Chapter 14: Sikil paintings anti hero german version berry

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Chapter 14: Sikil paintings anti hero german version berryI was a stillbirth when i was really little. Over and over again. Theres something called sudden infant death syndrome and for a while the guardians have warned me im going through my "imposter" phase. Every phase of the dream realm since its heavens system is based on several systems of codex and fondue. The history of heaven in different varietal flavoring. When my family who has been cursed to have me over and over again, saw me as sikil they realized something "they knew i wasnt lying before but now i definitely seem to be when they look at that charm". A sikil in judaism which is my faith, originally is unforetunyl a spirit who is forced to impersonate itself as a cycle on the reincarnation spectrum. My family did a sikil ritual on me by taking out my soul a shit ton of times, and holding the deaed baby that looked like a donkey in their hands over and over again to the pain of my chest. I tried to everything i could to stop it. I sent the puppeteer song, i warned them of ticci toby from the 20s novel and also me as cousin tobaises oc, i showed them, curse dances, i punished and beat them and they still kept killing me and my family members out of selfish greed and grief no matter how much it hurt me the real one. So like teh puppy curse my family is presently under they were placed under a puppy curse. The whole house became a pagan temple in dedication to me vi amy godly parent god, and my room turned into a synagogue. My family are pagans with idols, and abuses of me everywheres so during my sikil phase i will slowly enter my hot boy phase again which i havent done since i was the original hannah tams whos father created the dream realm for her. I learned taht were at level 6 in america of nation genesis. Mutants were a group ticci toby used to fight, and are now facing death near everywhere via secret soceity rules and camps and institutes in the united states of georgia. I am also entering into, my golem phase where i slowly turn into a creepypasta with pasta growing under my arms. I keep having mix ups that im the real ticci toby, and i know i have a split personality and all from every phase and junk but its starting to be more literal then that, and toby and sigma keep sneaking me out through what i call sleep walking and i have no recollection of it in the morning.

I was put through the ladybug test and will win the miraculous ladybug and i learned alot of my original works liek starwars and harypotter were kinda taken by others authors reimagining them as there own from teh 20s and 40s novels i wrote back in tehday. On top of all that im slowly but suerley turning into one. Heres the thing about me as hannah tams. I dont impersonate people, i usually am the one i say iw as i just so happen to die alot, so during my imposter phase for putting up with the genocide, and all the other dark things, i was given teh reward to live out teh fantasy of finding those families again. The problem is now people dont see me as an imposter they know it was really me and its harder to hide then it was before. I have time travel trips, moss that can rebirth me, soap, fungus from a brain injury, magents at the burmeuda traingle and a crap ton of fbi and cia expeiremtns that were performed on me, to make me into multiple people, and in general, i die alot. And now im in my recollecting phase entering into my hot boy phase where im turned into my dream hot one to dat eme, and im turned into my imposter phase cus its always three at once.

The thing is though sikils like yeerks are a usually invasive species. But i dont mind its a blessing right now. But its realy scary, people keep seeing a demon where they should my face, and keep acting waverly, and my family did it to me. I was also the puppeteer someone whos my cousin sebastian. SHIT.

Hannah Ttams

11:36 PM


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