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2 months later

"Daddy's gonna buy you a Mockingbird I'm gon' give you the world Imma buy a diamond ring for you I'ma sing for you I'll do anything for you to see you smile."I softly sang to Aymaree as I put her shoes on her tiny feet.

She babbled staring at me with her cute self.

"We are going to see daddy today"I picked her up and went downstairs, Ian was having breakfast with Emma.

Denver's mother had convinced me to move in with them until Denver woke up.

I went into the living room, Duncan was sitting on the couch with his girlfriend.

"Morning."I smiled sitting down.

"Oh my gosh she's literally so cute"Lisa, Duncan's girlfriend said picking up Aymaree "how old is she?"

"She's 3 months old."

"I have baby fever I love kids, she looks just like you."she chuckled passing her to Duncan.

"How did you sleep?"Duncan asked as he slightly bounced her up and down.

"We slept okay, I mean I can't really complain I just have to suck it up and expect the best."

"You can pull through it though."he assured me.

I got up and took Aymaree "I just came to say goodmorning, we are going to the hospital."

"Safe trip alright? We'll follow you okay"he asked and I nodded.

"Are you going somewhere?"Denver's mother asked walking towards me and Aymaree.

"Yeah we are going to see her father, I'm taking her with me, I want him to be near her even when he can't really hold her."I explained picking up the car keys.

"No let Jason drive you."she said waving Jason over, I sighed and looked out the window not wanting to argue with her.

"Jayson will drive you and we'll be right behind you, we all want to see him."she said as I nodded "okay mother, meet you there."

Jason drove us to the hospital, I took Aymaree to his room and we sat down then placed her on my lap.

"Hey"I held his hand "I brought our daughter, it's been two months I thought she might want to see you."

Aymaree was so fidgety just moving around too much making me sigh.

"She's very excited to see you, we miss you a lot, and I just hope that you'll wake up and we'll have a real marriage this time, we'll go clubbing, we'll travel and we'll just have so much fun we're so young I can't lose you just yet, I love you, I can't wait for the day you wake up."I smiled while playing with Aymaree's hand.

"Are you hungry?"I asked her, I began speaking to her as if she could talk because I felt so lonely and I didn't wanna be around anyone but Aymaree.

She stared at me making me chuckle "I know you can't talk but you have to learn soon enough."I said "Don't you wanna make daddy proud? He's asleep right now but maybe he can hear us."

I sighed and sat back, I decided to face time Vani, she answered by the third ring.

"Heyyy"she smiled cheerfully.

"Hi"I gave her a small smile "how's everyone?"

"Everyone is good, dad still ain't come back and Malakye was to see you and Ayma."

"Tell Malakye I miss him too and I can't wait to see him too, I just needed to check up on you"

"Antonio said he sends his condolences."she said making me laugh.

"Denver ain't dead he's well alive, tell him I said he should go fall in a ditch."

"He can hear you"she said turning the phone to Antonio "wassup mama?"

"Hi ant."

"I really hope he gon' be okay you know being a single mama ain't no joke and nobody wants to be a widow at only 20."he said making me roll my eyes.

"I turn 21 on Christmas eve and that's next week and no I won't be a widow dumbass."I shook my head as Aymaree got in the camera.

"But for real though I don't like yo ass but I do wish you the best."he said then Vani turned the camera back to herself.

"What's going on with him? I thought he didn't like me."I shook my head.

"I don't know, Antonio has been here with us since dad left....he's becoming family so y'all might as well get along."Vani said as I felt Denver's hand move.

"Wait, I'll have to call you right back."I said then I hung up and didn't wait for her response.

"Denver?"I asked "can you hear me?"

He's pupils began to move and his eyes slowly opened. He looked at me, seeming very confused.

"You awake"I sat putting Aymaree on the chair and hugged him tightly.

"Why aren't you talking?"I asked him "you're probably still in shock, let me tell your mom and your brothers and sisters."I picked Aymaree up and went into the waiting area, the doctor immediately came towards me.

"Mrs Riven there's something I need to tell you-"

"He's awake"I smiled at the doctor.

She went into the room, Denver's mother and his siblings followed the doctor into the room.

I went back inside "Doctor why does he look so confused?"I asked carrying the baby on my hip.

"My boy, I'm very happy you're awake..I'm so grateful, oh my son"his mom hugged him.

"Hey mom."

I was confused he spoke to her but not me, he didn't even acknowledge his daughter.

"Who are you?"he asked making my heart drop to my ass "who's that baby you got there?"

"It's me, your wife and this"I held Ayma up "this is your daughter." I said not understanding what was going on.

"Wife? Daughter? I don't have a wife or a daughter."he shook his head sitting up "oh fuck my head hurts like shit, why am I here what happened to me?"

"Denver what are you talking about."Olivia asked just as confused.

"I don't know her."

The doctor sighed and turned to me "I've been meaning to tell you, his tests came back, he's been diagnosed with Transient global amnesia, this is temporary amnesia, he can't remember recent the events of his life so as of right now...he does not know you"the doctor said.

I felt my heart break into a billion pieces"what do you mean he does not remember me, I'm his wife."

"It's not about who you are to him it's about how recent you met him, he can't remember the last few months of his life but don't panic eventually he'll remember."she explained.

"How long will it take for him to regain his full memory?"His mother asked.

"Weeks or even months but eventually he'll remember everything but for now....he doesn't remember having a wife or even having a child it's like you guys never existed"

The end

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