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(Excited for the sequel? It starts off about a year later, fair warning. -9/2)

(Ugh I'm typing after PE and I'm so sore. Should I keep posting my awkward little notes before the chapter or no? -9/3)

It'd been a year since the fight. James and I, we were engaged. Our wedding day was coming up and I was nervous. Correction, I was anxious. I loved James, I loved him a lot. We'd taken to saying 'til the end of the line', which was deep because he and Steve used to say that.

I knew something would go wrong. I didn't know what it would be, but I knew there would be a mishap.

And that mishap was issues with my dress.

"It just doesn't look right!" Natasha exclaimed. I was surprised she had even turned up to help, she and James used to have a thing but that was long over and she was with someone else now. Someone named Clint.

I turned and looked in the mirror. She was right, something looked wrong. Izzy agreed with us. Izzy was Clint's niece, she was totally deaf without the hearing aids SHIELD developed for her. Just by looking at her you could tell she and Clint were related.

"It's the length." I decided. "Or the fit. I dunno, I feel kinda fat." Natasha and Izzy shared a look.

"Speaking of feeling fat, have you and James-?" Natasha asked. I stared at her, not understanding what she was trying to ask. "Have you guys, you know, done the deed?" My expression turned to one of horrified embarrassment.

"Natasha!" Izzy laughed. "Stop pestering the woman." I was sure my face was bright red.

"No." I answered her question. "We haven't." I turned my attention back to solving the issue with my dress.

"It's the waistline." Izzy stated. "They took the waist in too much and it's making the dress look odd on you. I can fix it when we get back to HQ." I gaped at her.

"Did you know that the entire time?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah. But I knew Tasha was dying to ask you that question so I didn't say anything." She answered.

And that was that, we left the bridal shop and went back to SHIELD where Izzy fixed the waistline of my wedding dress. While Izzy was fixing the dress Natasha was pestering me, she wanted to know how James proposed. I knew I would have to give in and tell her.

"We were having lunch at a café and he got down on one knee and asked." I told her. Natasha made a face.

"Really? I thought he would've been more romantic about it." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm a simple girl Natasha. I don't like big occasions; I prefer a quiet, simple proposal to a big, elaborate one."

Natasha refused to accept that and decided she would plan the wedding. Which I still had to do because I was being a procrastinator. I was fine with her planning it, because it meant that I would be surprised, which was what I originally wanted.

With a month left of waiting, I was happily waiting. I knew the month would fly by quickly.

(Tada, first chapter. It's about a page and a half on Pages but I know tilt seem short on Wattpad because their page-system is messed up. -.- anyways Word count: 572)

Remember; Book 2 of the Target seriesWhere stories live. Discover now