Chapter Eighteen

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Magnolia noticed a few faces as they walked into the room. Giovanni was standing in the center of the room with Addeline, to the right of her was Angela, Brooklyn, and Jarred. Two people were sitting on the couch, she recognized the man on the couch as the man who showed up at Benjamin's house. But the woman was a mystery. As they walked in everyone turned to look in their direction, most of them had empathy splayed across their face. Jealously flashed in Angela's eyes then no sooner than it appeared, she covered it up. Benjamin's arm tightened around her waist, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

"Are you feeling better?" Giovanni asked.

"Yes, thank you." She assured him.

Giovanni cleared his throat. "Now that everyone is here, there's a couple of things we need to discuss. You all should know by now Magnolia will be staying with us, you all will make her feel welcome here. We've recently became aware her life may be in danger. The only things we know for sure are the Gallentine's have been following her and she's a flare vampire."

"Flare's haven't been around since 1919," Jarred said.

"There has only been one that we know of," Addeline simply stated.

"Beyond her being with Benjamin, it's of importance that we learn everything we can about her to keep her safe. We want to be on the right side of history, protecting our kind," Giovanni stated.

Everyone talking about her rather than with her made her more anxious than she already was.

Brooklyn turned her attention to them. "Benjamin didn't want to be part of our clan until he needed our help, why should we risk our lives for someone –"

"Enough," Giovanni shouted, and the room fell silent.

Benjamin's arms flexed and his jaw tightened.

"I will not say it again. Benjamin is part of our family, by extension that makes Magnolia our family."

Magnolia glanced toward Giovanni, catching Brooklyn's penetrating stare.

Addeline stepped forward and briefly squeezed Brooklyn's hand before walking over to Benjamin. "We obviously want everyone on the same page, and we don't want anyone to be upset about them being here. We have always been a safe house for anyone in need, that isn't going to change. With that being said, we won't force anyone to do anything they don't want too."

Giovanni sighed. "With the Gallentine's being involved it's a big ask, going up against them comes with ample amount of risk." He glanced to Addeline, and she nodded. "For this situation alone, if you want to leave the clan we won't stop you. There won't be a requirement to find a replacement, you can leave on your own volition."

It was obvious how rare the opportunity Giovanni offered was, everyone shifted and appeared to be pondering. Magnolia knew the turmoil she was causing them, if she had any other option, she would've taken it. The last thing she wanted was to separate any members from the clan.

Marcus spoke first. "The Genovo clan has saved my life more times than I care to admit, I'll most certainly pay my dues and protect Magnolia and Benjamin." He flashed a smile their way.

"Obviously, if Marcus is in then so am I." The girl sitting beside Marcus announced, then leaned into him. "I'm eager to get to know you, Magnolia. I'm Rosemary."

"Me, too." Magnolia responded with a smile.

"We need time to think it over," Brooklyn said.

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