him was two people on one side a tall man wearing a black suit on the other side seemed to be a old man wearing a lab coat. I recognized both of them as Officer Black and Dr.Gero? This is a interesting development. "Commander Red these two are here to introduce themselves and offer to help the Red Ribbon Army." General Blue reported.

Red looked at both of us as he lit his cigar in his mouth blowing out. "And who exactly are you two?" My father quickly stepped up. "I will make this short I am named Paragus and me and my son Broly here are aliens from a now dead planet. We landed here and ask for a home. In return we will help you achieve your dreams we are a strong warrior race and we're originally hired to conquer planets. To sweeten the deal we also have a crashed ship made of high tech alien technology that can help greatly." I noticed Dr.Gero almost fall over from that information dump. It seems we got one person interested at least. Commander Red looked towards Blue almost trying to confirm this information as Blue nodded his head yes at the situation.

"Well then we are a open race of people. I will take your offer and expect great things with you Paragus our leading scientist Dr.Gero will be delighted to hear more from you. We will prepare a space for you here. Welcome to the Red Ribbon Army. I expect great things from you and your young son." My father nodded his head as we left his office. He then talked to me briefly. "I know that look Broly don't worry. My plan is perfect we won't take this world over because this Army will do it for us. When they least expect it we will kill them and take it all for ourselves." I looked at him for a second before nodding my head. I knew this probably wouldn't work out well especially with Goku. I have a plan of my own anyway I'll infiltrate their ranks and make sure everything continues as it should be even if I have to kill to do it. Then when all this blows over I'll finally be able to learn to control my power here. I clenched my fist with this new found goal and determination.

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