9 - Cat

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"You did what?" Childe exclaimed, drawing looks from people at nearby tables.

"Keep it down," (Name) kicked him under the table. "I was shopping with Scaramouche after running into him at the store yesterday. I don't see why this is such a big deal to everyone."

"And he walked you home," Zhongli added, taking a bite of his food.

"Zhongli," they whined. "Did you have to add that? Now he'll-"

"Scara did what?" Childe asked, louder than before.

"Shut up!" (Name) kicked him again, "You're ruining other people's meals, and mine! Eat your food, Childe." (Name) looked around at the other tables, offering apologetic smiles.

Childe finally quieted down, "Scara did what?" He repeated in a softer tone, tucking his legs under his chair to avoid another attack.

(Name) rolled their eyes, "Can we talk about this after we leave? Why can't we just have a normal meal?"

Every Sunday since (Name) and Childe had started 'dating', the three of them would all go out for dinner, whether it was for fast food -most of the time- or a nicer restaurant -of course that had to be where they went today. To their parents' knowledge, Zhongli was here to chaperone the 'couple.' Little did they know it was (Name) chaperoning them.

"No, I think we should talk about this now," Zhongli answered, cleaning his mouth with the corner of his napkin. "Listen (Name), you can be friends with whoever you want, I'll support you. However," he paused and sighed softly, "Do you understand how lucky it is that I was the only one who saw him walk you home yesterday? If it had been our parents, do you know how much trouble you could have been in?"

"Why would I have gotten in trouble?" (Name) asked, gaining an edge to their voice. They knew where this was going and they did not like it.

Zhongli didn't either, but he kept going, "(Name), it looked like he was bringing you back from a date, that's what our parents would have thought. Do you know how much trouble that would have caused you?"

"Oh don't play it off like you're worried for me," (Name) argued, "You just know that if they had seen, then I would have had to explain about you two. You would have been the one in the most trouble. It would have caused trouble for you."

"(Name), come on," Childe tried, "You know how much we appreciate you doing this for us."

"I know," they replied shortly, pushing their plate away from them. "I don't mind it either. It makes you guys happy, but why should I have to sacrifice my own happiness for yours?"

"What do you mean?" Zhongli tilted his head to the side, exchanging a questioning glance with Childe.

"Every time I so much as speak a word to Scaramouche, Childe goes ballistic. Scaramouche walks me home, a very kind thing to do as a friend, and suddenly, I'm threatening your relationship?" (Name) sighed, "We're just starting to become friends, and I really enjoy spending time with him, Zhongli. Are you really telling me I can't even talk to him outside of school? Or even in school, because that seems to be what Childe wants."

"That's unfair," Childe protested. "Why are you so upset by this? Like you said, you're only just becoming friends. Why can't you just stop?"

"You want to talk about unfair? That is unfair," they snapped. "You are the one who introduced us, Childe, and you insist on me eating with your friends. I would still see him there, not to mention we are partners for a project that's going to take several weeks. Do you just want me to never talk to him?"

"(Name)," Zhongli started in a warning tone, "Don't-"

"You want to talk about unfair?" They went on. They would get their thoughts across this time. They didn't need to take this. "It's unfair that I have to pretend to date you because you're in love with my brother. It's unfair that you made me eat with your friends but you won't eat with mine without Zhongli there. It's all unfair, Childe, get over it. I won't quit talking to him just because you asked me to."

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