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(Right, so it's about 11 pm and I was crying and I need to just let all my emotions out so here goes nothing. Hope this isn't utter crap. Credit and much thanks to @RavenHolmes1994 for letting me use Cruciamen. She created it, it's hers. She owns it. I'm just lucky she's extremely kind and gave me permission to use it. Go check out her Avengers fanfiction series(s). She's a great writer and as a thanks I'm shamelessly promoting her :) hehe -9/17)

Approximately fifty three minutes and nineteen seconds after my escape from Hydra, Pierce had found me and James in the cafe. It was hell on earth, or I had thought so at that moment. James was fighting for me and I was begging them not to hurt him.

I heard a yelp of pain from James and all hell broke loose, literally. I lunged at Pierce, driving my metal fist into his face. I heard a satisfying, painful crunch and Pierce yelled in pain. I broke his nose. I continued to punch him, forcing the prosthetic technical weapon into his gut and side and basically every available spot that I knew would hurt him but wasn't below the belt. I had to have some standards when it came to fighting the man that could literally order me to kill myself and under certain circumstances I'd listen to him.

Pierce was gasping for air, my metal fist having been pounded against his solar plexus more than once. If I had to give a definite number I would guess six or seven times. Probably more. I stopped my attack and turned to James, who was staring at me with some fearful respect in his expression.

"Was I like that when I was- him?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Winter Soldier? Yeah, you were pretty damn terrifying. I'm sure you brought a literal- AH!" I screamed as a knife was plunged into my side and a needle into my neck.

"No!" James cried. Hydra agents pulled me away from him, kicking and screaming. I pretty much threw a tantrum as they pulled me away, begging James to help me. But he didn't. He stood there, staring at me as I was dragged away from him.

And that was a deeper wound than any knife or bullet would ever cause.

When I was back at Hydra, I became familiar with the term hell on Earth. I was injected with a substance called Cruciamen, which literally translated to pain in a language that I wasn't very familiar with.

And damn did Cruciamen hurt like a bitch. It felt like fire was coursing through my blood vessels, burning me slowly and painfully from the inside out. My throat was raw from screaming and begging them to make it stop. In all honesty, I would have put a bullet in my brain if I had been given the chance.

After the literal hell was over I was dragged into the room that was painfully familiar to me, though I'd only been in there once, and strapped into the chair. The headpiece was lowered and the mouth guard was forced between my teeth. Then the machine kicked on and waves of electricity were sent through me, stealing away my memories.

I willingly let go of the memories of me and James, tears streaming down my face as I remembered then forgot about him just standing there as I cried and begged him to help. My heart broke then fixed itself in a matter of minutes as the memory was torn from my mind.

The rest of my memories replayed in my mind as they were stolen from me, making me cry harder. I didn't scream, I promised myself I would show Hydra how strong I could be. Blissful darkness took over and I gladly accepted the wave of unconsciousness that had been threatening to take over.

I awoke to ice water being dumped on me. I surveyed my surroundings, fresh memories of Hydra training me and raising me were in my mind and I knew no better than to blindly trust the people that would most likely turn around and stab me in the back. Literally.

The agent that was sent to wake me up lead me to what appeared to be a conference room. Pierce, my father, and a few other agents were waiting for me.

"Titanium, thank you for joining us." Pierce said. I nodded my head and looked at the floor, taking in my appearance.

I was wearing a hospital gown and barefoot. Dirt was smudged all over my legs and feet, as well as dried blood. I could only imagine what the rest of me looked like.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice hoarse and weak. Pierce gestured for me to sit down and I did just that, nearly collapsing into the chair closest to me.

"What do you remember?" Pierce asked me. I frowned.

"Not much past my mission in South-East Nebraska." I admitted. Pierce sighed, like he was upset.

"You were on a local mission and ambushed by SHIELD agents. They beat you bloody, when our agents found you I feared we were too late." His voice cracked and I stood, walking closer to him. "I was so worried about you, my precious little girl."

"But I'm okay. I'm alive, dad. I'm okay." I reassured him. Pierce smiled.

"I know. And we are all so fortunate that you weren't damaged." He said. The way he worded it struck me as odd. I silently agreed with him and sat down again.

"How soon will the girl be able to be assigned another mission?" One of the agents asked.

"As soon as possible." Pierce said. "It's merely a matter of how well she is feeling." He looked at me, as if to ask how I was.

"I'm feeling perfectly fine." I spoke up, disguising the lie easily. "In fact, I'm sure I'll be ready to accept my next mission after I shower and get myself cleaned up."

Pierce smiled. "Then we will do just that. Go shower and get yourself cleaned up then return to this room for your next assignment." I nodded and stood up, waiting for his actual permission to leave.

"You may leave."

I practically ran to my room once I was out of his line of sight. I took a quick shower and made sure all of the dirt and dried blood was gone then dressed in my undergarments and uniform and speed walked back to the conference room. A file was dropped on the table as I sat down.

"This man is your next mission."

I flipped the file open and found myself staring at a vaguely familiar face. I scanned through the basic information, looking for a name.

James Buchanan Barnes.

(Boom. Long chapter :) I write a lot when I need to calm down. I even payed a tribute to where I'm from, South-East Nebraska. I can't say where exactly but hey, a vague location won't hurt anyone... I hope. Word count: 1,180)

Remember; Book 2 of the Target seriesWhere stories live. Discover now