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Everyone has breaking point

When Lizzie came to, she immediately thought, "Ow." She touched her left temple, and it felt like someone had hit it with a hammer. She noticed that her palm was stained with blood and that her hair was tangled and sticky. She had a pool of blood around her head, but thankfully it had already healed. She got up and quickly cast a spell to clean her hair and another to clear up any blood stains on the floor.

Once Lizzie was on her feet she felt incredibly dizzy; she had a raging headache, the lights at the front of the school were too bright, and even the moon that she had spent hours looking at earlier burned her eyes. Additionally, she had an overpowering sense of smell. Lizzie would believe she was doing drugs if she didn't know any better. She looked around, expecting it to stop. It was still dark outside, so she wasn't sure how long she had been dead. She was just relieved that a kid hadn't stumbled across her body.

Lizzie was given a choice to make stay at the Old Mill for a few hours or go back inside and take the danger of stumbling into Hope or anybody else who might smell the slight blood stench that was still on her. Of course, she went with the latter, but she soon became aware of her hunger. She decided to change her course and head into town to check if the Grill was still open for breakfast.

Arriving at the town square she looked up at the clock tower - it was almost 6 am. The Grill wouldn't be open until 7:30, so she turned around to go back to the Mill and try to take a nap. She was about to exhale when she suddenly noticed something move in the corner of her eye. It turned out to be just a person out for a morning jog. Although her vision was a little fuzzy, it appeared that this person was approaching her.

"Hey, are you all right? " the stranger asked concerned while Lizzie runs her hand through her hair looking up realizing it was a man. He drew near enough for the blonde to see the worry on his face. "Are you hurt because your clothes is covered in blood?"

When Lizzie realized she hadn't removed the blood off her clothes, she looked down and blamed herself. She most likely appeared very pale as well. "Uh yes! I-I just the woods, but yes, I'm alright. Thank you."

The man didn't seem to buy her story, but he probably didn't have another explanation as to why she was all bloody and frail. "Are you sure? I can take you to the hospital."

His proximity led Lizzie's heart to begin pounding frantically. Sweat could be seen trickling from his forehead and running down his neck to a prominent vein. She had lacked the capacity to hear her own heart, but she could still hear his. His heart was still calming down after his jog, but it was still racing. The blonde Saltzman could practically hear the blood pumping as she visualized all of his veins going to and from his heart, following a certain path up to his neck.

"N-no, please..stay away"

The man walked closer," let take you to the hospital. You don't look well."

"I'm sorry." Before she knew it she stepped forward and sunk her new fangs into his neck.

The man attempted to yell for help, but the sun had not yet risen and no one was nearby; Lizzie was powerless to stop herself as she let out a few tears fell. She came to understand that she was craving blood rather than food. In her arms, the man became limp. He collapsed on the ground, lifeless, as she moved away. His eyes were still open, he had two wounds in his neck, and he was pale.

Like any new vampire who has recently sucked someone's life, Lizzie went into full freakout mode. She attempted to utilize her newfound vamp speed to go to the trash behind the Grill while using her newly discovered strength to pull up the man's body. She almost ran straight through the Grill's front door because she overestimated her speed. She finally made it to one of the dumpsters after what seemed like an age, threw open the lid, and tossed the body inside. She was aware that eventually someone would discover the body, but based on the fang marks, they would believe an animal had attacked him. However, they would never be able to determine how his body ended up in the trash.

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