Chapter 1

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     You sat on a bar stool, and you zoned out staring at the wooden counter top. Tracing your fingers across the wooden surface, you sigh, today was a rough day for you.
     Your eyes close and you're sucked into your thoughts. The bartender, Odelia, looked in your direction and sighed, she walks towards you with a glass and stops to fill it with liquor. She places it down in front of you and says, "Hard day..?" You hardly ever come here unless something bad happened. Odelia placed her elbows on the counter top, "Do you want to talk about it, Babe?"
     You look up at her beautiful ebony face, you scanned her appearance for today, her hazel eyes, her pale birthmarks trailing across her face, her acrylic coffin earrings, the rainbow tanktop with a dark blue jacket, her afro, and her holey Jean shorts. You sighed, "It was another fight with Angela...," You frowned lopsidedly and picked up the drink Odelia gave you, you placed the glass against your lips and you sipped your drink.
     Odelia turned to go help another costumer as you place your forehead on the counter.
     "One order of fries and a cup of coffee...," said a smooth tenor voice. Odelia wrote it down and clipping it on the chef's order line. Your head remained on the counter, and the man didn't speak for a while.

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     Odelia returns with his order and placed it in front of him, "Enjoy your order, luv." He makes a small noise in response, then you hear him start munching on his fries.
     Odelia walks over to you in her heels, and she says, "Hey, we've been vest friends since high-school, and I want you to stay at my place tonight, I'm sure my roommate won't mind, but it's up to you, Babe?"
     You swirl your drink around in the glass, "Yeah, if you're sure that's alright, I just can't go back home... Angela is awful, she keeps on bringing other women home to have sex with them, and I'm tired of it.."
     Odelia sighed and placed her hand on yours, "Of course you can stay with me, Love," she looked at you as her lips tilted upwards. You looked up at her, then you looked at the guy behind her on the other side of the bar counter. He had black short hair, Blonde eyebrows with slits in them, he had blue eyes, a Grey sweater, and a noticeable amount of bracelets, one of them said, 'Boo Bitch!' He sipped his coffee then looked at you. You looked away and looked back at Odelia, "My shift ends in 30 minutes, would you be ready to go by then?" You nod then chugged the rest of your drink. The guy across from your stared ay you for a while, you looked down at your phone pretending not to notice.
     The sound of a chair screeching on the floor was evident. Your eyes shot up to see the guy placing $15 down for his food and drink, and to tip the waitress. You look away, afraid of seeming rude. Footsteps come towards you. The guy stands next to your bar stool, and he places something on the counter in front of you next to you, "Call me." It was a business card with a number on it, it said, "Eric Schmuck," Funny, a dude at the bar gave you his number?
     Odelia came out of the back with her coat and purse. "Ready?" Odelia said. You stood up and walked over to her. "Yup, we walking or taking a cab?", "Walking, it would be easier since I live 4 blocks down." Odelia notices the money left by the man on the counter. She puts down her purse on the counter and cashes out the money real quick before she left. Odelia picked her purse back up, "Okay, sorry, now you ready Bestie!" You smiled at her and nod, "Let's go!"
     You hold the door open for Odelia, she walks out onto the sidewalk, the clicking of her heels follow with her to the left side of the sidewalk. You closed the door and noticed Ashley taking Odelia's place for the night, it was packed in there, but you hoped there were more workers in the back to help.
     You catch upto Odelia and start talking... about what? That didn't really matter, because somebody ran down the street screaming. They had a knife lodged in their arm, you and Odelia stopped walking, the person ran right into you, "Run!"
     You looked back from where the person ran out from. You saw three silhouettes, one on the right was dragging something heavy on the ground behind them, you could tell it was made of metal because it sent sparks flying up behind them. The one on the left had a bright red target in front of their chest, it was the only thing you could see on them. Then the person in the middle had a giant dragon (?) Skull behind them, and it was glowing with a purple hue. The three of them were walking down the street towards you both.
     The person on the left spoke in a harsh voice, "That Bitch has my knife..." you grab Odelia and drag her towards the alley right behind the both of you, your arm in hers, you run to the end of the alley way and take a right turn, Odelia let go of your hand and ran beside you, "There's my apartment!" You follow after her, you weren't sure if the three silhouettes went after the guy that ran past you, or if they saw you both and decided to go after you both instead.
     Odelia was scurrying through her purse looking for her keys, you pulled out your phone to call the police, you dialed 911, but all of a sudden your phone was floating in a purple hue. You tried reaching for it, but it was to high for you to reach. Cloth on the ground could be heard, the sound of footsteps, and that scraping of metal sound. You whipped your head around and saw the three silhouettes, which were much more clear to see now thanks to the street light. They were skeletons! Your breath hitched in your throat...
     "Odelia!, open the door!", "I'm trying, I can't find my keys!"
     The skeletons were whispering lowly to one another. The skeleton with the red target in front of their chest had the bloodied knife from the person's arm from earlier, and speaking of the person from earlier, the the one who was scraping the axe on the road dragged that person's body behind them.
     Odelia found her keys and put them in the lock and she turned it, she ran inside and held the door open for you but you couldn't move, you were covered in that purple hue that the giant dragon skull was covered in.
     The huge skeleton on the right laughed at you. Your face turned pale. His voice was deep and filled with malice. You tried to scream, to move, to do anything, but you couldn't move, and the three of them were right infront of you. "..Killer..." The skeleton on the left groaned in annoyances then appeared right behind you. Odelia yelped and slammed the door in his face.
     "Let's just take this whore and we'll finish her off at the castle." Said 'Killer.'
The door slammed open. And Odelia swung a baseball bat at 'Killer's' head, but he teleported behind her and stabbed her in the shoulder. She fell down and held her shoulder screaming.
"We don't have time, boss will have our heads, leave her and take the (h/c) human.." Said the skeleton with his hood up. Killer growled and you felt a sudden change of pressure shifting in your chest. You were engulfed in red. Killer's phalanges were dragging you in the air with the strange red hue/aura.
     Odelia was screaming after you, you couldn't move, but you tried to scream. You tried to shout, 'Odelia!', but you were frozen. Killer opened up a portal, then the last thing you saw before being forcefully dragged into it was Odelia standing up and trying to run to you, with the knife still in her shoulder,
     Your body was halfway through the portal, then your eyes start to blur.

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