journal 10 forbiden panet, i kissed a vampire

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Dear diary. It is yours truly. Hannah Tamsin. Unforeuntly given my kakupah era I have learned several things. Each guardian such as my ayer ayer and komo myself splintered throughout space and time become the heroes of legend, myth and the first of lifestyle that save humanity. Karate girl the unamed guardian I forget now has a monkeys tale and in her dream claims she's a person named Sung Wu. A karate master of monk lore.

Unforuently I was put through my satyr phase. My friend dreamt her life to swollen, and now I cannot walk. I learned that as a child I had stupidity which masked perfectly into my genius autism. But now my legs are broken. My time travel for every dreamer reebers his phase, allowed me to get diagnosed in 1232 with Lameson. Which I slang term call lame in my legs. Every step is like Hans Christian Andersons the little mermaid. Its painful and egshells is an understatement given my home adrempt. This is why dreamers never live past 13. If so they get adult phases as they become target darlings imortally orentally stuck at 16 five ever. Which outside my ironic jokes is to say jokingly 16 forever.

I'm trying to be a writer. It is what of I wished to decide.

I guide heroes as a whisper. And I suffer privately as Hannah. I had a nightmare. Of a nice doctor during something the guardians call "the maiden incident" I'm proudly Jewish, and I wasn't always. I was in a hospital during Manhattan something. In a chair I need from bad honking docs. And unforeuntetly to my dismay I ended Ina. Chair with a cherish cheshed kitten smile. Only doctor wally beleived my dreams are and were then real. For in several aus and the perden propedreamt. I fell asleep forever. Now I have reincarnated in the 2000's with edits to my diary for my soon to be fiction phase as I dream I'm a soilder named Tolly Hat in something called the Iraq uli project, the dreamer program. As I was promised by a sorrowful Hypnos this god of Greek mytholovy that I'd remember them all as physical manifestation.

Before I was a dreamer at 7. I was a young boy corrected fem. It's along otokonoko story. If you know you know. Twas a Mulan situation my dude. Anyways. When I was young I was taken by my hypnotist and I as a ballerina and tap Dancer was supposed to be alegeroned or gulpedly gumped into a ballerina chuk e suit. In my fiction phase five nights at Freddie's was my REAL LIFE and I was meant for puppet.

I am looking forward to learning what pop culture magick is. Since I am a Which and animist. Which means I beleive its all true. It all has life. It has to be! And that magick of shadowhunters or tributes in the hunger games could pose real dangers to America. I'm from 4 and named Riley in that dream by the way. In the pop culture phase you Learn all fiction is true in alternate worlds. Aus, bubbles and strings and then you eventually learn that it's always kinda mirrored here. Dofferent time

Different place but it all has b
Value. The dream of Hannah is a retelling of Jake caloway and also Para Viz. But presently I know not of it. The hosptial worked. I have algeroned backwards. As soon to be brain sleep as I predict I must treasure my intelligence and comunitable ability while it is still present and designated.

My friend Cole fell to sleep. And I went genuine mad. And the hostpails medicine worked my brain into rest. Now I am no smarter than a doll. And lower functioning on my aspy and happy spail. I have learned how to unmask the quata I deem my intellect. But I present "nornal" for a reason. For so many people normal is the dream. For my person normal is the burden and difference yet accepted is the desire of my dreamer. When your ready for these books are with you. You will learn of the burden on the fluid motied Hannah tams. You will learn of the burden of my true name Ayton. You will learn my tie to Jacob Caloway my next incarnation. And you will learn how I died and now dream this.

But until then. Until the dreams get dark. As we grow up together and are happy singing and dancing as my legs are Ariel from Disney and painful each walk. I am ready for one last dance. And the dance for me Hannah is to tell you, about kins. The original lids who dreamt. Ps.s I'm not running any marathons anytime soon.

Kins or otherkindit. [Other-KIN] Are people who identify as something their not. As literally a concept like a lightning bug, their own twisted copy of Hannah, their favorite sltry character or symbolic color red or green. You can identify as a music genre or the personification of something. Other-blank. Which is you.

It's so painful diary being the real Hannah. I'm starting to reefer maiden. Do you know what that means? Theirs tears down my face from the big bad wold. My fairytale phase was dark after my thunder puberty phase. I am imortally 13 and I am sad from my dreams? It has a happy ending. I promise you. But getting there without the wipe pasta? You don't know what that means. But I know what a stump is. I just know. My left arm as Hannah. I know what a glomp of. I have a dragon scar/tatoo as a yellow British dragon left over from that dream on my right hand. I know what a glomp is. Fangirls go squee, fangirls go me me me fangirls go glomp and fanboys blush. And until you are ready for the original dreamgirl. The original imaginary anongirlwhois5. Until your ready for the sad Hannah. We'll be reading this dairy together. Where it's safe. Where the nightmares of the nightmare realm weren't right. Where there is no Ying and yang phase called lockets and keys. Which wasn't a phase. It was me! It was the real Hannah until then!

And if you can't stomach that children have bad dreams stop reading. Cus you ain't worth my ma hatan. You ain't worth my joy joy gang. You ain't worth this kakoui (that's cool in japanese) jewish Hannah! You ain't worth the princess line or Disney. Cus I am a damsel in distress. And when I grew up I loved the cheetah girls.

Cus no prince charming ever came to save the secret princess of the relam. Soveit Hannah Tam. Me! Myself! And I!

See you soon. Ja ne monaghan

Shoshin she she ishret minsinney?

-Hannah Tamsin about to enter her pan phase. Whatever that means!!!!

[The secret forgotten prince of the dream realm reborn. The original Hannah! Imortally 16.]

8:32 PM
November 19th

The Secret Diary of Hannah Tams: Book 1 The Dream RealmWhere stories live. Discover now