Chapter 50

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3rd POV

As the tired doctors exit the room to tell everyone the news on Nyx and River they look devastated. They're drenched in blood, their blood. Everyone rushing up to them asking left and right 'Are they okay?' 'Will they make it?' 'How bad is it?' 'When can we see them?'  The Spanish gaurds intervene and yell "STOP! Give them a moment to breathe then they'll fucking explain!" Everyone shut up and stood waiting to hear the news.

Nyx doctor spoke first nervous and scared on the outcome.  "Donna, she lost too much blood. Her injuries were very, very fucking complicated. Her lung collapsed. Kept filling up with blood. She was choking on her own blood. She coded twice." Taking a deep shaky breathe "As of now she'll be on a ventilator. We also put her in medically induced coma to give her time to heal."  Rivers doctor speaks up. " 2nd in Command  River, his injuries were just as bad. He flat lined once though, didn't lose as much blood as Donna." Rubbing his hands over his face taking a deep breath. "Just like Donna he needs to be in medically induced coma and is on a ventilator. The first 24 hours are extremely crucial." Everyone standing their shocked, scared, nervous not knowing what to expect. Then they heard the monitors going off and both doctors says "FUCK!" at the same time rushing into the room.

When the doctors go to see what is going on. They're crashing again, but instead of just one at a time it's both. They're both fading. They needed more blood and fluids for both of them. They need to fight. They start to do compressions till they're back. Donna starts to seize, so much fucking stress on her body and not enough oxygen getting to her brain. They let her ride it out till its over. They finally got both of them back to normal. Somewhat stable. Lets see what the future holds.

A month in a half passes by, the healing is fantastic. Only concern with the doctors is the longer they're out the less likely they're to wake up. They were taken out of induced coma a few weeks, along with the ventilator. They're showing small signs of coming back but not much. The doctor starts walking out of the room but before he gets out hears coughing. Turning around and sees River, awake. Wide eyed he rushes to him and gives him water. Shortly after he got his water he just passed out. Still exhausted but that was the closest thing to him healing. But, what about Donna?

A few more days pass by the doctors have been keeping an eye on River. He's been up and down but hasn't spoken a word. As They're checking over River they hear groaning with a mix of coughing. They snap their heads almost getting whiplash seeing Donna awake. Her doctor comes over to her to give her water. She drinks it in seconds. Laying back down to sleep.

A few more days pass, River has been getting regular sleep. Still hasn't gotten out of bed unless it was for the restroom. Doctors are still treating him like a child and giving him bed baths. Nyx has been up and down, she's slowly starting to get her sleep correct too. She refuses to allow her family in until she can get enough rest and doesn't get tired as fast. So far she's only nodded at the doctors but speaks to River.

How will the family react?....


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