Chapter 6: Sabatoging a Walker

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The Star Destroyers were massive. They greatly reminded Cal of the Venators back in the Clone Wars. They lacked the red color of course.

"Whoah." Cal said, looking nervously at Greez, "Tell me we're not running that blockade."

"Oh only as a last resort." said Cere, partly laughing, "I've rigged the Mantis' transparent to transmit Imperial signals. Hey, Greez. "

"Yeah." replied the Latero.

"Keep your power signature low and act like we belong."

"Just like Bracca, no sweat."

Greez then pressed a few buttons. He then raised his upper right arm. Cal mistaken it for a high five. He did it. Greez then looked at him as if he had no idea why he gave him that.

"I don't need another set of hands." he said, looking annoyed, "Just please keep your eyes on the scanner. Please?"

"Alright, alright." replied Cal, turning his head to the scanner.


The Stinger Mantis flew below one Star Destroyer. They moved as slowly as they could. Cal kept looking at the scanner. Nothing. They're fine right now.

"I don't see anything." Cal said.

"They're preoccupied with something on the ground..." Cere said, "...we're clear."

The Stinger Mantis then flew downwards. The crew could see two of Kashyyyk's moons. Soon, they entered the planet's atmosphere. Two Stormtroopers in a tree-house-like fortress looked as the ship arrived. One of them activated his comm. Soon, the crew could see smoke coming out of factories. The smog made Cal concerned. He didn't know that the Empire was doing this much.

"That doesn't look good." Cal said, his eyes widening as they were taken away from the scanner.

"The Empire is devouring Kashyyyk for its natural resources." Cere said in disgust as Cal looked over his shoulder, "Wookiees have been enslaved...or displaced."

Soon, the Stinger Mantis could see the wroshy tree. Mountains surrounded it. It was high above many clouds. Suddenly, a TIE fighter swooped down. The cockpit shook from the winds being created by its speed. Soon, another ship followed it. Green lasers fired, destroying the TIE fighter really quick.

"That was a close one, kid!" Greez shouted, "Aren't you supposed to be watching the monitors?"

"Guerrilla fighters!" Cal said, "Wookiees and off-worlders ambushing an Imperial convoy."

"Walkers approaching their position." Cere said.

"Tarfful could be with them."

"Tarfful could be anywhere!" Greez complained, "Like deep in the ground, like we're gonna be if we get caught in the battle down there."

"We don't have any other options, and...and they'll die without our help."

Greez and Cere looked at each other then back at Cal. They can both tell that he was dead serious.

"So what's your plan?" asked Cere.

"Sabotage." Cal answered, getting up from his seat and heading toward the door of the Stinger Mantis, "We used to scrap walkers on Bracca. I'll just jack one."

"Ha! Get a load of the kid." Greez laughed, "He thinks we're back in the Clone Wars!"

"Captain," said Cere with a smile on her face, "get us near those walkers."

Greez's laughing stopped. Cal and Cere proceeded to the door.

"Wait, what?" he asked.

"Listen." Cere said as Cal opened the door, "Those walkers double as troop transports so once you get careful."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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