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I woke up as I felt Ari moving in my arms, we were in the same position as we fell asleep in. I still had a tight grip around her body, I let up on my grip as she continued moving around. She wrapped her arms around my neck and went back to sleep.

I stayed awake an hour later in the same position looking up at the ceiling. I didnt want to wake her up.

My thoughts had been interruped by Ari moving again but this time she woke up. She unraveled her arms from around my neck sitting up with her legs on each side of my body. She threw her head back stretching her arms up and holding it for a few seconds. I stared at her titties mesmorised.

She smacked my face lightly making me refocus on her face. "You creep, you was just strain at my boobs" she said giggling a lil. "What you want me to do, you naked on top of me and yo titties just in my face" I said looking back down at them as she giggled.

"How you sleep?" I asked her as she now laying besides me in my arms. "Like a baby, I was so worn out and tired" she said rubbing her eyes. "You know how I do" i said jokingly as she giggled. "Boy" she said mushing my face.

"So what you feelin like after last night? Cause I know what I'm feelin" I said as she smiled. "And whats that?" she asked giggling her hand on my chest.

"We exclusive, no fucking randoms, we getting to know eachother on a deeper personal level" I said a she leaned up looking at me."Im fucking wit it" she said smiling and i nodded. "You aint have choice anyway" I said as she laughed. "You so demanding" she said giggling.

"You feel like getting out of bed?" I asked her as she shook her head. "No i wanna stay cuddled up with you here" she said rubing my chest up and down. We put on Power as we stayed in bed naked cuddled up.

1 week later


I was currentley in my closet packin my suitcase. Dave had suggested we go on a trip together to be away from everyone and since im on summer break i thought it was a great idea.

It had been a week since we first had sex and next week was my birthday. Our birthdays were 2 weeks apart which makes sense as to why we are both similar in a lot of ways.

"I have no clothes" I whined completley over this packing shit. "Look at yo closet for real, you got so much shit" Dave said scrolling on his phone. "How long we going for anyways?" I asked him.

He planned a trip to mexico for us and i was super excited to be away from New York, I only ever been to Atlanta and Ethiopia and that's it. "A few days, I got a show straight after" he said as I nodded. I finally began putting outfits together.

After about an hour and a half I finished packing. "Im done packing" I said getting into my bed that Dave was already laying on. "Coo, what you want to eat mama?" he said putting his phone down facing his attention to me. "Daveeee" i said rolling my eyes.

"My bad, you gon eat chinese" he said as I raised an eyebrow. "You telling me what to do?" I said cocking my head to the side as he chuckled. "Yeah, what yo complicated ass gon do about it?" he said making me giggle.

I threw a punch at his face but he caught my hand before my fist connected. "The fuck wrong with you?" he said as i shurgged. "You the one who asked me what i was gon do, i was just showing you" I said as he looked at me crazy.

"Ima fuck yo ass up Ari" he said getting up tickling me. "Ok Im sorry" I said giggling as he was tickling my sides. "Nah that aint gon cut it" he said chuckling. "Dave pl- please" I said in between giggles. "Aight ima stop" he said chuckling slapping the side of my thigh mad hard. "OW" I yelled. "You didnt need to do all that" I said as he chuckled walking out the room.

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