16 - Kisses

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Yeah, and what if art class that day was the most awkward experience of their life?

They sat down next to Kunikuzushi stiffly. He didn't turn to greet them, "Hey." His tone was quiet, he was doodling on the back of his hand, he was reserved. It was good that today was a reserved day, (Name) didn't feel like talking either.

Perhaps (Name) had been wrong to say it was a reserved day, because when Kunikuzushi looked up from his drawing, he started talking, "Where were you at lunch today?"

"Oh, I was getting help from a teacher," they lied. Truth be told, they had been hiding in the library, knowing he probably would have gone to find them at their friends' table.

He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head, "You hate asking teachers for help."

(Name) groaned mentally, why did he have to know them so well? They had mentioned that one time, once, how did he remember everything he was told? "Yeah, well," they shrugged, hoping they came off as nonchalant. "Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to."

"Like lying to me?"

 They froze, "What?"

"I saw you in the library, (Name). I didn't say anything to you because I knew you had to have a reason for not being there." He spoke in a tone that was clearly trying not to show how hurt he was, "It's okay, I guess. I just didn't expect you to lie to me. If you were avoiding me, I get why. I've been.. clingy lately. If you want me to stop, just say so, don't go around hiding from me."

"No, No! Kuni-" They caught themself, "Scaramouche, you've got it all wrong." The alarm was obvious in their voice, Kunikuzushi didn't seriously think they didn't like him, did he?

His tone was cold, the tone he used when talking to Childe, or anyone else who annoyed him for that matter. It wasn't a tone he had ever used talking to (Name). "Tell me then," he spoke in that tone, emotion previously present gone.

"I've," they hesitated, how could they put this in a way that wouldn't announce their new found feelings? "I've been struggling with some things in my head. I was avoiding you, yes, but only because I didn't want to bring my internal struggle to you." They bit their lip, restraining bubbling emotions, "I'm sorry."

Kunikuzushi's expression immediately softened, "Hey, hey, no, it's okay." A tone of concern replaced the one of coldness, "I'm the one who should be sorry." He stood up, offering them a hand they took. He brought them over to their teacher's desk, "Excuse us, sir, but could we go outside to draw today? We're in need of a bit of fresh inspiration, if you know what I mean."

Their teacher nodded simply, "Sure, I don't see why not."

"Thanks," he replied with a quick, polite smile. He pulled (Name) out of the classroom and to a quiet spot outside without either of their sketchbooks.


"Why bring me here?" (Name) asked as he stopped under the shade of a big tree just outside of the soccer field. Luckily for them, there were no gym classes happening that period.

"To clear your head," he told them in a gentle tone. Always so gentle, he was with them.

They were a bit surprised, "You aren't going to ask me what this is about?"

"Why would I? If you wanted to tell me, I trust you would." He gave their hand a little squeeze, reminding them he was still holding it. "Is there anything I can do though?"

For a split second, (Name) wished their brief fantasy about him holding them in an embrace would come true. Instead, they shook their head, "No, it's alright."

Kunikuzushi scoffed, "Are you sure you don't want a hug?"

"Why would you think that?" They asked, voice shaking slightly. Don't tell them they had told him that they liked hugs from people they were close with in times of doubt too?

He pulled them marginally forward with a growing smile, "You told me once."

Embarrassment was sneaky, creeping up on their face like it was now. "Then, um, could you-"

They were cut off as they were now wrapped in an embrace. One of Kunikuzushi's arms around their waist, holding them close, the hand of his other arm on the back of their head, petting their hair softly. "Always," he whispered as the tension left their shoulders.

(Name) melted into the touch, this was now the second time they had hugged each other. They put their arms around Kunikuzushi, gripping the back of his sweater like he would slip away. Burying their face in his shoulder, they inhaled his scent. He didn't smell like anything too notable, laundry detergent and shampoo, but (Name) loved it. It was so him. In the arms of the one they cared most about, they couldn't be anymore content in that moment.

They felt Kunikuzshi shift a little, but they didn't think much of it. They didn't think much of it until they felt something that wasn't a hand against the side of their head.

Kunikuzushi took one step back after pressing a gentle kiss to their temple. Embarrassment had been sneaking on to his face too, sneaky thing it was. He cleared his throat awkwardly, "Sorry, that was-"

"Unfair?" (Name) asked in a teasing tone.

"What do you mean 'unfair'?" He asked in return as they walked closer to him again.

They kissed his forehead quickly, "There. I call it even." They couldn't help the laugh that escaped them as his face flushed crimson.

"Oh? Is that how you want to play?" He developed a smile of his own, the one that sent (Name) over the moon. He tilted his head to kiss their cheek, "There."

"Kunikuzushi, you-!" They stepped forward as he stepped back to avoid their next move, kissing the tip of his nose when they caught him.

"(Name)!" He exclaimed, "Really?"

Uh oh, they had gone too far, hadn't they? They screwed their eyes shut as they apologized, "Sorry! I-" They realized that they hadn't gone too far, Kunikuzushi just wanted to keep playing. They realized that as he kissed their eyelid.

They shook their head as they opened their eyes, hair falling in front of their face. "Really?"

"You close your eyes when you apologize," he said with a shrug. He walked forward to tuck a piece of stray hair behind their ear, not realizing he was playing into their hands.

They grinned, turning their face to kiss the palm of his hand. "Ha! How's that Kuzu?"

They chased each other around for a while more, finally deciding that they should actually do work once they grew tired from the running and laughing.

"Should we go back to class?" Kunikuzushi asked as they sat under the tree. He ran a finger over the knuckles of the hand of (Name)'s he was holding, "We should draw our favourite places like the assignment said."

"I think here is nice," they replied, looking at their joined hands.

"Yeah," he agreed, looking at them. "It's really nice."

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