chapter 13: ive got nerve hmtn

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Everybody knows about the dream realm. Atleast right now their souls do. The guardians say I'm going through 3 phases at once often. But thay this was never meant to be permanent. I'm deified as budha across waters. So thats nice. I always wanted to be a monk. I've been having odd dreams. Dreams where I'm young again. Dreams or flashbacks at night where this happened, or that happened. And it's quite frankly, exhausting? The Grey's phase lasted forever in my dazai osamu arc. And now looming to so many closed religions ugh its vetting culty. I feel like I have no power over my life!

And I'm no Disney princess Ok? Even if I worked for them. But that was all time travel trips and alts. I'm glad Ok! I'm glad I finally have super powers. I'm glad I finally have these things manifested. But I had bed bugs abs Nats in my hair from the phases and magcik. Pulling out a mid pastel yellow myte that convinced me I had snakes in my hair! Like Medusa or something. And I did! Creepy crawlies everywhere. And now I like bugs again! But ie wasn't worth it just cus I said yes to help out a ninjaclan get term.:(

I feel totally absondwnd and lost by my dad's suicide at age 13. And now with the discovery I think I have archons and as pochette am imortally 13. Also apearenlty I'm good at martial arts. Like really good at martial arts. And I keep changing over time. Alot actually. And I'm not sure how to handle it. I lost my phone for a while and have been proving time travel. I've deified as a godess or whatever.

I love who I'm becoming as Emerlad Tams, thats right you guessed it I changed my name. But it's so much. It's so daunting. I've gotten back in contact with JD Hailsy. It's like. OK so you all disappear after middleschool where I'm hurt by religion alot over and over again repeatedly with my flowers taken by students to make my trail fo whatever stronger, and now I'm the victim???? And no one cares. It's been years since the highschool briefs with JD and Jamie or tall Claire or Anya or John Flenks. And I'm sick of it! When will my my own you know? You can't leave like Marin Hoffman and then expect me to come crawling back into your arms like none of this ever happened. And I'm being bullied by miss popular girl Summer Wallce!

Summer Wallace yuck. I get it. You knew me in a phase! You broke down my inhibitions to be your perfect little cuddle muffin. Well I'm not your cuddles anymore. I have a life. I have the people I'm seeing. I have dignity. And it's not with you. You are the reason the pawn left the Kingsford as Skylar and I want you to know that since you mean girl stalk my socials. You got my old face in a fairydeal! Well good! Cus it comes with trauma.

I just. UgH!!!!!! And on top of that theirs billions of secret societies. Like hunters from those paranormal/natural blogspot books, crytpids, vampires, and things you've never seen on any TV shows.

The good all think I'm some persephone chicken and I'm like. First it's Hercules then it's zagerous then Odysseus now persephone? What even is parthos!!!!!!?

Also I keep seeing aliens everywhere besides hanging with creepypastas. Eyelids jack and I swapped places the whole day today. Met laughing jake. Keeping ticking with allergies to my medicine giving me voices so I'm literally clockwork Tobias. Ugh. What is happening in this flippin' Grey's phase.

Ans how was I mall der. And how was I earl t grey. And even though I planned to give myself amnesia. Why can't I remember anything?????

4:31 AM

Saturday July 8th 2023

The Secret Diary of Hannah Tams: Book 1 The Dream RealmWhere stories live. Discover now