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Back at Company A, as the group takes a break on preparations, Cap. Toad and Crump wait for the scouting team; well, more like impatiently trying to contact them.

Cap. Toad: Crump, where's the Professor's scouting team? Shouldn't they respond to us at this point?

Crump: It's probably because of the electromagnetic waves around here, Captain.

Cap. Toad: Maybe, but the reception area is 5 kilometers, remember?

Crump: Yeah, but it also could be atmospheric changes. Plus, there's been reports of geomagnetic storms.

Cap. Toad: Yeah, but we're still connected with E. Gadd's investigation team. Something's not right!

As the two try to contact them, something begins heading towards the camp, holding the dead body of a crew member. It runs to it at high speed as it eats the body on its mouth. Two crew members hear the running noise coming from this unknown animal.

Crew member 1: Hey, what's that?

Crew member 2: You think it's the scouting team?

The creature then bursts through the trees, taking one of the crew members and mauling him. It looked like a dragon, and had multiple small red bug like eyes. It's body color resembled the trees, and it's back had small dorsal plates that looked like spikes. It's tail also had spikes on the tip.

As it kills the other crew mate, it mauls on the one it caught, but is then shot down after multiple crew mates shoot at them, it's body making metal noises as it's shot and killed

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As it kills the other crew mate, it mauls on the one it caught, but is then shot down after multiple crew mates shoot at them, it's body making metal noises as it's shot and killed. However, it had company. Another one appeared from the sky, killing three of them, before calling in more of its kind. The creatures begin to swarm around Company A, eating and mauling or crushing multiple crew mates, while also fighting some Power Suits. One rams itself at a landing ship's engine, deactivating the ship completely. So many of them begin to destroy the landing ships and fighting the armed forces as they try to shoot some of them down from the sky.

Suddenly, the alarm in Cap. Toad and Crump's base sets off.

Crump: What the hell is going on out there?!

Cap. Toad: Go check on it!

Before Crump could get the chance, one of the creatures burst in with its head. The creature bites on one of the X-Nauts, trying to eat it.

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