Family Issues

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"Hey, aren't you [Name] Sakaguchi?" Miya asked while snapping his fingers. "[Name] Sakaguchi, who's that?" Reki and Langa asked.

"It's him, the famous Piano prodigy, he won the International Ettore Pozzoli Piano Competition 4 times in a row by the time he was 15, he's also the heir to Sakaguchi Inc. the international trading company," Miya explained to them.

"How do you know all this?" Shadow questioned. "Well I saw the news about his...parents and got invested in who they are," Miya admitted hesitantly. "So you did your research on me." [Name] remarked, Miya shrugged in response.

"Wait if you're some high-class piano prodigy then why are you racing at S and how do you even know Adam??" Reki asked trying to make sense of everything. "Ehh, well it's a bit complicated," [Name] chuckled, scratching his head. "You see Adam and I grew up together like brothers which is why I act the way I do towards him. He was my first real friend and somewhat sibling. We loved each other but eventually, due to our age gap we started drifting apart and eventually stopped speaking to each other." [Name] explained to them. 

"So the story about you beefing with Adam wasn't true?" Langa asked sadly. "No, that is true. I was 13 back then and we were already on the verge of falling out, the beef was just the confirmation." [Name's] head hung low and he continued. "Confirmation for what?" Reki leaned forward and asked, they all did in fact. "Conformation that our relationship wasn't going to last," [Name] stated, he stood up abruptly and clapped his hands "Enough about me how about we get something to eat and cheer up Reki, my treat of course!" he smiled and took out his phone to call his driver. 

They didn't stay long since Reki, Langa and Miya had school in the morning, and Shadow needed to go to work. In the end [Name] ended up sitting in the car as Akane drove him back to the mansion. The young man sighed and rested his head upon his hand as he gazed through the window at the passing town. His eyes fluttered closed hiding those dull eyes from the world, his mouth opened once more "We are very much like berries in a way, don't you think so Akane-san?" he asked keeping his eyes closed. 

"Not, sir," Akane replied making a glance at his employer through the rearview mirror. 

"Humans are the juicy and fresh berries growing upon the vine of life, each one unique despite growing from the same vine. They all turn out differently in taste, colour and looks, some may grow from the greenest part of the vine and others may grow from the rotting part." [Name] opened his eyes and cast his gaze over at his driver, "The ones from the greenest part of the vine grow to be plump, juicy and gushing with life, the ones who are most desired. In the end looking or not we all end up getting eaten" With that he turned back to look out the car's tinted window. 

"That's interesting sir," Akane commented yet received no response. Not long they arrived at the mansion. [Name] stepped out of the car and was greeted by Lorraine at the door with the keys to his father's motorcycle. "Just leave the keys on my desk in my bedroom Lorraine" He informed her not stopping his walk to his bedroom. "[Name] I'm not giving you the keys," Lorraine stated firmly. 

Her words caused [Name] to stop in his tracks, he turned to look at her and asked...


Lorraine stood there looking at him with her arms crossed and head held high, "I said that I'm not giving you the keys to the motorcycle." she repeated. "And why are you not going to!??" [Name] asked a bit harshly. "You're acting like a spoiled brat, being reckless and doing whatever you feel like I get that you're grieving the loss of your parents but remember you still have a company to run [Name]," She gently yet sternly reminded him. 

"I'm not grieving Lorraine I'm ecstatic that they're finally dead! You've seen it yourself all the abuse and neglect I've suffered at their hands over the years!!" [Name's] voice got louder as he spoke but Lorraine maintained her stance not flinching at his volume. "I know that [Name] I'm not trying to invalidate your feelings I'm simply reminding you that you need to be responsible for once and stop acting too impulsively." Her voice remained steady as she explained herself.

"Why didn't you do anything? You say you knew all along did nothing to help or try and stop it." [Name's] voice trembled slightly as he spoke glaring at Lorraine. Lorriane's eyes softened as she looked up at the young man. "I tried...I did what I could and hoped that it was enough." She admitted. 

"Maybe you should have tried harder!!" [Name] yelled at her tears filling his eyes but refusing to spill. "It was either get fired trying to help or stay and try to lessen the abuse and care for you like my own!" Lorraine spoke, her own eyes filling with tears as well, the once little boy that she had cared for all these years, the little boy who suffered so much even though she tried her best to protect him has now grown into a deeply troubled young man.

The painful truths laid bare hung heavy in the air between them. Both had suffered in silence for so long, carrying burdens no child or caretaker ever deserved. "You're no longer a scared little boy [Name], you're a grown adult so start acting like one." Lorraine wiped her eyes when she spoke hoping that [Name] receive her words and not just block them out. 

"Just shut up Lorraine," [Name] muttered and resumed his walk up to his bedroom. Lorraine hung her head and let out a deep sigh, this man is going to be the death of her someday. 

The Next Morning

Itome, Lorraine and [Name] were finishing up the final plans for the funeral. "I've gotten top-notch security to keep reporters out, and I've already sent out the invitations," Lorraine informed. "Great, also I forgot that they were going to be cremated and not buried, so luckily you didn't get the caskets yet," [Name] said.

'How could we forget such a crucial part?!' They all simultaneously thought. "Now that's out of the way we should discuss the will," Lorraine suggested. "Right, they stated that they wanted their ashes spread over the water on Myoki Island," Itome remembered.

"Lorraine plan the trip for me since the funeral is tomorrow. I'd like to get this over with." [Name] commanded leaning back in his chair. What happened last night seems to have been ignored this morning by both parties.

They finished discussing the important parts of the funeral before Itome had to leave. As he left [Name] received a text.


[Moody Cat Boy]
Hey, [Name] if ur not busy meet us at the skate park.
Langa's preparing for his race against Adam.

Sure I'll be there in a few


"Lorraine I'll be out for a while," [Name] told her while going to grab his skateboard. "I think you should stay home [Name]. You need to rest for the funeral tomorrow and for the trip to Myoki. I've also made an appointment with a ther-" Lorraine tried reasoning but got cut off, "I'll be fine, just finish up the preparations and book my ticket." [Name] brushed her off.

"But-" "I'm leaving, Lorraine." [Name] cut her off and left the mansion. 'This boy never learns!' Lorraine thought, she watched as [Name] left the mansion and drove away on his father's motorcycle, she had surrendered the keys last night after their talk out of guilt.

{To be Continued}

I told y'all that I would start updating!! Happy Holidays <3

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