Old Friends

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A/N: Almost 4k reads! Yea! Ready for some turns? Let's go!


November 1944

Steve POV

I wait patiently outside Colonel Phillips's office. I can't help but wonder what he wants. The note said to come quickly and that it was for a classified mission. The door opens and I see Peggy holding the door open and gestures for me to come in. Once the door closes, I salute and he reciprocates.  "Sit down Rogers." I sit and I glance slightly at Peggy, who is sitting next to me. "Rogers, you are being temporarily reassigned for a mission. It's a solo, so your boys will get some leave." "Sir, what kind of mission? And why just me?" Peggy then speaks up. "Well, you won't actually be by yourself. You'll be working with an agent from another agency." I notice Phillips give Peggy a side glare. "Another agent? Which agency?" "That's classified." I decide to not to ask as I knew Peggy will tell me later anyway. "Yes sir." "Son, I know you will do this country proud, so don't make a fool of us." "Yes sir. "Dismissed." "Sir." I salute, then leave with Peggy right behind me. We walk in silence for a few minutes till we are out of sight from anyone, then she pulls me into a dark corridor and she plants her soft lips onto mine. "Steve, I've missed you." "Me too." I kiss her back and lean my hips into hers. She moans in my mouth and it takes everything I have not to take her right here and now. "Meet me later? My place?" "Yes ma'am." I give her one last gentle kiss and we make our way out of the building. Later that evening, I'm at the bar with a couple of the guys. Bucky left with some phone operator a few minutes ago, so I know I won't see him till tomorrow. The bar goes silent when we see a beautiful woman in red comes in. She has this air about her that tells you that she is dangerous. She comes up to me and we all stand up. "Captain Rogers?" "That's me ma'am." "My name is Lily Franks. May I speak with you privately?" Just as I was about to answer,  Dugan howls out, "Ma'am, this here man is taken. But I'm more than available to see to your needs" I see her glance at him with disgust which makes me almost laugh. "No, thank you. I don't feel like having small helpings this evening." At this, most of the bar roars in laughter. "Now, Captain, may we speak?" "Yes Ma'am, this way." I escort her out of the bar and into the street. We walk for a few moments then she signals a car that opens up. "Please, get in." "Ma'am, I don't know who you are, but I'm not one to get into a strange woman's car." Just then, a familiar voice rings out. "Darling, just get in the bloody car." "Peggy?"


Steve POV

As Bucky and Sam are going over some intel Torres gathered up, I feel restless. I get up and wonder over to them. "You guys mind if I head out?" "You're good Steve. I'll see ya later." "OK. bye Buck." "Later." I grab my jacket and hop onto my bike. I ride around for awhile when I end up at Harlan's Club. Normally I don't like these kind of places, but the bartender is cute and maybe I could get lucky tonight. As the night goes on, I give up on the bartender, who I learned is more into women. I head to the bathroom in the back when I feel eyes on me. I scan the area but don't see anything. I walk by a mirror and I catch a familiar pair of eyes. Eyes I haven't seen in eighty years. "Hey Blue eyes." I turn around and it's her. Lily Franks. My anger surges through me and I shove back into a closet and slam the door shut. "Still like it rough I see." "What the fuck are you doing here Lily?" The look in her eyes is one I haven't seen before. Nervousness. "I need you help. The Victorians.." I slam her into the wall hard. "I want NOTHING to do with them!" The Victorians. I was hoping I would never have to hear that name again. She looks into my eyes and I can tell she is trying to summon up words. "It's James. They know about him." No. "How?" She is silent again. "God dammit tell me how!" "Because I'm seeing him!" "Seeing him? Wait you're not Y/N are you?" She bites her lower lip and I know I'm right. "My real name is Y/N. Not Lily. That was my cover back in the forties." "I don't believe this..." "Well, believe it Rogers." "Again, why are they after him now?" "Can we go somewhere we can talk better?" I scowl at her and drag her out of the club. "Get on." I hop on the bike and she comes up behind me. She slips her arms around my waist and for a split second my body responds. I drive fast and hard to get to a small tavern by my place. We go inside and take a seat opposite each other. "Steve, I..." I look at her and see her brows furrow. "I know it's too late, but I wanted to apologize for, well, everything. I was a different person then and I recognize now that it was wrong." Apologizing? "You're apologizing for fucking my brains out several times?" This makes her laugh and I smile a little too. "Look Lily.." "Y/N, please." "Y/N, that was in the past. Besides, she forgave me in the end." "Not me."


"Didn't forgive you? She told me that she had?" I take a breath and try to hold my emotions in check. "After you died, I visited her. She told me that you'd told her and that she wasn't mad you. Just me. She called me a monster. After a few more choice and colorful words, I left. Once her last mission was done, she quit. Just like that. She jumped the pond and joined SHIELD." I felt a tear fall and I quickly wiped it away. "Anyway, I met James randomly in a bar. I promise it wasn't planned. We hit it off and have been seeing each other for over a month." "Yea, he just told us about you." "Really?" "Yea, although he has been very vague on the details." This makes me smile a little. So James hasn't said anything about me yet. "Y/N, does he know?" "Know what?" Steve gives me this 'you know what I'm talking about look'.  Do I tell Steve that James know I'm an assassin? "Not everything." He looks down and stares at his hands. "Was it you? The Hawkins Group witnesses?" I nod my head yes and he leans back and takes a deep breath. "What the hell am I suppose to do with that information Y/N?" "You do nothing with it." "Why did you reach out to me after all these years?" "I need to hide something the Victorians." I pull out the drive. "What is it? "My, unique history. The leadership has changed and let's just say I don't agree with them anymore." "How does Buck fit into all this?" "I tried to leave. They threaten to hurt James and make him one of us if I didn't spy on you and the other Avengers." "Don't they know about us?" He points to himself and me. I shook my head. "Before Peggy left, she burned any evidence that you were ever involved with them. So that mission never happened." "I don't know Y/N." "Steve, as of right now, you are the only person alive that knows my origins and my.." I lean in more toward him to whisper, "special talent. The only other place is this drive. I can't allow them to get this information and use it." "How do they not know about you? You're a founding Elder aren't you?" "Yes, but the last High Elder was a very good friend who spent years scrubbing my existence so that I could leave with a clean break." I cam see Steve contemplating his options. "Fine. I'll help you." I feel a weight lift off my shoulders. "Thank you Steve." I squeeze his hand and take a breath. I hand him the drive. "They know it's missing, but not that I had it." He puts the drive in his pocket. "Well, I better get going." I stand to leave when his phone buzzes. He looks at it and he shows its James. He answers it and puts it on speaker phone. "Hey Buck, what's up?" "Sam and I finished up and I was wondering if you wanted to go for that beer?" "Sure, but I figured you would've called your girlfriend to hang out first." There was a slight hesitation in his answer. "Well, I called her but it went to voicemail. So I figure she was busy." I quickly check my phone and see a couple of missed calls from him. Dammit. Steve starts to smirk wickedly. "Well, why don't you try her now? Maybe she's free." "That's ok. I know we haven't hung out in a bit so, where do you wanna meet?" "I'll text you the address of where I'm at now." I mouth to him "Fuck you!" He winks at me and for a moment I'm taken back to our flirty banter back in the day. "Alright, see you in a bit." He hangs up and I stand up. "You've become an asshole since the last time I saw you." "Why thank you. As I recall, I was once told I should be more of one in the future." This makes me smirk and I kiss him on the cheek. "Thanks again. I'll be in touch." "How will I know it's you?" "Lily will call you." I wink at him and make my way out of the bar and into the night. Hopefully this doesn't come back and bite me in the ass. 

A/N: We will be having more flashbacks throughout the story, so hang on to your hats! Don't forget to like and comment! 

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