Chapter 5

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     You sighed out, yeah, you're gonna have to wait to escape. . .
Killer stands up and Leans on the wall rubbing his skull..., "Ngh.. you little bitch.."
     The red that surrounded you picked you up off the floor and it carried you over towards Red. Red chuckled, then he looked you over, but then another red engulfed you, it was darker, and the pressure in your chest was doubled, and it was switching back and forth between the two.
     . . . "Hand over my human, Red. . .", "Maybe I like your human, Killer.. and maybe I don't want to hand them the fuck back."
Killer's eyesocket twitched, then he lifted his other hand and a swarm of sharp bones appeared behind him, he then stuck up his middle finger while sticking his thumb out, "Suck it, Asshole." Killer the sent the bones out at Red at an alarmingly fast speed. Red's eyes closed, then he disappeared.
Killer put his hand down and kept his other one up.. "You're causing a lot of trouble. . . But it keeps me entertained, heh. . ." Killer Drags you in the air behind him, and he opens a strange looking door, a different room than last time, it had a giant circular window on the back wall, and it had Victorian wallpaper, the floor a dark bricked color.
     Killer dropped you with his magic onto the floor, you groan in an aching pain...
You glared up at Killer in disdain.. He looked down at your pathetic body, oh what a useless body you have, but what a powerful soul you contain.
     Killer smirked at you, "Heh, we're just staying in here until tonight's mandatory dinner.." You stood up and dusted off your clothes, you look around the room, there's no furniture, just You, Killer, and the room.. the raindrops don't seem to be letting down anytime soon, maybe this place was always so sad and dark.. you walk over to the window, Killer's gaze was on your back. You scan outside, the trees were dark, and the leaves were dead, the grass muddy and browning, and the brick paths covered in water, not all of them, just some.. but in the distance, connected to the castle, you see a greenhouse, it looked quite big. Maybe there was some sun after all, because why would there be a greenhouse if there were no sun.
     Lost in your thoughts, Killer silently slips away, he walks down the dark hallway in a silent manner. Maybe he could use you to train with him, or maybe he could use you to help him clean up the 'messes', left around the castle.. the higher beings only know how much of a mess they make with their prey, and maybe the little Bitch would be useful to him before he had to give you off to Dust. . .

.         .         .         .         .         .         .         .   

     ". . . Hm . . ."
     His bony finger lightly tapped the book that lay infront of him at his ebony painted desk.. maybe he was getting infatuated with you? He was starting to disappear into a new world inside his head, and he would wonder what it would be like if a human were In it... stupid, he could never want to be on good terms with such a lowly pitiful being... although he did want to talk to someone about Poe stories..
     Nightmare's eye blinks dreamily, then he places the book to the side, and he pulled out another one of his reads, the literature was to die for, and he certainly loved a good book. . .
     His gaze quickly turned to, "The Cask of Amontillado," and he sighed out a dissatisfied breath. Oh well, after his team has their fun with you he'll work it out.

.         .         .         .         .         .         .         . 

     You tire of looking out the window, so you turn to check out if Killer was still looking at you... he was gone? Could you leave without being seen..?
     You walk over to the door, and you turn the knob, it was unlocked, you hissed out a cheer, "Yes.." you open the door and walked out. Down the hallway you went, your soft footsteps slightly reverberating your body.. were you walking louder than you had thought? Or maybe it was one of the skeletons walking down the hallway, quickly you ran towards a pillar and his behind it. It has shadowing to it, so you should have a pretty good chance of not being seen..
     You hold your breath, You heard mumbling, it must be that hooded skeleton.. you don't remember if you've heard his name or not, but whatever, that was the least of your worries, right?
     The skeleton walked right passed you, but he stopped. Your heart rate picked up, and your ears were pounding, No, no, no, no, no, no, no! If he sees you, you're dead meat...
     The skeleton turned his head, and looked at the dark corner where you stood, a crooked smile appeared, then he lifted his hand, and snapped his fingers. . .
     Your vision goes dark, then you see a black screen, "You can do it, (Y/N), I believe in you! Stay Determined..."
     You press continue...

.        .         .         .         .         .         .         .  

     Back in the library... again...
You turn into the same corner room in the library, "Back so soon....?" You turn to face the corner, "Yeah.. the hooded skeleton killed me...", "Hm." You look at the corner with a forced grin.., "Maybe you could tell them to lay o-off??? I mean, you're their Boss."
     Nightmare scoffed, then he said condescendingly, "...N o..., figure it out yourself you lowly scum.." In the corner, a tentacle lowered out, then reached for a book high up on one of the many tall shelves, then he placed it on the ground at your feet, "Read this, then report to me about it when you're finished.." You looked at the corner weirdly, then you glanced down at the book and picked it up.. Killer came over, apologized to his Boss, then he dragged you away to a different room..
     You stuck your hand in your pocket, then your eyes widened. A piece of paper, a business card, it was that guy's number, the guy from the bar.. all you had to do was get a phone, call him, tell him to get the authorities, and tell Odelia that you were... okay?...
     It's a rough plan, but it's all you got so far.. but you'll have to wait a little while longer, you've used up all your little stunts, and now they're going to start being careful and keeping a closer eye on you... you sigh, "What a shitty situation." Killer smacked your ass as you were being carried on his shoulder, "Well maybe you should remember that we're serial Killers... so don't underestimate us. . ." He smirked at you with a lopsided smile, and bore a hole into you with his dead endless eyes.

♡ It started with a Book ♡ (Bad Sanses x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now