✒️20 : Two Alices?

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"You... "

I turned to a hunched Alice.


She pushed herself off the ground and glared at me.

"You do not deserve to walk with angels!"
Like a tiger she lunged at me.    She couldn't reach me since a Katana like sword was plunged into her back.    She fell back into the arms of another Alice.    Am I missing something here?    Multiple Borises,  multiple Alices,  what's going on here?

I was lost in thought and didn't pay attention when the second Alice started to try and get my attention.    She snapped me out of my reverie as she waved a hand in front of my field of view.

"Hey,  are you ok?"

I finally looked at her,  she was definitely prettier than the other Alice.

"Oh,  I'm sorry.   Yeah I'm ok,  I'm just sad that she tortured a Boris I knew."
"I'm so sorry,  she was cruel I can agree on that.   What's your name if you don't mind me asking?"    "Oh,  right.    I'm Y/n."
She nodded,   "People call me Alice,  I'm not really fond of the name though."

She turned and saw the big letters on the wall saying "I am coming".     " What in the world wrote that?"     I nervously chucked,  "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"Try me,  I've seen some crazy stuff."
I rubbed my hands together,  thinking of a way to say this correctly.    I'll just opt for the blunt truth.

"The Ink Demon."

"WHAT?!  Are you insane staying here?!"
"Weeellll,  he already left."
"And you're still alive?!   How is that possible?   He kills on sight!"   I bit my lip and looked at the words on the wall.

"He likes me."

She looked at me like I was asking for death.   "Are you insane?"   I shook my head.
She sighed,  "Anyway I need to get going.  Just be safe ok?"   "Will do,  see you later?"
"Yeah,  I'd like that."  Alice then turned and left into the shadows.

Where do I go from here?  

Well I can always go back to that restaurant.    Yeah,  I'll do that.

Ink     Bendy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now