🖤 Upgrade 🖤

488 7 2

Rider x reader

Where the story takes place: The Galleria

Relationship Status: Strangers

Angst, smut, or fluff: Some fluff

Words to know: Refer to the Foreword


You just finished cleaning up your f/w after a long day of battling. And what a day it was! You smiled as you stood up and admired your hard work. 

The weapon in front of you had been given to you before you moved to Inkopolis, and it had travelled with you almost everywhere you went. But it was slowly becoming older. Maybe you ought to buy a new one... You sighed and went to go take a nice warm shower.

You and your teammates planned on checking out the new gear in the Galleria later that day. You were secretly thinking about checking out the weapon shop and asking for a weapon upgrade, so you quickly checked how much cash you had. 

That's probably all I'm going to need. You thought as you were heading out the door. You picked up your f/w and shut the door happily  behind you.

You arrived at the Square just around the same time as your friends. You then noticed one of your teammates waving to you, and you ran up to go join them.

You and your team scrolled around the shops for a little while, laughing as you each tried new outfits and clothes, buying what you were interested in.

At the end of the day, all of your teammates grabbed themselves a snack and said their goodbyes as they all headed home. You also said your goodbyes, but instead of heading home like your friends, you swiftly ran back towards the Galleria and entered the weapon shop.

You heard the bell ding as you opened the door, but instead of finding Sheldon as usual, you were surprised to find a hot inkling boy with yellow-green tentacles. 

He turned to face you, and as his bright eyes met yours, you couldn't help but blush softly. He raised an eyebrow at you and asked, "How can I help you?" You realized you were staring, and you quickly snapped out of your thoughts.

 "Oh, I...I was just wondering if I could get a weapon upgrade." You said hastily. He simply nodded and beckoned for you to give him the weapon you were carrying.

You slowly placed it in his hands, and you were able to make out a slight green tint now taking place on his tanned cheeks.

"It seems like you take good care of your weapons." He queried. "Well, that there was a gift given to me before I moved to Inkopolis." You replied. He smiled at you. "Let me finish up with this real quick, you can browse around while I do that."

 He took the weapon and disappeared under the counter. You slowly looked around the small  shop, and noticed some cool new weapons while you were at it. You then noticed the inkling boy gradually getting up from under the counter.

 "Finished." He handed it to you, and you smiled.  "Thanks." You replied, feeling your heart stop as his fingers brushed against yours.

"Say, what's your name?" You asked him. He glanced at you sideways. He replied, "Name's Rider. What about you?" "I'm Y/N!" You said. "Say, where's Sheldon?"

 He bit his lip before answering. "Actually, I'm not sure." It was your turn to raise an eyebrow. "Do you not like working here?" You asked suspiciously. He looked away. "That's not the case. It's just..." 

All of a sudden, your phone started buzzing. You took out your phone and checked the time. Dang! It's getting late!  You thought to yourself. You put t away your phone without checking the notification that caused you to take out your phone in the first place.

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