Chapter 8

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     Dust disappeared once you sat down on the cold floor.. you look around, the lighting of the room looks different, the fog outside of the window is clearing up and there were dry rays of sun coming down into the room you were in.. I guess no matter where you are, or how miserable you seemed to be, the sun would go on, and so would life.
You stand up and walk over to the window to get a better view of what was outside.. there was a strange blasting noise, like something charging up to be shot. You look further, and you see a greenhouse, and a little to the left of the greenhouse were Killer and Red..
They were fighting each other, Red snapped his phalanges and shot a giant dragon skull thing at Killer, like it shot rays out of its mouth, Killer dodged it, but no matter how this fight goes, you have to wonder, what are they fighting about..?
Hm, there's a loud crash, and you look down the see multiple black tentacles come out of the forest, they fling Red and Killer into the side of the castle-like building.. the tentacles retreat to the woods, then a figure walks out, a figure with a black umbrella. You couldn't see who it was, but if you could guess, you would guess their Boss, you're not sure if you've learned his name yet, but you're to be sure that you'll find out..
You stare a little longer out the window at the situation, you could feel eyes on you, so you looked behind you, nothing... you turn back around, you looked at their Boss, his bright Cyan eye seemed to be staring right through your soul.. you looked around then right back at him.. he couldn't see you from there, right..?
Well, whatever it was, you backed away from the window because it was kind of Freaking you out..
You go over to the cold corner and slide to the ground.. placing your head in your arms..
Someone tapped your shoulder, you turned your head to see Dust standing there. He holds out his hand and doesn't speak. You take his hand, then like it always did before, your surroundings changed, and you were in the dining hall..?
No one was here yet.. Dust motioned for you to sit down. He sat in the spot he did the other night, so you sat in the seat that was right next the that Cross guy..
It was quiet for a little bit, so you closed your eyes, you could hear, Dust's breathing and his occasional whispering, the pounding of footsteps, and then the sudden screaming of, "FUCK YOU, KILLER, I'M NOT A FUCKING BITCH BOY, LEAVE MY FUCKING CHOCOLATE ALONE YOU PUSSY!"
Your mouth lifts up and you crack a smile. You opened your eyes then the door flung open, everyone else walked inside, Red was grumbling and dragging his feet, Horror was scribbling on a little notebook, That one skeleton with the Errors floating all around him and the blue streaked tears entered through a portal.., the one with the maroon bandana and the tall black boots entered stomping his shoes, then came Cross and Killer, Cross was chasing Killer with a huge knife, your brows furrowed as Cross said something, but you didn't really pay attention to that..
Their Boss walked in with the same umbrella, it gave him quite a bit of shade, but it also let you see a little bit more of him then you could when he was in the shadows. He was dripping in the same ooze that his tentacles were...
He sat down at the head of the table and snapped his fingers.. Dust looked at him and said, "Okay, Boss.." Dust snapped his fingers then food appeared in front of us, different then yesterday's, but you couldn't complain, they still bothered to feed you..
You eat, you pick up your fork and you eat delicately..
"NigHtmArE, arE yOu gOiNg tO . . . "
You looked up, the strange glitching skeleton was talking, hm, Nightmare, yes, you remembered now, that's such a fitting name..
'Nightmare' glanced at the glitching skeleton, and Said, "Later, in my office, Error..."
You guess they didn't want to discuss it at the table...
You eat while looking down at your plate.. Red was flicking peas at you, and he was snickering from across the table, how immature.. you scoffed to yourself... Killer was kind of scuffed up from Cross beating him up.. Cross glared at Killer from across the table..

. . . . . . . .

Dinner was over, everyone went off to do their own thing except for Nightmare, Error, and Dust...
Dust stood up and walked towards you, "Stand up..", you awkwardly stood up and walked over towards Dust... Dust grabbed your hand, and in a blur, you were back in your 'room', "Hm."
You fell to the floor, "Ngh.." Still not used to it yet... Dust teleported away.. you slowly stood up, then a blanket was thrown at you, hitting your face..
Dust mumbled into his Scarlett red scarf, "sure... why... okay... fuck no... hm...", Dust glared at you, then said, "Take it and be grateful. . ." Then he left...
You walk towards the bricked wall and leaned back... you jolted forward, the brick behind you was slowly pushing in.. you could hear gears turning, you back up.. a small brick passage way appeared..
Woah... maybe you have a chance to get out after all..? Amateurs...
You wrap the blanket around yourself, the stars shining through the window at the other end of the room... what a cold, and long night this will be...
You lift your legs and start following the curves of the brick walls... tracing your left hand acrossed their surface.. after about 10 minutes, you come to a stop, there's a small hole there in the wall.. you peek your eye out, and you see torched light a dark hallway, cells decorated the hall.
The complaints of a very whiney voice was faintly heard, "It's so cold down here, man, I should've just done what he asked... ughhhh.."
Huh, wonder who that is?

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