Chapter 4 - How Do We Get In?

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Days go by. I can tell my situation has Komaeda's interest. However he is yet to speak with me on the matter. Illogical, perhaps I'll approach him myself.

I stalk the hallways, in search of the classroom Komaeda was currently occupying. Perhaps I should learn his schedule. It would aid me in finding him sooner. Each class looks the same, save for the room number just outside the door.

Soon enough, I find myself within Nagito's class. He was sitting in the back, as usual. It appears he was zoning out again. I might as well do his work for him. If luck is on my side, this should not be an issue. Regardless, I still keep an eye out.

The paper is filled out in a few minutes, and Nagito has yet to notice. It took me momentarily longer than usual. Copying his penmanship was more difficult than it seems. Childish, though I suppose it makes sense. My own could be seen as bizarre as well. Oft compared to a printer.

"Nagito." I call out, to a still zoned out boy. Although I cannot guarantee he will hear me, it was still somewhat... Inconvenient. Deciding he is too far in his half-conscious state to notice my presence as is, I take his pencil and flick it against his cheek. That seems to have done the trick.

"Are you quite finished daydreaming?" I tilt my head, as Nagito startled up on seeing me. As much as I'd prefer not to admit, I am around him most every day now. I'd have thought he would be used to this now. Perhaps he is displeased by my being here. I had not considered it.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I got a little carried away. Huh, when did I finish this worksheet?" Luckily the class wasn't exactly a quiet one, so Nagito speaking to me only looked moderately unusual. The... Admittedly taller boy scanned his paper before I spoke up again.

"You didn't. I was unsure if you'd come to by the bell, so I did it for you." Nagito looked a bit surprised, before his expression smoothed over. It is evident that he wanted to chastise me for doing his work for him again. However he was the one daydreaming. I can tutor him if he wishes to catch up. For what reason? I am unsure. The prospect sounds utterly boring.

"Well, thank you. Actually, can I ask you a question, since we have time?" The boy leaned his head against his propped up fist, as I resign to this undoubtedly dull train of conversation. I give a simple nod, for Nagito to continue.

"Well, what can you do? Since you're all... Incorporeal, you have to have something interesting you're capable of beyond floating through walls." This question makes me think. I never really tested anything. Simply put, I didn't know what to test. Well, except for...

"I am capable of haunting certain things. Typically smaller, inanimate objects. Such as small locked boxes, mirrors, and printers." I briefly summarize. In truth, most haunting is quite boring. You can only make someone's reflection look frightening, or a printer only be able to create an unsettling message so much until it becomes dry.

"Oh, huh. Wait, can you haunt something like a phone?" Nagito's hand hovers over his pocket. It appears he wants a demonstration. Very well, I don't see why not.

"Indeed. Allow me to show you." Nagito hastily takes out his phone, as I walk behind him. I am unable to see what haunting looks like. I would not wish to potentially traumatize the boy if it is something unpleasant.

Haunting the devise, it powers on automatically. It appears that I can only see what is on the screen. How irritating. I navigate to a 'notes' application, and use the keyboard to communicate further.

'As you can see, I have taken control of the device. You can still use it as you wish to, however.' The words appear on the screen quite quickly. Using the keyboard was... Strange, like this. I think momentarily before adding on to the message. 'Id be able to see if the camera was on, however.'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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