When mothers meet

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    "Princess," I hear Tyrion's low warning.
    Out of the corner of my eye, I see my second mother rise from her throne. "Shut it, Tyrion," she snaps at him. Normally, I would laugh, but right now, most of my attention is on the smiling woman on the other side of the room. I feel her hand on my arm as she steps in front of me and cups my face, blocking us from everyone's view. "Harper," she whispers, pulling me out of my stupor. Once my eyes focus on her, she gives me a soft smile. "I need you to pull yourself together until we come to an agreement with the Greyjoys. Can you do that?" she whispers for only me to hear. "We don't know what their true intentions are. If we want her here with us, then I need to be able to handle this without worrying if you will act impulsively."
    "You would let her stay?" I ask in disbelief as I witness the uncertainty swirl behind her eyes.
    "She is your mother, my princess. Of course, I am going to let her stay." Her fingers start to wipe the falling tears off my cheeks. "I promise you that I will allow no harm to come to them while they are under my protection," she assures. "But right now, they are under the protection of the Greyjoys and Dorne. After she is with us, you can spend all the time in the world with her."
    Taking a shuddering breath, I try to calm my racing heart. "You're not angry?"
    She lets out a soft chuckle. "How could I be? I only want you to be unequivocally happy, and I know having her here safe and by our side will make it so. So, no, my sweet Harper, no, I'm not angry. I'm elated that she is here for you," she whispers reassuringly.
    I give her a small nod of agreement. "Thank you," I whisper, bringing my hand up to wipe my face clean.
    Giving me another smile, she steps back and turns to the Greyjoys while still shielding me to give me more time to gather myself. "Thank you for giving us a moment," I hear her tell them. "Princess Harper wishes to pass along her appreciation of her gift, and invites our new guests to the council room to rest after a long journey." I watch from behind as four Unsullied soldiers break away from the walls and escort them out with ease. "You will support my claim as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and respect the integrity of the Seven Kingdoms," she says to them as she steps closer to Yara. "No more reaving, roving, raiding, or raping."
    Yara lets out a breath while shaking her head. "That's our way of life."
    "No more," my mother says with finality.
    My heart picks up once again as the Ironborn take a moment to think about her offer before looking to her brother, who answers with a nod. After another tense second, Yara offers her arm to my mother. Confused, she looks back to me. I give her a small smile and gesture for her to take it. She then turns back to Yara and clasps their hands, finalizing the agreement.
    Not wasting any more time, I turn to Tyrion. "What is the status of the former Masters' ships?"
    "They are currently being repaired and rebranded, Princess," he answers, keeping his eyes on my mother.
    I nod my head to myself. "Good, have a hundred more sails painted bearing the Targaryen sigil, make them smaller than the main ones to not take away our allies' homage. And make sure to send food and supplies to the sailors that journeyed under Lady Greyjoy," I order him.
    "As you wish, Princess," he says before moving down the steps, gesturing for the two Greyjoys to accompany him, leaving us alone with Missandei.
    As soon as everyone is gone, I sink back into my seat and let out a deep breath as my mind starts to race with thoughts of my mother's reappearance. It's not that I am happy she's here; I truly am. I feel like I'm more torn in a way. Alexandria said that it was okay that I had two mothers, but I never imagined that I would actually have both of them in the same place at the same time. I mean, what do I call them if they are in the same room? Would they even want to be in the same room for an extended amount of time? They both loved or love my father. Oh gods, what is Father going to say about this? Most importantly, where has she been? Renly Baratheon was killed ages ago; she promised me that she would return as soon as she could. What stopped her from coming to us? Letting out a groan, I lean forward and place my head in my hands. I hear Mother say something to Missandei, then hear her footsteps disappear as my mother's footsteps draw closer.
    "Harper," I hear her voice call out softly. When I don't respond, I feel her hands take hold of my wrists and gently pull them away from my face as she kneels in front of me. "Tell me what is going on in there."
    Looking up at her, I feel the tears start to fall again. "Just a lot of questions that need answering."
    "Any I could help you with?" she asks, giving me a smile.
    Letting out a humorless laugh, I shake my head. "It's surreal, her being here. I'm happy yet confused and angry at the same time. Does that make sense?"
    "For a situation like this, I would expect nothing less," she says, cupping my cheek once more. "You know when your father had a lot on her mind, she would take to the woods, go for a brief hunt, spend time with the dragons, and clear her head. Is that something you would like to do while I help them settle in?"
    I let out a breath of relief. "You would really let me leave the city?"
    "Normally? No. But now the Masters have all gone, and the Sons of the Harpy are no longer in existence. Yes, as long as you take Daario and a guard of no fewer than ten and you are back here within three days."
    I give her a smile and wrap my arms around her neck. "When I bring back a stag, can we hold a feast to welcome our new allies?" I ask.
    "If that is what you want, then that is what we will do," she replies. "Just remember three days; I will also be letting Daario know how long you have, don't try to change his mind about following my orders."
    Faking a gasp, I put my hand on my chest and do my best to look offended. "I would never."
    She lets out a loud laugh in response and places a kiss on my forehead as she stands to her feet, with Daario and Missandei entering the Throne Room. "Three days, use it to hunt, talk, think, use it for whatever you need. Just know when you return, I fully expect you to be ready to have an open and honest conversation about your questions."
    Standing up, I wrap my arms around her neck. "I'll be ready, I promise," I whisper, placing a kiss on her cheek, then turn to Daario. "You ready?" I ask with a small grin.    

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