Alluring Moonlight Pt2

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"I'll call if I need you.", I told Lorraine. She then drove off to do whatever she does when she's on a break.

Standing in front of the metal door, I knocked in a specific rhythm to let ADAM know I'm here. Tadashi opened the door. One side of the room's walls was covered top to bottom with monitors.

"Glad to see you could make it GRIM. " ADAM said still looking at the monitors in front of him.

"Why did you want to see me? I could be looking for my Belladonna right now you know." I said my voice monotone.

"Getting straight to the point I see. Well, I just wanted to have a little chat.", He spoke with that same damn sardonic smile on his face.

I hated it. I just want to rip it right off.

"What do you want to 'chat' about?"

He switched the camera to focus on the rookie SNOW. He was in a beef against Miya.

"I believe you know who that is, am I right?" He asked.

"Miya Chinen, he's on the Japanese national hopeful team," I answered.

"I'm not talking about Miya, everyone knows who he is. I'm talking about him 'SNOW'. " He said focusing the cameras so that they were close-up shots of SNOW.

"Oh, you meant him. I'm not sure who he is, why don't you ask Cherry...Oh, wait! I forgot you ditched them." I sat down on the sofa that was there off to the side, scowling at him.

"You always have some idiotic comment to say. Back on the topic regarding SNOW. I just wanted to let you know that I call dibs! He's going to be my EVE, not your Belladonna." He said spinning around to face me.

"Umm, dude he looks like a highschooler. He probably is a highschooler now that I think about it. You're gonna catch a case." I deadpanned.

He's seriously gonna catch a case.

"Depending on who wins we'll be going down there." He then spun back around.

"Who said I'm coming? I'm not gonna go to jail with you for creeping on kids.", I said sinking into to the sofa.

"You don't have a choice." He said side-eyeing me.

"Fuck you." I flipped him off.

[Ok so Imagine the scene where Adam is stroking his skateboard and a blurry grim is in the background behind Tadashi. He's standing on his skateboard and he just falls flat on his face. Like not the normal 'Fuck, fuck, fuck' fall but the 'hello darkness my old friend' fall. Then he just stays there on the ground with a thumbs up.]

"Come on Snow," I whisper. Miya is in the lead right now. "His board isn't like any ordinary one. Can you tell me why?" ADAM asked.

"I don't have any data on him so how would I know why?:" I asked gripping the chair handle. This race is getting me on edge.

No matter who wins I'll be forced to listen to Adam's moaning.

"Hmm" He hummed in acknowledgement.

Snow pulled some crazy snowboarding tricks and won the race. Adam went to go get changed into his skater outfit.

We skated down to the abandoned factory.

"Skating should be fun. You have quite a good quote there," Adam said. He was standing behind a few people that were blocking the entrance.

They moved out of the way to let us pass. Adam skated into the abandoned factory while I was looming closely behind.

"It's Adam!"


"I've never seen him before."

"Whoa, the legend has descended!"

"Grim's here too!"

"Two legends are here right now!!"

Whispers and mutters can be heard. 'What am I doing with my life?' I thought. "Adam?" Miya spoke. He was standing next to Reki.

"Wait...The Legendary?" Reki had sparkles around him. I made eye contact with Miya through my mask.

His eyes went dull. What did Adam do? "Friends, skating...You, at this point...Have nothing left." Adam told Miya, and his sardonic smile grew.

I clenched my fists. He told me something similar when I was first starting out.

"You have potential, significance, skill...But with those useless imbeciles holding you back...You're just a worthless fool."

"Well, anyway...I took a look at your skating. It was brilliant!" Adam exclaimed moving towards Langa. I moved with him as well.

"For instance, during an ollie... Take your foot...Mind if I touch you?" He moved his hands around Langa's leg. 'Yeah if he keeps being creepy, I'm gonna dip.'

"Hold on a second!" Reki interrupted him. 'Thank god, I was starting to get uncomfy.' "Take back what you just said!"

"What if I said I won't take it back?"

"Then I'll have you take it back...With this!" Reki kicked up his board. "You're an idiot," I mutter.

"A challenger!"

"Can it be that we'll actually see Adam skating?"

"The Legend has ascended!"

"ADAM! ADAM! ADAM!" The crowd chanted. "If I win you have to apologize to Miya." Reki betted.

"Don't sympathize with me!" Miya yelled at him. "I'm totally fine. It just means I have to start from the beginning." His bangs cast a shadow over his eyes.

"I'm not sympathizing, It's just that I absolutely hate guys like him!" Reki yelled. "Hey! Why don't you say something? Aren't your ears sticking out from that mask?"

"If emotions could be seen by the eye, what shapes would they be?" Adam asked. 'Not this bullshit again.' I mentally facepalm.

"I believe that it would be a spring. That spring will have different amounts of water depending on the occasion." He spun around and jumped back on his board.

"Don't change the subject! I-" Reki got cut off. "My spring is completely dry because I don't have a millimetre of interest with you."

"But You... you, you're good. It gushes right out. The prize of this bet will be you, skating alongside me!" he announced circling Langa. I reached out and gripped his hand.

"Did you already forget about our little chat Grimm?" He looked at me. "There will constantly be a variable in every equation," I told him before I let his hand go.

He brushed it off and told Langa that he will skate beside him if Reki loses. Langa agreed to it.

"It's a deal," Adam declared before he left.

I walked up to Reki and Langa. "You're both idiots...but you need all the help you can get." I handed them my business card before skating away.

"Lorraine, come pick me up."

The Grim Phantom {Sk8 The Infinity X Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now