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I got out the cab giving the driver a tip, I saw Dave car parked. I walked up peeping inside to see that he was sleep, I knocked on his window as he shot up looking at me before smiling.

"Took you long enough" Dave said tiredly getting out his car. "Why was you sleep in yo car anyways?" I asked him. "Because I just got back from North Carolina, I had a show and I only got back early this morning" he said stretching.

We walked into the doctors office. We was going to see baby girl in a 4D ultrasound. I was going to do it myself while I was in Atlanta but I felt bad leaving Dave out of something so big.

We waited in the room as the radiographer came in. "Ms and Mr Brewster?" She asked us as we nodded. I didn't even bother to correct her.

"Good morning to the both of y'all, so today I understand we are doing the 4D ultrasound" she said setting everything up.

"Yes I'm so excited to see who she looks more like" I said as she smiled at me. "How many weeks are you so far?" She asked me.

"34 1/2 weeks" I said as she nodded. "Now this is gonna be cold but I'm sure your used it by now" she said smiling putting the cold gel on my stomach and moving the probe around my stomach. Seconds later baby girls heart beat pounded through the room and she appeared on the big screen.

"She is a active one" The lady said smiling as baby girl really was tossing and turning. "I know I be talking to her every night telling her to chill out" I said as we all laughed.

"That's my twin" Dave said looking at the big screen as I frowned, i couldn't even deny it she looked just like her daddy

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"That's my twin" Dave said looking at the big screen as I frowned, i couldn't even deny it she looked just like her daddy.

"She supposed to look like me" I said as he chuckled.

We got done with the ultrasound as we made our way to the front desk and we got our photos to keep.

"Let me take you home" Dave said as I shook my head. "Nah it's cool I'm meeting up with a friend anyways" I said as he looked at me raising an eyebrow

"Who yo friend?" He asked me as I mentally rolled my eyes. "You don't know him- them" I quickly said but it was obvious I said him.

"Him? So this like a new potential boyfriend?" He asked me as I rolled my eyes. "So I can't have guy friends?" I asked him as he chuckled.

"Weren't we 'just friends'? Then look what happened" he said chuckling some more, "Dave it's not like that, I wouldn't go on a date with a man when I'm literally about to give birth" I said.

"Aight, but let me take you, make sure you get there safe" he said as I rolled my eyes and got in his car.

I couldn't even set boundaries with his ass cause he persistent as fuck that you just give in.

Dave stopped the car as we were parked outside the cafe.

"Thanks" I said taking my seat belt off. "Make sure you text that you got home safe" he told me as I smiled and nodded. I got my bag climbing out his car. Once my feet finally touched the ground I got out shutting the door.

I walked through the doors of the cafe spotting Andre with a baby in his arms.

I walked my way over to him. "Heyy" I said awkwardly as he looked up at me. "Girl I ain't think you was gon make it" he said making me giggle. "And who is this?" I said sitting down and seeing the little baby who looked about almost a year old sitting in Andre's lap. "Andre jr" Andre said as I raised my eyebrows.

"Hi Jr" i said holding his hand as he smiled at me. "So this you and your cousins baby?" I asked him as he shook his head. "Nah turned out it ain't mine, Jr mom was already pregnant before I found out my cousin was pregnant" he explained.

"Man I can't believe yo ass pregnant though, you said you would never have babies and that you was gon be childless for the rest of your life" he said making me giggle thinking back to when I used to despise the idea of having a family of my own.

"Well I didn't plan on it but now I wouldn't want anything more than to have a baby" I said as he smiled.

"We changed so much from when we were kids" Andre said as I smiled.

"Remember how your crazy ass would throw rocks at cop cars and Me, you, Nia and Chantel would get chased by the cops " he said as I laughed thinking back.

"You would get us chased by crackheads nigga" I said as we both started dying laughing.

"And them hooky party's yall made me go to, but I just watched and stayed my distance" I giggled. "I can't believe I skipped school just to go to them shits with y'all" I said shaking my head. "You was a goody two shoes but fucking impulsive ass dare devil" he said making me laugh.

"The time we all broke into East New York High school, cause I was moving and we was all sad" I said. "We thought we would never see each other again despite us literally living in the same projects" I said shaking my head.

"Some bad ass teenagers" I said.

"We all made it out, now that's something" Andre said as I smiled nodding. "You finished college yet?" He asked me as I nodded. "Mhm, Ima be a CEO just watch me" I said as he smiled.

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