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"Just admit we are lost"

    "We are not lost, I know where we are"

    Janette and Johnny had been mount climbing with a group of foreigners when Johnny fell off the cliff and dragged Janette with him. They had found a small village hidden in the woods, the owners of the tavern had told them about the castle that stood far from any civilization where monsters lived. Apparently, the path was full of challenges, such as ghosts and a cemetery that people swear zombies lived in; no one had ever tried to accomplish the journey.

    So, of course, Johnny was totally on board to go take a look and see if the tale was true.

    She sighs and readjusted her backpack, her feet were killing her and she just wanted to fall to the ground and sleep there. It wasn't impossible as they had a camp tent and some food and water.

    "Janette, look!" Johnny smiled pointing ahead of them.

    "Are they..."

    "In flames? Yeah"

    Janette watches confused as Johnny smiles excited. Without thinking, they lean and witness as a passage opens from beneath the ground and they walk to it.

    "We should go" Janette says, starting to pull away.

    "Right, let's follow them!" No questions asked, he just left her to follow him.

    "Johnny! That's not what I meant!" She screams in a low voice but doesn't see any other way to make him stop. "You're going to be the death of me" And follows him.

    Of course, Johnny would believe that following a bunch of dudes lighted in flames is a good idea.

    The last time she had been underground in a small passage like this one was in Paris, when she visited the Catacombs, it was an interesting trip but there was a difference between being surrounded by death than following guys that were defying life by being burnt alive and still moving.


    As they emerge from the passage the view of a castle greats them. This must be the place haunted by spirits and monsters that the locals were talking about, Janette has to admit this is as pretty as the last castle they visited. If only they were following a tourist guide Inter of flammable people she may have enjoyed it.

    Once they are in front of the door they see many people inside, Janette tries to get in but doesn't see Johnny also moving forward.

    "Ugh! Wait, we are stuck!"

    "Back away!"

    "I can't, the backpack won't allow it!"

    Miraculously they manage to get out but just as they take into the place a force grabs them and they are back inside the door, with a man using a suit and a cape.

    This keeps getting weird.

    "Who are you? And how did you find this place?" The man has a thick Romanian accent, but they can understand him.

"Oh, I'm Jonathan this is Janette" Janette looks around and notices they are going to a un humanly fast speed, but none of her companions seems to care "And we were just mountain climbing with some dudes...and heard this story about a spooky forest, and who's not going to go into a spooky forest, right?

"Everyone that told us not to venture into it"

He ignores her. "So, then we see these goofy-looking dudes on fire, and we just kind of followed them to this, like, amazing castle."

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