20 - Explanations

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"You what?" Childe and Zhongli asked at the same time as (Name) told them about their boyfriend.

"Scaramouche," they paused so they could process, "And I," another pause, "Are dating."

Childe hid his face in his hands as he laughed. Zhongli just gaped at them. "For real?"

"No, I'm just messing with you," (Name) said with a straight face and a voice laced with sarcasm.

Zhongli shook his head, "I can't believe this. You got a boyfriend?"

"I wasn't going to date yours forever."

Childe burst out laughing again, "You're dating Scara? He likes you? He likes anyone?" He was cut off by another fit of giggles, "Oh my Archons, this is funny."

"Childe, please?" Zhongli asked for quiet as he stared down his sibling. "You have to let me meet him. You have to let me speak to him again, ask him questions and what his intentions are."

They rolled their eyes, "Are we back to a protective brother agenda?"

"I'm sorry, but since our parents won't know for a while, I have to do these things."

"Yeah yeah, but-" (Name) cut themself off. "Wait, did you say a while? Do you really plan on telling them?"

Zhongli exchanged a glance with Childe. "We've been talking about it for a while. We were thinking that this whole thing has been totally unfair to you."

"Hey, you don't need to tell because of me." A little worried, (Name) almost wanted to tell them that they didn't even mind 'dating' Childe. However, that was a lie, and neither of them would have believed it anyway.

"Not only because of you." Childe groaned, "It's so stressful keeping this from them! Can you imagine how much it would hurt if you brought Scara over for dinner but had to pretend you were seeing his sibling instead?"

"As someone who has been the sibling being fake dated, I can imagine." (Name) smiled a bit, "I see what you mean though. I'm proud of you guys, but just remember that if things don't go as planned, I'm still here supporting you, okay?"

"(Nameeee)," Childe whined as he got up from his seat across from them to give them a hug. "Thank you," he told them sincerely, "For all of this."

They pat his shoulder, "Always."

Zhongli smiled, "Yes, thank you." He coughed, "So tomorrow is Sunday, our day for the three of us. You will be telling Scaramouche to meet us at Angel's Share at six."

"Fine," (Name) replied with a laugh as Childe tried tickling them. They slapped his hand away, "I'll tell him."


Oh, this can not be happening. (Name) silently cursed their past good mood for agreeing to doing this for free. Or doing it at all, actually, because it was a horrible idea. But no, Zhongli just had to meet the first real boyfriend I've had because our parents think I'm dating his. This is stupid, Kunikuzushi doesn't need to meet him. (Name) was about to text him not to come, (Zhongli had made the three of them get their twenty minutes early) when he walked in the door.

Kunikuzushi looked around the cafe, the light of the setting sun behind him catching on his hair. Recognition passed through his gaze when he saw (Name). He smiled a bit and waved, walking over to their table.

"Hello," he greeted politely as he took a seat beside his partner.

Childe already looked like he was trying not to laugh across the table from (Name) while Zhongli looked all business across from Kunikuzushi. His part time internship at the funeral parlour seemed to be playing a role in how serious he looked.

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