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(I'm a poor excuse of an author and I'm so sorry!- 5/12)

[er.... I have no excuse and I'm pretty sure this is all jumbled and screw-y so I apologize *cracks fingers and starts music* let's get to writing! -7/15]

James was still gone on the day of the procedure. I was glad. I was relieved. I was scared. This had to work. It had to. I was out of options. It had to work.

I woke up early, really early for me- it was around five in the morning I think, and wheeled myself to Tony's lab. I assumed it was his lab, I didn't really know if it was or wasn't. Steve was waiting there for me, pacing while Tony and Dr. Banner stared at him with amused expressions.

"She'll be fine, Cap." Tony spoke. It took me a second to realize nobody had seen me yet. "She's a good person, we have no reason to worry about her going insane like Schmidt did." Steve and I flinched at relatively the same time. Schmidt was the original head of Hydra and had been given an incomplete version of the Super Soldier Serum. He was a bad person, which as amplified due to the serum, and ended up going absolutely insane- thinking he was a God and such. I sincerely hoped that wouldn't happen to me.

I wasn't exactly the model citizen. Hell, I'd been an assassin for months on end and it still hadn't started affecting me the way it should. Maybe it never would.

"Alex, I can see you." Dr. Banner stated, drawing me from my thoughts and making me look up in alarm. I blushed and smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, doc. I got a little caught up in my own mind." I mumbled. Then my attention was brought to a large... capsule [?] in the room. "Is that where I'm supposed to stand?" My tone was joking yet serious at the same time, completely contradicting itself. Tony nodded and I mentally groaned then forced myself to stand, gripping a counter with white knuckles.

"Awesome." I muttered, slowly shuffling forward. Steve's hands hovered near my waist so he could catch me if I fell.

"Normally, the serum would be injected into your spinal column, but since your spine is made of a titanium alloy that wouldn't exactly work." Tony explained. "So we're doing this the same way Steve was given the serum." I stared at him, pale faced.

"Meaning I'd become the first female super soldier?" I asked weakly, completely understanding what Tony was trying to say. He and Bruce both nodded and I rubbed the back of my neck. "Should I be concerned? It isn't going to amplify my... abilities, is it? They were hard enough to control in the first place, I only just got a grip on the whole telekinetic push thing."

I was babbling unnecessarily, my nerves skyrocketing because I definitely would not appreciate my 'early warning system' being amplified. I'm sure it'd be helpful still but it was already annoying, feeling that slow burn that was now almost constant.

"It might. We're totally prepared for the event of it amplifying your abilities though, so you shouldn't worry." Doctor Banner said. I shrunk back, looking mildly terrified still. "And you're physical appearance shouldn't change at all." I raised an eyebrow.

"Shouldn't. Okay, so if it does...? Actually don't answer that. Can we just... get this over with? Please?" I asked.

And that was that. I'd recently taught myself how to block out everything in my surroundings, so I was dead silent and basically completely unaware of everything throughout the entire procedure. I didn't feel a thing the whole time, excluding a mild burning sensation that felt like I was sun-burnt.

When I opened my eyes I noticed everybody looked a little concerned. "What? Did it not work?" I asked, terrified that my last option was a total failure.

"No it worked." Tony reassured me. "We just didn't anticipate your absolute silence. Stevie boy here was freaking out." I snorted and shook my head, slowly trying to step out onto the lab floor.

"I forgot to warn you that I have an immense amount of self control." I joked. "No, really I just learned how to lock myself in a corner of my mind until I wanted to become aware. Hydra may be the evilest organization ever but I learned a lot from them." Steve visibly paled and I rolled my eyes. "Calm down. I meant some skills that would be useful no matter where I worked. Gosh."

I felt mildly taller, not a whole lot but enough for me to wrinkle my nose in confusion for a second until I realized I've always been this tall and just wasn't used to it anymore. The second thing I noticed was my neck was no longer burning from my 'early warning system'. I shrugged it off, thinking my body was just accepting the fact that I was in less danger now.

I never, ever in a million years would consider the fact that my abilities were now amplified and the burn had become a nervous tick that was me scanning my surroundings and logging every potential threat.

"Well, how do you feel?" Tony asked. I shrugged again.

"Normal?" I guessed. "It doesn't hurt to stand anymore and I don't think I'm going to collapse any time soon."

The questions continued until Tony and Bruce decided I was still the same Alex I've always been and let me go back to my room.

Now I just had to wait for James to come home.

[boom. Done with the chapter finally xD word count: 924]

Remember; Book 2 of the Target seriesWhere stories live. Discover now