New Positions and pit stops.

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I watch from my horse with the others as Daenerys throws the whip in the sand, I send her a proud smile as her eyes meet mine. "You will only hold her back, she has a true chance to rule the Seven Kingdoms and bring peace to The Realm." Mormonts says from behind me.
Anger is starting to rise in my chest at his words, to avoid violence I grip the reigns in my hand tight enough to make my knuckles turn white. Turning my horse I face him I try to maintain a stoic expression. "And you a Slaver who ran from judgement and is currently living in exile would know that how?"
I watch as his jaw clenches in irritation. "If you marry her then no Lord in Westeros will take her reign seriously."
"Forgive me Mormont but I had seem to forgotten that we had invited you into our affairs, so please remind me when we had done that." My reply comes quick, I nudge my horse closer to her and lower my tone. "She will never love you the same, so stop pretending to be her shiny knight when we all know you only stand beside her waiting in hopes she chooses you."
He's nods his head up and down. "You know just as well as I do that the time will come where you will be forced to make a choice, so tell me Lord Stark what will you do when The North forces you to choose, them or her?" He has the nerve to grin. "All those here know you will choose your duty over love, just as your father did." His chuckles make the anger slowly turn to rage as my hands start to shake.
"Mormont." Ser Barristan warn moving his hand to the hilt of his sword.
"What is going on?" Her tone venomous.
I stare daggers into the disgraced knights soul wishing I can run him trough with Blackfyre without hurting Daenerys. "Just talking." I grit out before turning once more facing her. The moment our eyes meet it feels like a small electric shock flows between us. The rage loosens it hold on me and seemingly flows into her as her eyes get darker by the second. Those same eyes move past my shoulder looking to the knight behind me.
"We're moving out, Ryker you and Missandei are to be the only ones who ride beside me." She instructs coldly never breaking eye contact with him.
"As you wish."  I say before she nudges her horse forward leaving the men behind.
I ride in silent anger as we make our way out of the city thinking of how our emotions have bonded over during our time together. At first I thought it was a fluke and the gods were playing with me, then I noticed the whenever my anger or desire gets out of control her emotions go haywire too. And the same happens with her, there has been plenty of times onboard the ship before my demise in Old Valyria where my cock would get hard for no reason at all or times when I would get so mad I would shift with no warning. We have been working on it and although it seems that we have gotten under control but deep down I know we have barely scratched the surface of the bond we share.
"Help them finish packing camp so we can get out of this forsaken place." Mormont calls out behind Daenerys and I as we arrive back at the now almost barren encampment.
Clenching my jaw I look to my intended. "Would you like me to handle him or should you?" I grit out anger coming over me once again.
"Can you handle him without bloodshed?" She asks back with a smirk.
That was the moment I realized she knew about what he said earlier. "I can try." I shrug with a grin keeping the anger tight in my chest hoping she wont notice.
She lets out a deep sigh. "Keep it to a minimum please." She relents.
"As you wish." I say darkly before dismounting from my horse.
I try to keep my emotions from showing as I near the knight who is trying to bark orders at Daenerys's newly gained soldiers. Barristan notices my approach but when I shake my head he understands to keep his warning quiet. As soon as I am close enough I jump up and grab the collar of Mormonts armor and use my weight to drop him from his horse. He lets out a groan of pain as his back hits the ground while he looks around trying to figure out what was happening. But before he can come to his mind I unsheathe Blackfyre from my back and spear it in the sand next to his head nicking his cheek in the process. I continue to use the surprise and grab ahold of the front of his armor and start raining punches on his face. He tries to use his hands to push me off of him yet the metal he uses to protect him weigh him down. It was my own fault for not watching his legs, I feel my knees buckle as he kicks them out from under me finally knocking my body off of him. "Finally." I grit out. "I thought you might have forgotten how to fight." I goad him.
"You will regret this Stark." He says spitting the blood from his mouth while gaining his feet drawing his sword ignoring Blackfyre.
I throw him a sarcastic smile. "Funny enough I don't think I will." Drawing my shorter sword before he lunges.
Soon enough steel clashing sings throughout the air, he swings high while I remain low. Using that advantage I push my body into his throwing him off his stance. He draws a dagger swinging it upward catching my shoulder as he falls backwards.  I try to regain my footing but he is quicker bringing his sword down once more forcing me to roll away towards Blackfyre.
Once the hilt touches my palm I feel un bridled rage flow through my body, I stand to my feet twirling the Valaryian steel. "That was a dirty shot don't you think?" I ask venomously gesturing to the blood pouring from my leather vest. "You see this is my favorite vest."
"To bad it wasn't deeper." He says sarcastically trying to regain he breath before lunging once more.
Parrying his sword with mine I swing the Blackfyre upwards in between us, the songs coming from his metal chest plate tearing apart fuel me. I continue my assault once he stumble backwards, I thrust my short sword up catching the side of his neck. But before it becomes fatal he spins away from only to stab his damn dagger into the back of my injured shoulder. I stumble forward not daring to let him try and rip it out.
Two things happen at the same time I feel the rage heat my body dulling the sharp pain in my shoulder and flowing straight to the hand holding Blackfyre making the ruby in the hilt glow bright red. The second is the world around me slows down for a second giving me enough time to turn to and raise my swords catching his in inch from my face. I know he has the advantage of height while I struggle to gain my footing, then out of no where a surge of strength flows through me turning everything red. I push my legs upwards while leaning my body to the side pushing the swords away from my face. Once they were clear I use all the strength I could muster to ram my forehead into his and in no time Mormont was on his ass with his steel landing far away from his immediate reach.
His once brazen composure had faded into fear as his eyes dart from the glowing sword twirling in my hand and my stalking advance on him. He starts to frantically scoot back desperately trying to reach his sword that lays upon the sand, using my short sword I throw it spearing it in between his outstretched hand and the hilt of his stoping him in his tracks.
Once I'm over him I lean down pressing Blackfyre into his throat enjoying the fear radiating of him. "I will only say this once Mormont so you better be paying attention." I whisper darkly. "You will never again try to insert yourself where you have no place being, you will never again order anyone to do anything without direct instructions from Daenerys or I. Your new place is below the lowest rank of The Unsullied and the next time you speak above your station you will loose your tongue. Do you understand me?" He responds with a frantic nod. "Good, now go help the others pack camp." I stand up removing Blackfyre revealing a small river of blood flowing from the dip in his neck.
I use his chest to walk over him grabbing my sword on my way back to Daenerys, while placing it in it's sheath. However once look up I notice shes not on her horse and Condon, Rickon and a grinning Harper is surrounding her. I throw them a grin as I get closer. "Enjoy the show?" I ask jokingly getting closer to them.
"Yes." Condon and Harper say while Rickon and Daenerys send a chorus of "No."
My feet lead me right in front of my worried dragon, slowly I reach up and cup the side of her face in my palm. The moment we make contact a flood of calmness rushing through me. "You said no bloodshed." She mumbles placing a hand on my hip pulling me in closer.
I let out a little laugh. "I said I would try, also he drew steel first." I defend myself before placing a soft kiss to her lips.
Condon clears his throat breaking our bubble. "Unless we are planning on you losing your arm I suggest we remove the dagger." He points to my back awkwardly.
I nod my head. "Lead the way."

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