To those who hold our hearts.

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"Rickon, we can't," I pleaded while attempting to unpack his bag, Myrcella lounging on his bed, petting Shaggydog with her own sack of leather trousers and cotton tunics beside her. "Mother and Father will be furious. Not to mention—"
"Winterfell is our home, Harper. If we intend to rule over it, then we should be there to protect it. You're a wolf of The North; if anyone could understand that, I figured it would be you," he almost shouted as he ripped his leathers out of my hand. "There are only a few more dragonglass ships heading North, leaving within a few hours. Shaggydog, Myrcella, and I will be on one no matter what you say."
"Ugh," I shouted, stomping my foot. "It's not like we haven't seen what they'll do when one of us has snuck out to fight in a war," I growled sarcastically.
"Well, at least the army is already heading there after their meeting," Rickon smirked, while Myrcella let out a giggle, causing me to blush.
"Fine. But when this grand idea of yours explodes in our faces, I'm telling them the truth when they reach Winterfell with intent on murdering us in our sleep," I stated before walking from his chamber, heading for my own to pack a small sack.
"I know you don't like this, Harper—"
"I don't agree with this plan because it endangers you, Myrcella," I growled, throwing the trousers in my hand on the bed.
"I'm not some fragile Princess. Not anymore," she snapped back.
Letting out a sigh, I felt my heart clench at her tone. When it comes to her, I would do anything to keep her happy and safe. "I know you're not," I whispered, smiling weakly. "You are one of the strongest people I know."
"Then why fight us on this?"
"Because if what father wrote to Condon is to be true, then Winterfell will be a battleground where only the dead could survive," I whispered, cupping her cheek. "I want you to live a full life, not one—"
"When does what I want matter?" she cut me off, stepping closer, placing her hand over my racing heart. "When do I get to make my own decisions?"
"After the wars are over, although one could have a good defense by saying after we marry, and I place a crown on your head."
"You really want me to be your Queen?"
"The surprise in her cracked whisper hurts my heart. "I will always want you to be my queen," I stated firmly, moving my hand to the back of her neck. "You have become my everything, Myrcella. I pray to the Old Gods and New every night that my mother and Prince Doran accept our proposal to name you as my betrothed."
"What about my parentage? The people of Westeros will remember what my parents have done."
"Fuck the people of Westeros; let them gossip all they want. It will only matter what I want when it comes to choosing my Queen, and I choose you, my heart chooses you," I whispered, leaning in, placing my forehead against hers.
"I choose you too," I hear her whisper before feeling her warm lips on mine.
Every thought that was racing through my already scattered mind vanishes in that very instant. The reservations about leaving in the middle of the night to sneak away from the safety of Dragonstone are lost on me as I lean into her, returning her kiss. Our kiss. Every worry that was plaguing my heart was washed away and replaced with a sense of longing to be hers and only hers. In that moment, she became my reason to live and breathe.
Closing my eyes, I can see our entire future, one filled with love and devotion to one another as we raise our children together. I know it's crazy to think that this young, but I can feel the ache in my heart that yearns for her to be mine fill a void I didn't know was there.
Just as I was soaking in our closeness, my eyes snap open as I feel Myrcella jump away from me at Rickon's abrupt entrance. "The boats—Oh, sorry."
"It's alright," I mumble, staring into her blue eyes that are filled with love and sincerity. "We're ready," I nod, taking her hand in mine, giving it a squeeze.

Half a league beyond the Iron Gate, just beyond the reach of their archers, Prince Oberyn had a large tent that took up most of the area we managed to control. The purpose was not to intimidate those in King's Landing nor those who raised in the small village outside the gate but to create a space where Alexandria can perform a test on the Wildfire, just to make sure Cersei isn't trying to pull one of her stunts. So, before the barrels are loaded onto the ship, each one will be tested to ensure they are suitable to be set aflame. Afterward, we will hand over the Kingslayer and leave for the North.
To say I'm not too happy about Daenerys and Margaery being so dead set on sailing into White Harbor with the Wildfire instead of riding Drogon, as they did to the pit, would be an understatement. I realize how the people of the North are and how they would definitely see Daenerys as a threat were she to arrive on the back of her dragon. However, shouldn't her safety be taken into account? Wildfire is unstable enough without moving it to a ship where it could explode at any moment, killing everyone on board. Maybe I can talk them into sailing on a different ship, possibly one that would be less prone to blow up if it's hit by the wrong wave.
"Tell me what we heard was not a vague threat made towards my niece," Tyrion breaks the thick silence we've been living in since we left the pit hours ago.
Honestly, I'm surprised the imp is coherent enough to talk in complete sentences, seeing as he's been drinking nonstop since we left the ships, possibly even longer than that.
"And if it was?" I answer, meeting his drunken angry eyes.
"You dare—"
"Talk to me as if you're more superior than me one more time, Tyrion, and it will be the last thing you do," I growl, taking a step towards him. "Everyone here knows I would never harm a hair on that child's or any child's head. I will tell you the same thing I told your pathetic brother: we do not hurt the innocent, that includes ones who are unfortunate to share your blood." I spit out before walking to stand beside my wife and betrothed's table.
"My apologies, Your Majesty," the imp mumbles, attempting to bow slightly.
"As I said before, you have a great mind, Lord Tyrion, when it's not muddled with wine and whores," I tell him, eyeing his empty cup. "Condon, have Lord Tyrion taken to one of the ships. I don't care which one, so long as it helps him sleep this drunkenness off."
Condon doesn't say a word when he steps forward and clutches Tyrion's shoulder, then pulls the drunken imp out of the tent.
"How can one so small drink so much?" I hear Jon mumble from his side of the tent as Tyrion trips over his own two feet.
"Only he can answer that, I'm afraid," the spider answers in his soft feminine voice.
"Lord Varys, do your little birds still fly within the walls of King's Landing?" Daenerys asks, running her perfect finger around the rim of her wine glass.
"Unfortunately, it seems that Qyburn has turned most of them against me," the spider responds wistfully.
"Any way you can get them back on your side?" I mumble, stuck in a half-trance, watching Daenerys's finger continue to glide hypnotically. Trust me when I say I understand what she's doing, and I hate the fact that it's working on not only myself but Margaery too.
"Not me," he sighs. "But possibly you, Your Majesty."
My neck twinges in slight pain due to the speed at which my head snapped up to his. "What do you mean?" I question, giving it a rub.
"The little birds of Westeros seek safety, protection. Most of them are poor, homeless, or bastards. If their future King, who is known to have a weak spot for downtrodden children, is offering to help them with the problems they're currently facing, then that King might find themselves with some of the most powerful allies within Westeros." He muses, tugging on a piece of loose thread.
"So, I offer my hand to them—"
"They will fill it with all the secrets you could ever wish for," he nods.
"Can you find a way to bring one of your birds to me?"
My frustration with his riddled words grows as he lets out a deep sigh while standing to his feet. "I will see what I can do, Your Majesty," he bows before leaving, pulling Loras along with him.
"I need to check on the siege; I will return when we have news of movements within the walls," Prince Oberyn says, putting down his own cup of wine.
"How did our men fare with handing supplies out?" I ask, stopping him for a minute.
"Very well, Your Majesty. News of yours and Her Grace's generosity is being praised throughout the poorest of King's Landing," the woman beside him smiles.
"Good, if we can, I would like to give more. Winter is not hitting just The North." I nod. "And we should send an envoy to the Stormlands to ensure Lord Buckley is following through with his plans. If he does, we can secure the holdfast and tend to the people there."
"We are already spread—"
"Have Loras send word to Lady Olenna and the Citadel. Request reinforcements and supplies, remind them that it is our responsibility to make sure all within the Realm of Westeros is taken care of, not just those with titles."
"And if they object?"
"Remind them how fast dragons can fly," I smirk.
"As you wish," Prince Oberyn smiles back, taking his leave.
Letting out my own tired sigh, I walk to the table holding small bits of cheese and smoked meat. Popping a piece of venison into my mouth, I turn back to my beautiful wife and betrothed.
Daenerys gives me a sultry grin before leaning in to whisper something in Margaery's ear. Almost instantly, a heat spreads over her soft pale cheeks, causing my cock to start to come to life. Even though it's been a long day, I remember the languid smiles that dawned their faces when they arrived. So I can't blame my heart for picking up its pace when Margaery's emerald orbs darken as she stands to her feet and stalks towards me after receiving a lustful kiss from Daenerys.
"My future wife," Margaery hums sexily as her eyes scan my figure, moving up and down until they settle on my bulging crotch. "You have been through so much since we have last been together." She whispers, running her hand across my chest, unlatching the scabbard holding Blackfyre as she walks around my frozen body. "Our dragon seems to think you deserve a reward." She breathes against the shell of my ear while another hand reaches around and starts popping open the buckles holding my vest in place.
"I-I only do as s-she commands," I stutter, forcing my eyes to hold Daenerys's as my heart continues to beat out of control.
Out of nowhere two waves of pure lust slams into my chest from the both of them as I watch her violent eyes turn almost black. Memories of all the times she had punished me on the journey to Dragonstone resurface waking the beast inside who is now searching for revenge. Not caring what her and Margaery were whispering about I summon all the courage I can and turn on my heel slamming my lips onto her pulling her supple body into me.
Although I never got the pleasure of watching her form change while carrying the twins, I silently thank all the gods in the world that she was able to keep the new look. Not that I didn't appreciate how she used to look, but everything about her from the slight pudge that proves she is our children's mother to the slight thickness of her thighs, mixed in with the new swell in her breast drive me absolutely insane.
I don't know what Daenerys and Margaery planned while they were whispering to one another however my patience has been worn unbearably thin with all this teasing. As our lips get lost in each other I turn our bodies so her back is facing Daenerys. I know how close it will drive Daenerys to the point of severe madness to watch our rose get throughly fucked before being filled with my seed all while not being able to touch her or be touched by her.
The best thing about making love to each of them together or separate is the way they melt under my touch. The trust they given me when they strip away their guards allowing to let their hearts to shine through fills my heart with so much love sometimes it feels hard to breathe. Pulling my lips away from hers I smile as I kiss my way to her ear while my free hand reaches up to loosen the top of her dress and pull her beautiful tits out. "Be a good girl for me my rose." I whisper kissing the soft spot beneath it basking in the needy whine she lets out.
It was the only warning I gave before spinning her around to face Daenerys and bending her over the table between us. Not giving her any time to recover I take the bottom of her intimidating black and red gown and flip it over her back while releasing the ties on my leathers freeing my cock from is prison. "So fucking beautiful." I groan running my hands over her soft silky plump ass taking in her wet pink lips that are begging to be split.
"Oh fuck." I moan gripping my throbbing shaft rubbing my tip up and down her slit until I'm inline with her weeping hole. "You have picked the most improper time to tease me, my love." I smile putting some pressure against her cunt. "While I would love to make love to you for hours unfortunately we have to be quick." I growl meeting Daenerys's eyes once more, taking an advantage of our position I reach up and thread my fingers into the soft hair at the base of Margaerys neck. Pulling on the hairs slightly I hold her in up just high enough so her blush pink nipples graze against the wooden top.
Smirking I watch Daenerys's jealous eyes dip to Margaerys breast as she brings her glass of wine to her lips. "Are you waiting for me?" She asks in a challenging tone placing the glass on the table. "Go on, fuck her." The whimper Margaery lets out turns into a loud moan as I ram my cock into her tight welcoming hole.
"Shit." Margaery gasps as I still my hips waiting for her to adjust to my size. The last time we made love I was too rough on her and she could barely walk the next day. Seeing as we need to be on the move within a moments notice I try my hardest to keep the beast in my chest at bay despite the need to fuck her warm walls raw. "Seven Hells, Ryker, move." She pleads smacking her palm against the table after a moment.
"As you wish my rose." I grunt pulling out and slamming roughly back into her starting a half punishing rhythm all the while watching the lust take over my wife who can't keep her eyes off our betrothed. My heart almost erupts as the sounds of our skin slapping, and Margaerys whimpers replace the silence until Daenerys reaches across the table to cup Margaerys cheek in her palm.
"Oh I know you can do better than that My King." Daenerys teases moving closer ghosting her lips across Margaerys.
Letting out a growl I pull us both away from the table just enough to give me the space to bend down and turn my rose on her back laying her down as if she were an offering to the gods. In an instant Daenerys descends on our bride to be claims her lips while I move between her shaking thighs setting hand on her hip pinning her down and let go of the slight control I had over myself.
While watching them is one of my favorite pastimes I force my eyes to drop to the apex of Margaerys thighs to fight against the urge to spill as Margaerys legs wrap around my ass pulling me further into her letting out a loud moan. Looking up to watch her come undone my wife meets my eyes and smiles wickedly moving her lips down her sensitive neck whispering praises leaving a trail of loving kisses along the tops of Margaerys gorgeous breasts.
Tearing my eyes from the violet orbs that hold half my heart I take in the sweat sheened beauty of Highgarden. Her stunning emerald eyes lock on to mine almost making me pause. Honestly I would have if it weren't for the immense longing coming from her bond drawing me to be drowned in the love she holds in her heart. The feeling overwhelms me so much that tears spring into my eyes as my hips so to a loving beat. Giving her a breathy smile I glide my fingers across her silky skin until they reach her core, gently I rub circles around her little nub at the same time Daenerys takes her nipple between her teeth causing her to yelp.
Suddenly her cunt tightens again catching me off guard forcing me to slow my thrusts even further as her hips buck and her eyes roll to the back of her head. Sucking in a breath I lean down and capture her lips with mine as the coils slips forcing me to explode inside her soaking her cunt with my seed.
"Gods that was beautiful." Daenerys hums as my tired hips twitch forward emptying the last of my soul into our betrothed causing a drawn out moan to escape our lips.
Pulling away I reach up and brush the stray hairs out of her face. "You are truly beautiful my rose." I whisper pecking her lips. "Was I too-"
"Gods no." Magaery breathes. "You were just who we needed." She smiles looking to Daenerys who is breathing harshly with flushed cheeks. "I think she might need your attention love."
Letting out a chuckle I lean over placing my hand on the back of her neck. "I love you my dragon." I whisper pressing my lips to hers, instantly we fight for dominance as a burning fire ignites between us.
Beneath me Margaery lets out a low moan catching our attention. "As much as I love this, you are still in me and I need a moment if you wish to have me walk at any point today." She attempts to laugh until I flex my hips turning her lovely giggle into a high pitch groan.
"How am I to give you a moment when I cannot get enough of the sounds that escape those ravishing lips." I groan nudging my half hard cock forward again.
"You must." Daenerys breaths out walking around the table pushing me back. The frustration swirling in her eyes unsettles me for a moment until she drops to her knees, spreading Margaerys dirtied lips with her slender fingers. "Oh my sweet rose." She moans leaning in placing her lips against Margaerys puffy cunt giving it the softest of kisses.
The thin band holding the beast almost snaps as my cock hardens once more. "I know what you're doing Daenerys." I growl out realizing my punishment has yet to come to an end.
"I don't know what you mean." She smirks before running her tongue through our betrotheds pussy lapping up our shared essence.
From a distance I hear a muffled shout and the sounds of carts and armor moving around our camp frantically. Knowing our time has come to an unsatisfying end I let out a growl before stuffing my wet cock into my leathers. "I'll try to buy you two more time however I have a feeling that we will be on the move shortly." I tell them regrettably buckling my vest. "We shall continue this later." I promise before turning on my heel with a huff.

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