Passion Of The Arts

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We took our places at the starting line.

"I'll make you pay in the name of Grim-sama!" The woman threatened, she slid her finger across her neck while glaring at me. I smirked at her and stood up straight with one foot on my board.




The crowd shouted and the sounds of the buzzer went off while a woman with big flags waved them signalling to go. Quinn took off right away, I decided to wait for a while and give her a head start.

"What are they doing?"

"Probably getting cold feet."

Whispers of mockery and confusion can be heard, as I stood there not moving. "Time will break what doesn't bend —  even time. Even you." I said out loud, throwing my board in front of me and hopping on it in a swift movement. A trail of dust followed behind me as I sped down the road.




Voices of shock spoke. I zoomed down the strip catching up with Quinn easily, "Helllooo theeerre!" I sang, one hand on my chest and the other stretched out to her. The crowd began screaming in excitement, and Quinn's eyes widened in surprise. "Take this poser!" she growled as she popped off the beaded chains from her neck.

The big multi-coloured beads bounced and scattered on the strip.

I extended my arms to my sides and moved my hips to doge the beads, my board shake a bit but I balanced well. After I had cleared the beads, I picked up more speed and made it beside Quinn. I grabbed her wrist and spun her around with me. She screamed and tried to break free but my grip was strong, I controlled her movements making her struggle even more.

"My turn," I purred, my voice laced with excitement. I held Quinn's wrists apart and moved her around like a rag doll. I made sure to use enough strength so that she couldn't fall but not have enough control. "Let's see if you can handle me, shall we?" I whispered, pulling Quinn closer to me. I put one of my feet on her board and a hand held her waist.

"My little pet I'll leave you trembling, Can you hear the beating of my heart?" I said with a sardonic smile. I kept my grip on Quinn and spun with her, laughing maniacally while she screamed out of fear.

The crowd seemed to enjoy my show, cheering and hollering in delight. I let go of Quinn as we were heading to a curve, the momentum made her fly into some bushes, while I did a Casper slide to make the curve.




The crowd of people shouted and screamed with excitement. "I thought I was getting a challenge here but It looks like you're all bark and no bite," I mocked.

"The Grim Phantom Wins!!!" Someone announced through a speaker. Cheers and fangirling/fanboying erupted from the crowd as they had just witnessed me skate. "Now that I have won I believe that I should get what I want from you isn't that right?" I asked skating up to Quinn's lackeys. "Y-yeah." One of them said.

"Heh. Now be good girls are pickup your leader, from now on you'll be my dogs." I told them with a sinister smirk. They quickly rushed over to pick up the fallen Quinn. I skated away, avoiding the crowd that formed around me.

'It's good to be back.'

Back home

I had just arrived back home. I walked back upstairs to my room to get some sleep since I knew I had to go to practice tomorrow for my debut next week. Slipping out of my outfit and stuffing it back into its box with my skateboard I went into my bathroom to take a shower. After showering and changing I got into my bed feeling a little drowsy.

The Grim Phantom {Sk8 The Infinity X Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now