Friends in the making

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   After what feels like hours of opening and closing of countless doors we have finally made our way back to the stairs. "Fucking hells I forgot about these." I mutter looking down the winding stair case at least the warlocks have the decency to have a railing installed, it makes limping down them so much easier. The strength I had when we left the room has depleted my moving abilities greatly, I'm so tired I feel as if I could lay down and sleep forever.
  Daenerys takes another torch off the wall and gestures for me to go first. "If you fall I don't want to be the one you land on." She says with a smirk.
"How polite of you." I return sarcastically.
    We make our way slowly down the stairs with only my grunts of pain filling the silence however it's not long until the dragons mother speaks. "You are a Lord are you not?" She asks.
  I almost miss a step at the weirdness of her question. "Yes." I answer wearily not sure of where she's going with this.
   "Yet your a woman."
   I pause on the step and do my best to turn and look her in the eye as my anger starts to rise. "If you have a point you better get to it." I grit out definitely not liking where this conversation is going.
  "It's just that when you turned back from your wolf I noticed breasts on your chest among other things. And your daughter refers you to as a she, so I'm wondering how you are a Lord and a woman. Especially since Westeros does not allow woman to be anything but whores, wives or mothers well that's if you don't count the Silent Sisters or Septas." She rushes out with a blush rising to her cheeks.
  I let out a sigh not really wanting to go over this again, but I have to forgive her cause she was not raised in Westeros. I turn back around and start making my way down the stairs once more. "When I was born I was to be believed to be a boy, it wasn't until puberty that my breast started to grow.  By that time I knew how to wield my set of swords better than most of the Knights in The North knew how to wield one." I take a pause catching my breath while mentally cursing these stairs. "It was my father who fought to keep me in training stating that if I could provide heirs that sire my name then I could fight for The North and hold the title of Lord." I finish telling her.
  "So you can sire children?"
  "Yes, my wife Lady Margaery is pregnant with my heir at the moment." I grunt out as I take another step.
  "Isn't she married to the usurpers little brother?"
  I feel the air leave my lungs and my heart sinks. "If the letters are to be true than yes."
  "So she would not be your wife any more then right?
  I take a pause and swallow the lump forming in my throat. "We had made promises to each other that no man or woman is to come between us. And I made her and several others vow to make her do whatever she has to do to survive through this war. Until our dying breaths I will be hers and she will be mine." She doesn't say anything for the rest of the way down leaving me in peace as I struggle down the stairs.
  After a bit I see the wooden stairs meet stone floor and I let out a sigh of relief. I stumble down the last stair and lean myself against the cool stone wall breathing deeply willing my self not to pass out. Daenerys steps down and stops in front of me dragons still on her shoulder, "Are you well enough to continue?" She asks wearing a worried look.
   I look to the stairs then back to her not really believing that she's really asking me that, "I've been through all sorts of hells woman, now work your magic to get me out of this fucking place." I grit out harshly through the pain.
  With a roll of her eyes she walks past me and starts looking for something that will lead us out. It's takes her a minute but soon enough she calls out for me to join her, so with a groan I limp forward trying my best not to put much weight on my left leg. "I think this is it." She says as she points to yet another fucking wooden door, I honestly believe that I would be very happy with never seeing one of these again.
  "So push it open and lets go." I tell her.
  "Don't you think I've tried that?" She asks rhetorically. "Its stuck it's and not budging." She explains.
  I take a moment to think however I already know the solution but I will be in a lot of pain afterwards. "You have to promise that you will find a Maester as soon as we get out of here." I say making her more confused, I let out a deep sigh. "Just promise me you will find me someone if not a Maester." She gives me a tight nod, I take a deep breath and get into position on front of the door. "Okay now move back." As soon as she's out of the way I try my best to run and throw my body at the door using the shoulder that doesn't have a bolt in it. The pains from impact causes the breath to leave my lungs, and my vision to fade in and out I feel fresh blood run from the top of my head which is pounding worse than before.
   I land on hot stone which lets me know that it worked, I try to get up but I fall back down on my face grunting in pain. Hearing rushing footsteps and armor clinking I try again only to fail once more, "Father!" "Ryker" I hear their screams then small slaps against skin and a lot of struggling. "What have you done to her?" She continues to scream. "Let me go she hurt my father!" While I feel another set of small hands trying to wipe the muddy blood off my face. I want to get up but I can't my strength has left me and it doesn't look like it's returning.
  "Calm down Lady Stark, I hardly think this one could do that to your father. Now I'll put you down if you promise to not hit her again."  I hear Condons rough voice try to reason with her.
   I open my eyes to see that Rickon is the one kneeling at my side while Condon tries to pull Harper away from Daenerys. "Ryker are you okay?" I hear him ask between sniffles while he keeps petting my head gently not knowing if his actions will hurt me.
  I try to give him a smile, "Never better little brother." I croak out. Viseyna and I'm guessing Shaggydog come up to me sniffing around the wounds on my back letting out a whine. Next thing I know I feel a set of strong hands pull me up and half drag me until they lean me in a sitting position against the stone tower. "What happened in there My Lord?" Condon asks me fear lacing his voice.
  I open my eyes again, to meet his gruff face and gray eyes. "Nothing I couldn't handle, and nothing a hot bath won't fix." I give him a grin.
  He gives me a strained smile and shakes his head. "If you want to move away from this place I reckon we will have to take the bolts out first. Leaving them in the while moving will be damaging later on after the wounds heal."
  "Okay but only after you tell me why you are here with my brother and not at the docks."
  He lets out a sigh and looks off to the side. "When I returned to the Spice Kings palace his guards had been slaughtered and our two remaining men were barely fit and fighting off a group of the civic guards. They were trying to get to Rickon for whatever reason they died after I helped kill the men, there was nothing I could for them." His eyes drop to the ground. "I rushed Rickon and the Direwolf out of the palace once it was dark and by then rumors were singing in the air that the Dragon Queen and her followers were heading The House of the Undying. When we got here, the slaver and your daughter told us that you and her disappeared into the tower and we've all been waiting ever since."
   Confused I look up to the skies seeing the sun still high and bright, "What do you mean dark? We can't have been in there more than a few hours."
  His eyes meet mine with a somber look on his face. "Lord Stark it's been almost a week since you two have entered the tower. We thought you both wouldn't make it out, we could possibly hide here for maybe a couple of more days, thank the gods your daughter and brother wouldn't leave." He lets out a shaky breath. "I don't know what I would have done if we left when Mormont first wanted to and you came out like this."
  "It's alright Condon we made it out now get these fuckers out of me then we can figure everything else out." I tell him.
  He gives me a nod and shouts for Mormont to come over, everyone else joins him. "Just to let you know Ryker this is going to hurt a lot." He says as he leans me forward so he can get a better view. "Shit." I hear him say under his breath.
   The sound of armor and footsteps get closer, I hear a mix if whispering between the three adults so I close my eyes and clench my jaw. "Just get them out." I order them.
  "The bolts are barbed Lord Stark, if we pull them out it's will cause worse damage then what's been done. We have push them through to get them out safely." Mormont says. I nod my head the best I can, I hear tearing of cloth and a bundle is is placed in front of my lips. "Bite down on this so you won't bite your tongue off." I open my mouth and he places it in between my teeth.
   "Alright then one the count of three, one..two...three." The feeling of white hot fire spreading in my shoulder makes me scream in pain while my jaw automatically clenches shut. "It's out now stuff the wounds." Condon orders some one and by the soft touch and flowery smell I know it's Daenerys. After she's done they turn my body so I'm on my side. "This one should be easier okay, ready in one...two...three." Once again I scream into the cloth as the hot pain courses through my leg. I feel her hands upon my thigh wrapping it tight as it continues to burn and I start to hyperventilate.
  Small fingers tap tap my head, "Open your mouth father so I can take it out." She cries out desperately. It's a struggle but I unclench my jaw and feel the cloth being yanked out. She continues to pat my head like Rickon did earlier, "It will be okay father, we will get you cleaned up don't you worry."  Not a second later everything and everyone around me fades out.

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