Chapter 56

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I figured some bullshit like this would happen. What kind of father is he? He just shot me, yes I was about to shoot my grandfather but he killed my gaurds. Thats my family, sure its just 3 but still. They don't know what kind of shit they just pulled. Especially infront of the entire underworld, they won't be too pleased.

Opening my eyes I groan and start trying to sit up. "Riv- River I need water." I say with a scratchy voice. He jumps up and rushes around to get me water. He's looking like a sexy snack damn that ass. I look at him and his eyes are red, he's been crying. "Love, will you lay here with me?" His eyes go wide "Sweetheart, you just got out of surgery." Then I just pull him to the bed and snuggle into his chest. "It was just my stomach nothing I couldn't handle." He kisses me softly and rest his head ontop of mine. Fuck I wish I could stay here forever. ''Where are they?" And he stiffens up "They followed us here. Have been begging to see you." I nod "Go get them, I want to see their faces." He nods.

They slowly walk in looking at her with regret. "Why are you still here?" I spit out venomously, They all stiffen "Because we're family and were sorry." I looked at him scoff and laughed "Family doesn't shoot family. I was going to shoot grandpa in the arm one time as a punishment for killing my men. Then you my sperm doner decided upon yourself to jump to conclusions and shoot me, three fucking times might I add." Sperm doner talks "I was protecting my family." I roll my eyes and scoff "So what am I then Chop fucking liver? I guessed that one right. My own brothers proved we're not family." Marco speaks up "Twinny I truly am sorry for what I called you. I didn't know how bad you were fucked up and plus I've never seen torture to that extent." I look at his teary eyes "You know twinny I understand that. I will never hate you but I don't trust you. Especially after being shot by sperm doner over there." Pointing my finger at him, Luca talks "Will you give us another chance to redeem ourselves?" I laugh "Seriously think I'd move back to Italy with you guys? If I even do I won't live with you. IF I do my brothers can visit, sperm doner and sperm doner father you fucked up maybe you'll learn from your mistakes."

They seemed happy about me even thinking about it. But forgive and forget is what they say right? Well if I do forgive, which will take a long ass time and first forgiveness I've ever given in all my life. But I will never forget. I've wondered why the Bulgarian Ex-Don has been protective over me. Their has to be something behind it, I'm just not entirely sure. They all exit the room, I think its time to have a chat with the Bulgarian Ex-Don.

As he enters slowly with very worried face he's by my bedside. "You wanted to see me Donna?" Gently speaking "Yes Ex-Don, I'm grateful for your help. But why are you helping me so much?" He stiffens almost like he was caught "It goes back 20 years ago." I tilt my head in confusion. "Your mother and me, we were very close. Not in a friendship kinda way. We had a few intimate moments. Then she fell pregnant. I was so ecstatic to have another child. Then she told me about Rocco how they were still intimate and all. So the child technically could have been his. Then she said it was twins. Because they run in my family. So jumping to conclusions that you and Marco are mine I was even more ecstatic. Until Marco came out looking just like your Rocco. Then you came, so beautiful as a baby. Yes you look like your brothers but they're your half brothers. Your known as a heteropaternal superfecundation twin." I'm so fucking confused "What the fuck is that? I'm smart but please explain a bit more." He takes a shaky breath "Your not Rocco child. Your mine. They should have done a DNA test while you were in custody at jail but they just went with the fact you were missing." I look at him and whisper "So your my father?" He nods "The Ricci family, I'm not related to them?" He takes a deep breath "You are just not full blooded." This is alot to process. My mind is haywire.

After hours of a conversation with my new found father I came to conclusion to tell the Ricci family. I'm honestly not so sure how they'll take it especially Marco. I kinda hope he still considers me as his twin just different fathers. Even though were on the outs still. This is exhausting to say the least.

How will the Ricci family take it?...

Andrel Krum
Bulgarian Ex-Don

Andrel KrumBulgarian Ex-Don6'645

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