Chapter 40

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3 Months Later.....

Honestly if I could've seen the future and known it was going to land me here I would have. I've slowly let my walls down, not exactly sure if thats safe for me or not. They're still high but we'll figure it out. Next we have my Mafia, thats been great. Knock on wood Greeks haven't made an attempt on us. Guess they're still trying to figure shit out. Officially have everyone all but 902 members left to fully train. They're doing pretty decent in combat training. River, his ass is stuck so far up my ass I swear everyone thinks we're married. But he's good. Something has shifted in our relationship though. My love life aint got one. The Russian, I got a good dicking one day. Not sure if I'd call that a love life, just loved that chase. He thought he'd tap it twice but fuck no. Now for the heirs, they've been doing pretty good. Successfully following orders as I commanded. I did get in touch with the new leaders as everyone thinks. As long as the heirs keep up the good work they'll get their Mafia back. If they fail, they'll never get it back.

Today is a day with just me and River. A day of relaxing. We've always made it like this. To keep the tradition up, 2 days a week. It's a must. No matter how busy we are we push through if not, we keep our tradition. Today we're going to the beach. Our favorite place ever, so fucking heavenly only place we ever feel at peace. "Dad, me and River are going to the beach. NO nobody else can come. Its a tradition me and him have." I explain. Time to go meet my River. Getting out of the car I see my River chilling on the hood of his car trying to look cool. Dork. "RIVER!" He just fell on his damn ass, but damn he's looking good.

Walking the beach is the best part

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Walking the beach is the best part. Feeling the water on your toes. Sometimes piggyback rides, like now. River loves giving me them. "Am I too fat for this?" I whimper out "Never your the most built and beautiful woman I know." He says sitting me down kissing me on my temple. "You know River, I wouldn't know what I'd do without you. You're truly my heart and soul." I explain layin my head on his lap, playing with my hair. "As you are mine, forever." Somethings changed with us, I dont know what but something. I'm scared for it too. I've always ever seen him as a brother, but I never knew things could have shifted. We've both been differently looking at eachother. Well maybe that's just me, he's aways looked at me with the sense of love. Its breathtaking. I start to doze off and I hear him whisper "I'm in love with you." And I curl deeper into him while he lays back.

Waking up its cold. Its dark. I dont feel him. My ankle it changed and my hands are bound. "Where's River? I need River!" I scream for the first time weakly in years. Hearing a grunt and more chains moving "I'm here love." In a groggy voice. I relax then get straight to the point. Not even worried about our situation. "River, I herd you earlier." And he stiffen and looks at me. "Why didn't you tell me?" He looks defeated "Because you and Ivan and I dont want to just be a quick fuck. I want us to last, last forever. Not just a fucking fling like both of us do. We've been through it all. I want you by my side till I die." He exhales likes its been weighing him down forever. "Riv, I fucked him 1 time. He's still after the chase I'm not after him. I stopped right after that. Especially after...." I just shut up then curiosity got the best of him. "After what Nyx? What?" He keeps asking "After I started seeing you more than a damn brother. More than my 2nd in command. More than us being the iconic fucking duo. More than just being a killing buddy. More than quick fuck. I saw you in my fucking future. You've been their for everything I mean everything as I am with you for fuck sake." I whisper with my heart starting to feel relieved cause I finally got it off my shoulders.

Then the door bust open and I see ......

Who do you thing kidnapped them?....

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