Oh God I'm Sick of Sleeping Alone

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*Jack's POV*

"Honey, wake up. You'll be late for school." Stacey called from behind my door.

I groaned and rolled over, cracking an eye open to check the time.

"IT'S NOT EVEN SEVEN YET!" I yelled from my bed.

"Get up now, Jack. No arguing. You don't want to be late for your first day of school, do you!" Stacey yelled back, too enthusiastically.

"I'm not five..." I grumbled under my breath.

I threw back my warm covers and dragged my body out of my bed to have a shower. The warm water helped aid me in waking up. Thank god for that.

I staggered out and over to my dresser, running a hand through my hair. I pulled out a pair of faded black skinny jeans and a Blink 182 shirt and dropped my towel on the floor. I slid my top on over my still wet hair and pulled on my jeans, which hung loosely from my skinny hips. Sighing I walked into my bathroom and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

My brown and blonde hair stuck up all over the place and my eyes were bloodshot due to the lack of sleep I had last night. I lifted up a thin arm and tried to pat down my hair. I was tall for my age, but I was skinny, too. Which sucked balls. My fingers traced the small scab that had formed on my cheek from where the douche-bags from my last school thought it would it would be funny to slam me into a locker. Fun times.

That was why I was starting at a new school today. I got bullied a lot at my last school. Why? Because I was gay. Even the teachers excluded me from class activities, one of them made me sit right at the back, as far away as I could get from everybody so I didn't "contaminate" the other student. I didn't understand why though. I was still Jack. I was still me.

"Come on, Jack! If you get down here soon I'll drop you off." Stacey called out again.

Stacey was my step-mother, she said she didn't mind me calling her mother or mum or anything, but I refused to call her anything but Stacey.

"I can sort myself out. Thanks anyway." I responded from my room.

I picked up my black shoulder bag, containing two pens, one book and my iPod. I glanced over at my guitar and contemplated what to do. I walked over to it before carefully putting it in it's case with various picks. I carried it with me down the stairs, protecting it from it smacking against the walls. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed and apple and my car keys before Stacey could smother me.

I got into my car and started driving towards my new school. I blew out a shaky breath I didn't know I was holding. I slid in a Blink CD and started pumping it through the speakers, the music calming me down.

After about ten minutes of driving I had pulled up in the school parking lot. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. I still had ten minutes left until school started. I stayed in my car, listening to my music and looking around. My eyes locked on a group of jocks and cheer girls, all crowded around a flash looking car. One of the guys in the group, who had floppy brown hair, looked over at me, his gaze piercing right into mine. Our eyes stayed locked for a while before he looked away. I blinked and shook my head.

Focus, Jack.

I un-clicked my seat belt and opened my door, my music still pounding from the speakers. I got out and grabbed my guitar from the back seat before turning off my car and walking into the school in search of the office, not even turning around to look at the brown haired boy who captivated my attention.

I walked through the crowded halls, following the signs pointing to the office. I walked in and stood in front of the desk, waiting for the woman to get off the phone.

"Just one moment please... Hi there, sweetie. How can I help you?" The woman, Marie as I read from her name badge, asked.

"Hi there. Uh, I'm Jack. Jack Barakat. I just transferred here." I stuttered.

Marie smiled and flicked through something on the computer. She types in a few things before turning to me again.

"Of course! Now we just need to print off your timetable, but we have a free period which needs to be filled. Would you rather do Gym, Trigonometry or Music?" She asked sweetly.

"Music." I replied instantly.

Marie laughed and nodded, typing something into her computer, causing the printer beside her to flare up. She pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to me.

"All right, Jack. Here is your timetable, with a map on the back. And here is a class form, which we will need you to get all your class teachers to fill in to say that you are in their class and you just drop it into us at the end of the day. Of you has any problems just come back in and we will be happy to help!" Marie grinned.

I smiled feebly before taking a deep breath.

"Thank you, ma'am." I said.

I grabbed all my stuff and left. Before braving the halls again, I looked down at my timetable to see what I had for the first two classes. English and then History. My second and third best classes. It shouldn't be too bad.

Shouldn't it?


WOO! First chapter done!

Tell me what you think in the comments below. Also be sure to check out my Austlan Cashby fic, and maybe give me a follow while you're there!

I hope you enjoy this story because I think it could be a kinda good one!

Hugs and kisses -Tash <3 xox

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