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Thanks for sticking around with me! Been a long few months, but hopefully it will get better soon! Don't forget to like a comment!

Steve POV

The cool breeze does little to cool me off from the rage inside me. Thirty six hours since last contact. I knew this was a bad idea. My eyes don't move from the horizon as Sam approaches me. "Thirty six hours Sam. It's been thirty six hours. Anything?" "Torres said Bucky showed up as instructed, then a bar brawl broke out and when the crown cleared, he was gone. The contact never showed." "So, a trap. Like I said it was. When do we leave for Madripoor?" "Leave? Steve, we can't. If either of us step foot there, we lose all support from our bosses, you know, the government? Neither one of us or Bucky can afford to be in jail." My anger builds and I give a hard glare at Sam and I walk away. "Where you going?" "To get somebody who can!" 


Walking down the brightly lit hallway, I twirl my dagger and think about what I'm going to do to James when I get home. A small smirk creeps onto my face and when I pass a mirror, I check myself out. The face shield I have on is the face of a beautiful cocoa queen. A small noise jerks me back to my assignment. I hide behind a wall and see my target. "Finally." I walk up toward him. "You're not suppose to be in the hall. Get back to your room now." I smile and I attack. He surprisingly fights back, and he is good. "Shit!" I almost missed his guards coming up behind me and my attention gets drawn to them. The two guards take turns attacking, which makes my job easier, but the target gets away. "Mother fuckers!" I land killing blows to them both, taking their gun and track down the target. He was in one of the room and he has grabbed a girl as a shield. "Whatever they're paying you, I'll double it, triple it." That is a lot of money, but not enough. I shoot through the girls head, into his throat. I walk up to him and he has a shocked look on his face. I walk out onto a balcony and take in the breathtaking view. "I have to take James here." I call for confirmation of kill. "Transfer complete Sister Y/N." Hanging up, I head back to my hotel to shower, as I have blood all over me. As the hot water cascades down my body, I wonder what James is doing right now. I close my eyes and let my hands wander, feeling him. His tongue on my clit, his teeth on my nipples. My fingers find their way to my throbbing clit and I fuck myself, wishing it was James's tongue, his teeth, his lips, anything. The climax isn't as high as he can take me, but it satiates my hunger for now. The next morning, I'm waiting for my flight when my cell rings. "James! You're back!" "Sorry sweetheart." What the? "Steve? Why are you answering James's phone? What's going on?" "He's missing. He went to Madripoor a few days ago to meet a contact and hasn't been seen or heard from since." I feel the anger boiling in my blood. "If he's missing, why do you have his phone?" "He took a burner with him. We tracked it to an alley in Madripoor." "So, why are you calling me? Aren't you guys the heroes?" "He doesn't need a hero, he needs you." Madripoor, the one place we Victorians are not permitted to hunt. Steve doesn't realize what he's asking me to do. Taking a couple of breaths, I know what I have to do. "Give me forty eight hours." "That's my girl." He hangs up and make my way to the ticket counter. "I need to change my flight to the earliest that goes to Beijing." 

Bucky POV

The smell of blood and rotten flesh floods my nose. I'm being hauled down a winding maze of chain link fences. The crowd beats and shouts along the fence line chanting blood and various other obscenities over and over again. "What is this?" "Your only way out. In Fightdrome, you win, you walk. You lose, you die." "Seems simple enough I guess." The floor is mostly dirt that starts to dust my boots and pants. The crowd dies down as tall man enters the ring. He stands there looking up as a microphone is dropped from the ceiling. "Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Fightdrome!" The crows screams widely. Now a new chant is being sung. "Soldier, soldier." "And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, I give you THE WINTER SOLDIER!" "Fuck I'm dead." The chains unlock and I see five guys come toward me, all with a wild look in their eyes. "Any chance we could talk about this?" My instincts take over and I let the soldier take over. One by one, they fall by my hand. My hands and clothes are covered in blood. I look over at the announcer and he seems pissed. "KILL HIM!" More people get into the ring and they are all about to attack when a loud scream sounds from behind the crowd. I see a cloaked figure mowing people down with something, a katana maybe? Because I was distracted, a spiky haired woman gets a shot in my ribs and leaves a large open gash. "Fuck!" Then the beating begins. I cover my head with my vibranium arm, but that only covers so much. Then the hooded figure flipped into the arena. With a few flicks of the sword, everyone was dead. Wiping the blood off the sword, they come towards me. I await my death as they squat down. They remove the hood and I can't believe who I see. "Y/N?" "Hello lover." Then I slip into blackness.

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