18 - Dreams

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"Where are we going?" (Name) asked as Kunikuzushi led them by their hand across an open field.

He turned, laughing lightly as he brought them closer suddenly. "Don't worry about it." He smiled as bright at the stars over head that were looking at them fondly.

 Not expecting the sudden pull, (Name) placed both hands on his chest to steady themself. "Kuni? What's going on?"

"I just wanted to bring you somewhere," he replied at a whisper. He moved a strand of hair out of their face, "Have I ever told you?"

"Told me what?" They asked, leaning into his touch slightly.

"You're beautiful."

Heat rose to (Name)'s face in a fluster. "Why are you suddenly saying things like this?" The mumbled, casting their gaze away.

Kunikuzushi cupped their cheek and turned their face to look at him. He pressed his forehead to theirs, "You deserve to be told that. Every single day someone should tell you until you understand it as the truth. You're beautiful, (Name)."


"You're beautiful," he repeated. "You're beautiful, and kind, and you have such a big heart. I love that about you. I love you."

(Name) laughed softly, "I love you too." They hung their arms over his shoulders, "You know my heart belongs to you."

He smiled as he kissed them, "I know. Mine too."

He opened his eyes and leaned away slightly, "(Name)?"


"(Name)?" He asked again, his voice not sounding quiet the same.



(Name) opened their eyes to their brother waking them up.

"Get up! We're going to be late if we don't get out the door in ten minutes." Zhongli sighed, "Childe is waiting in the car, so I'll be with him. Hurry," he added as he left their room.

(Name) sat up in their bed,What kind of dream was that? How am I supposed to face Kunikuzushi now?  They groaned as they got out of bed, this was going to be a strange morning.

They got ready and made their way outside and to their brother's car, sitting in the back seat behind the driver's as always.

"Ah, there you are." Childe rolled his eyes, "You never sleep in. What happened?"

"Strange dreams," they replied with a yawn.

Childe smirked, "Strange dreams, eh? Anything to do with our dear Scaramouche?"

"I-!" (Name) flushed, "It's not like that!"

"Uh huh, and that's why you're the same colour as Diluc's hair?" Childe laughed, "(Name), let me ask you something."

"Go for it," they answered, looking out the window as Zhongli pulled out of their driveway.

"Do you like Scaramouche? As more than a friend, I mean."

They snapped their head towards him, "Excuse me?"

Zhongli hummed, "Yeah, I'd like to know too."

"Come on (Name), we'll support you, you know that." Childe smiled at them, "I can almost guarantee he likes you."

(Name) almost smiled at the thought, stopping themself only because they knew Childe would tease them about it relentlessly. "Did he tell you that?"

Childe looked at them blankly, "It's the most obvious thing in the world, he doesn't have to say anything. Do you really not see it?"

"He's just soft with me, that's all." (Name) kept insisting when Childe looked at them with knowing eyes.

"Uh huh, sure." He scoffed, "And I hate your brother."

Zhongli slammed on the breaks as a traffic light turned red, startling both (Name) and Childe. He tapped his finger on the wheel as he cleared his throat, looking dead straight at the road ahead.

Childe's teasing expression turned worried. "Hey, it was a joke, my love. You know it was."

Zhongli sighed as he shook his head, driving forward as the light turned green. "I know."

Childe put a comforting hand on Zhongli's thigh. "I won't joke like that again, I promise."

"Okay," Zhongli replied simply as he put a hand over Childe's.

Childe took it and pressed a kiss to his knuckles, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Were the words that simple? Was it that simple to say an 'I love you' to your lover? With no hesitation, or crimson faces, not a sign of Embarrassment, who loved pranking lovers. Was it really that simple?

(Name) sighed, would it ever be that simple? Would they ever have anyone to say it to, and would that person say it back? Doubtful, they thought as Zhongli pulled into the school parking lot.


"I think I'm in love with you," (Name) said as Kunikuzushi presented them with a package of [favourite snack].

"Tell me you love me after I kiss you, okay?" Kunikuzushi replied as he pushed the package into their hands.

"What?" (Name) knew their face was red as they squeaked out a reply.

Kunikuzushi tilted his head with an innocent look, "Oh? Do you actually want me to kiss you? My, you know (Name), I didn't expect you to be so eager." It seemed he must have been taking lessons from Miko, his tone was the same.

Oh, so he was joking around? (Name) smirked as they came up with a way to tease him back. "What if I am?"

He took a step forward, closing most of the space between them, only leaving enough room for what was left of that joke. "Then what will you do about it?" He looked at them with half lidded eyes.

(Name) mirrored him, closing the space. This was no longer a joke. They were glad for the seclusion of the aisle of the library they were in, no one saw when they pressed a kiss to the corner of Kunikuzushi's mouth, just missing his lips.

Kunikuzushi didn't miss though.

 When he put a hand on each of (Name)'s hips to keep them still, he kissed them. On their lips, at long last. (Name) froze, What? This isn't real, there is no way Kunikuzushi is kissing me right now.

He squeezed their hip and backed away, no joke filled the space between them. He looked at them then, face dusted pink, eyes wide. "Would you believe me if I said I've wanted to do that for a long time?"

(Name) shook their head and laughed, "What?"

"I've wanted to kiss you since the day we first met." Kunikuzushi laughed too, "Then Childe introduced you as his lover, it was strange because I didn't believe him. The day you told me it was fake was the day I finally let myself fall for you." He paused, looking back at them again, "What about you?"

"I don't know how long I've liked you, but I am certain I do." They replied as they closed the gap again, tangling their fingers in his hair. He kissed them again, doing the same with his fingers.

(Name) broke away and laughed, "Silly mirror."

"Your mirror," Kunikuzushi said before he kissed them again.

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