Catch My Breath And Go For It

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*Jack's POV*

"I never said I didn't like it." I chuckled lightly.

Alex's face became bright red and he stared down at his feet, shuffling them around on the concrete. I smiled slightly and took his hand in mine again, pulling him down the road to his house. I stopped in front of his front door and looked down at him.

"What?" Alex muttered shyly.

"Keys." I replied, smirking slightly.

Alex's mouth became an o shape as he patted down his pockets to find his keys. He pulled them out and slotted the key into the door and pushing it open, still holding my hand. We both walked in again and walked back up to his room. Letting go of Alex's hand, I dropped my bag on the floor and picked up my guitar that I left here. I Instantly started strumming out random chords. Alex flopped down onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. I smirked to myself and started playing blink. Alex looked over at me with his eyebrows raised.

"I took her out, it was a Friday night. I walk alone to get the feeling right. We started making out, and she took off my pants, but then I turned on the tv." I sung dramatically.

"And that's about the time she walked away from me! Nobody like you when you're twenty three!" Alex yelled loudly along with me.

We kept singing until we were both on the floor laughing too hard to breathe properly. I looked over at Alex to see that his eyes were already locked on mine. He looked away, blushing again.

"Man you blush a lot." I laughed.

"Shut up!" Alex yelled, flailing his arm out.

I caught his hand just before it smacked into my chest, using it to pull him closer to me. He rolled slightly and leant against my side, not struggling to move away. He leant his head against my shoulder and smiled to himself.

"I like this." Alex whispered.

I looked down at Alex, watching his face change from happiness to confusion.

"You okay?" I muttered.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." He replied quickly.

I looked down at him again and my eyes flickered down to his lips, lingering longer than they should have. Alex lifted his head slightly and noticed my fixation on his mouth. He blushed again, causing me to chuckle a little. He stuck his tongue out at me at then softly bit his lip, looking into my eyes. My heart raced and my breathing quickened. I took a deep breath and leant my face towards his slowly. His wide eyes bore into mine, but they showed no hesitation or denial to what I was doing, he was even moving his own face closer to mine.

"This is it, Jack. This is your first kiss." My mind shouted at me.

Alex closed his eyes and leant in further, so that we were nose to nose, our lips so close to touching. I could hear Alex's shaky breath and I could feel it across my mouth. All we had to do was move just the tiniest bit and our lips would be connected.

"Alex?! Alex baby please! Can we talk this out?! Baby I still love you!" a loud shrill voice pierced through our ears.

I closed my eyes and grimaced, my hands hiding my face. Alex shuffled over next to me and lay on the floor similar to how I was. I could still hear his loud, uneven breath filling the awkward silence of the room.

"ALEX. PLEASE! I NEED YOU!" The girls voice screamed out again.

I looked over at Alex, who was slowly getting up and heading towards the door. I slowly got up and followed, though making sure to keep my distance. He saw me following him and rolled his eyes over-dramatically, making me laugh. Alex smiled until he pulled open the front door. His face dropped.

Oh God I'm Sick of Sleeping Alone ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now