Episode 1: Acceptance

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Blackyard was in perfect conditions, ever since they dealt with Tyson and his uprising with the people of Blackyard, things have been good. Better even. It was starting to feel more like home even in the Aftermath of the world. After the mess that was "Tyson". Kiefer, Devon, and Jordan had all ended up agreeing upon equal leadership so if even Kiefer and Jordan are gone on a supply run, Devon can still watch over Blackyard in case history wanted to repeat itself. At some point in the last 6 months Kiefer and Devon requested having the name of the settlement be changed from "The Cavern" to the name of their previous settlement "Blackyard" in hopes of honoring it's legacy. Surprisingly Jordan was super cool about it, she didn't take any convincing. She even thought "The Cavern" sounded a little dirty anyway and the place probably needed a new name due to that. So, even though they left to live with Jordan and her people, Blackyard lives on in the name. Same name, different settlement, but same attitude. Kiefer and Devon have been busy making Blackyard twice as good as it ever was, while Jordan was still busy doing non important important things. Kennedy and Jack were still two love birds, they were happy as is. Luce was back to how she was before she found Kiefer, jaded and alone doing her own thing in her own world, still regularly writing or drawing trying her best to act like what happened didn't have an affect on her. Brendan went out on a supply run one day and found some weights and bars to build a makeshift gym in his house. Which worked out really well for him since he wanted to start lifting, even before the world ended. Plus he started some sort of community gym, because he went to go get more gym equipment to make it a full gym in his house, so eventually people started asking if they could use it too, and he said 'yes' ofcourse, so now Brendan runs some sort of community makeshift gym in his house. Jason is now the head of Blackyard's own special group of fighters, trained to kick ass if they were to ever come across new problems, or if new problems were to ever come across them. They also do supply runs. The group's members consist of Jack, Jason, Kiefer, Devon, and Brendan. Caroline has been doing whatever the hell she does, she still a mysterious girl to most. Georgison made his own restaurant and with the help of Hex and Jordan, he feeds Blackyard with his cooking. Hex isn't doing anything different, he still paints and Jordan still tries flirting with him.. And finally. Last but not least, Jasmine. She's been grieving her loss of Tyson in a holding cell. They sentenced her to prison for association with Tyson and shooting at people. Thought she believes she was just being loyal to her boyfriend, they still knew that it was an issue and she wasn't quite trusted. The power of the town is still charged by some unknown radiated monster in a giant cell at the pit of the cavern. Jordan explained to everyone that it basically has an energy source so strong from it's radiation that it could power even three Blackyard's. Their hasn't been any issues with it, but people are still slightly nervous, as they should be though. But she did tell them it'd be fine because it lays dormant all the time. No one knows what it original state was, but it mutated into some giant monster. Let's hope they don't encounter any other mutated creatures like that...

Jasmine sat in her prison cell, on the floor, legs crossed. "You could let me out, you know." Jasmine bantered with Jason, who was volunteering to guard her cell for the time being. "Shut up." Jason snapped back, no patience for her shit. Jasmine thought it was almost funny. "C'mon, you guys killed my boyfriend in front of me, don't ya think that's worse than following him not knowing his a maniac?" She asked, trying to trap him in a corner with her argument to be set free. "Everyone saw him spiraling long before it happened, so you mean to tell me, you, the person who's always with him couldn't see that? That tells me that maybe both of you had some screws loose." Jason corrected her. Jasmine sat there for a moment contemplating before she decided to get up off the dusty and dirty floor, slowly scooting her way to the cell bars, both her hands landing on a bar, gripping onto them, her face up close to the cylinder bars, two bars cutting her off on each side of her face. "Let. Me. Out." She demanded in a stern tone. "If you didn't hear me the first time, shut the hell up. Asshole." Jason insulted her, as he decided enough was enough and left the room to go outside for a break. Jasmine released from the cell bars and went back to sit down against the wall, legs fully out in full length in front of her as she leaned her back up against the wall, in sadness. She accepted she's probably never gonna get out of this prison cell.

"I don't know, I just miss her." Kiefer explained. Brendan, Devon, and Kiefer were all chilling at his house chatting about random stuff, when Luce was brought up in conversation, then Kiefer couldn't help but think about her. "Tell her, not us." Brendan told him. "Yeah." Devon agreed. "But, I see the way she looks at me and glances at me, and I know she probably hates me." Kiefer said. "You never know with women, man. You might aswell try, and hell the world is over anyway so what's the point in worrying over little shit anymore?" Brendan gave his advice and decided to head outside. Now it was just Devon and Kiefer. "I'd go for it." Devon said, moments after Brendan closed the door behind him. Kiefer reluctantly thought it over in his head.

Luce heard a knock on her door while she was in her bed reading a book called 'The Dead World Book 5' so far it was her favorite in the series, now that it was finally having good writing and took itself somewhat more seriously. Luce laid the book down on her night stand, spine up and pages down, to keep where she was. She slowly made her way down the stairs as the person grew impatient giving another couple knocks. "Coming!" She exclaimed. Luce opened the door to be met with.. Kiefer.

Jordan had found a guitar and brought it back to Blackyard, she was gonna try playing it when all of a sudden Hex stormed in. "What is it?" She asked, abruptly. "Nothing, I just wanted to open the door dramatically to make you think something was going on." Hex joked. Jordan laughed then smiled slightly. "So what do you want then? Why are you here?" She asked once again. "I don't know, I just wanted to hangout, if that's not too much for you." He said. "That's alright." Jordan replied. "Watcha doin'?" Hex asked her. "Just trying to figure out this guitar I got a while ago, but I never actually got around to picking it up until now." She explained. "You know, my uncle taught me how to play, back when I was a kid. Like 10 or so." Hex said. "Well lucky for you. Cause no one taught me." Jordan said sounding just mildly stressed out. "It's okay." Hex assured her, noticing her look of frustration. "I could help you." He offered. "Yes- I mean yeah, I'd like that." Jordan accepted the offer.

"I'm sorry, about everything." Kiefer told her, fully sincere with his words. "Why are you doing this?" Luce asked him. "I just- I feel bad about it all." He apologized. "Why are you apologizing? It was my fault." Luce took the blame he was forcing on himself away from him. "I know, but I shouldn't have pursued something that was clearly never even meant to work out. I feel bad for wasting your time, using all mine to make you happy when you never cared." Kiefer said. "It's okay." She said, hugging him. They embraced eachother for a moment before letting go for the last time. "But still, we can't keep chasing this, so we need to go our own separate paths, I think we work better as neighbors." Luce told him. He felt his heart sink to the depths of the earth is what it felt like. "Yeah, makes sense. You're right." Kiefer turned away and walked away from her door as she watched him go. She eventually closed it as Kiefer went back to his place trying to deal with the acceptance.

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