Chapter Two

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Saying goodbye to her family was every bit as difficult as she had expected. Even though she were only to be gone for one moon, she had never been apart from her family for more than a day. It would be strange not waking up to the laughter of her brothers echoing throughout the castle, or Baela crawling into her bed in the morning and sharing stories from her time in Essos. She knew her days would be occupied with courtly arrangements, and she wouldn't have time to miss them all, it was more the dark, lonely nights that she were apprehensive about, and the nightmares that sometimes found her in her sleep.
Rhaella kept her farewells brief, knowing that she would see them all soon- no fuss needed to be made, she would only be a short flight away on dragon back.
"Send a Raven as soon as you have arrived," Rhaenyra held her hands tightly, before kissing her on the cheek.
"Or else your mother will worry herself into an early labour." Daemon placed a hand upon her mother's growing belly. It would only be a few months until the babe would be born, she knew her mother wished for another girl, and Rhaella quite liked the idea of a baby sister.
"I've been riding Viseria for 10 years," she reassured her mother, "and it is only a short flight, I should easily arrive at Kings Landing within a few hours."
"A mother will always worry about her children, regardless of how old they are."
"I will send a Raven." She reassured again, "I will write, and tell you of my warm reception, I am sure my uncles are thrilled at the thought of my arrival."
Daemon smirked, her dislike for the Princes evident in her unimpressed tone of voice.
"Aegon is a drunk, lazy cunt," Daemon retorted, "and Aemond has one eye, thanks to your brother. They should prove to be of no consequence to you, I expect they will stay out of your way."
She hoped so, because she didn't think she could look upon their faces without seeing them as enemies. If given the chance they would happily usurp her mother, and nothing could prove her otherwise.
"Heleana by all accounts is a sweet girl," Rhaenyra added, "it may serve you well to befriend her."
Rhaella scoffed at the idea, "the last I saw of her she was sat on the floor playing with a centipede. I highly doubt we have much in common."
"She is already wed, to Aegon: she may be able to offer you some insight into married life."
"You and Daemon have given me plenty of insight. I'm not going to the Red Keep to make friends mother, I am going to make us a new alliance."
Daemon smiled at his daughter, as if she were his own, and simply stood there with a smug sense of pride. She was smarter than most people her age, gods she were smarter than most people his age too.
"I think you'll be just fine." He kissed her on the forehead before taking a step back.
They stood atop one of the cliffs just outside of the castle, Viseria, almost two thirds the size of Syrax, waiting patiently for her rider to climb atop her back. The other dragons circled overhead, watching their riders huddled down below. It was a spectacular sight, one that never grew old.
"Be safe my sweet." Rhaenyra finally let go of her hands, before Rhaella waved to her younger siblings. She had been on the receiving end of many embraces earlier that day, and if she had any more she might not ever leave.
She turned and made her way over to Viseria, her scales shining bright in the midday sun. The She-Dragon was a vision of emerald blue, with unusual silver eyes and silver scales rippled over her belly, allowing her to perfectly camouflage into the water.
Ahead of the flight to the capital, she had donned her favourite riding gear. She was dressed head to toe in black leather and wool, her jacket and corset adorned with silver hardware and a silver dragon brooch upon her chest. She had pulled on heeled leather boots, adding a few inches to her short stature, and her mother had braided her hair intricately down her head and back. She looked as if she were headed to war, but at least her arrival would make a strong impression on the greens- and anyone who would make themselves their enemy.
It didn't take her long to climb into the saddle, and as soon as she muttered the words "Sōvētēs Viseria." Fly Viseria, they were soaring almost vertically up into the air.
Rhaella clung on tight, closed her eyes and felt the wind fly through her hair- there was no feeling quite like it. She clamped her legs firmly around the saddle, feeling every bump as her dragon flapped her wings and propelled them through the breezy air.
She didn't look back once.
It didn't take long to pass through the first layer of cloud cover, and as soon as they reached the clear blue skies above, Viseria levelled out from her ascent.
From there Rhaella could see miles into the distance, and with the wind in their favour it would not take long at all to see King's Landing upon the horizon- her childhood home, and her home for the next few weeks.
Rhaella enjoyed her last moments of freedom, for soon she would under the watchful eye of the entire kingdom.
The flight to Kings Landing passed much too quickly for her liking, and before she knew it she were landing outside of the ominous dragon pit.
If it were up to her, Viseria would have had free reign of the city, as she did upon Dragonstone, but apparently it was necessary during her stay to be housed in the deep caverns below the dragon pit- alongside her uncles' and her aunt's dragons.
She dismounted Viseria, sliding off her back down onto the ground below and landing with a gentle thud, and quickly realised that there was indeed no grand reception from her estranged family. Just one cloaked figure, standing impatiently twiddling a dagger between their fingers. She had no idea who it could be, but upon her arrival they took a few steps towards her and peered at her from the shadow beneath their black hood.
"Ensure Viseria is well fed, I will check on her every morning." She demanded, looking to the two dragonkeepers who stood waiting with a chain. The sight angered her, but she knew better than to react. Viseria could sense her emotions, and she needed her dragon to remain calm for her own sake.
"Dohaeris Viseria. Ao issi ȳgha kesīr" Obey Viseria, you are safe here. Rhaella hated leaving her like this, but she promised to come and visit every day.
As her dragon was led off to her new nest, Rhaella turned and faced the tall stranger whom lingered silently behind her.
It was only when two hands, long fingers noticeably decorated with a collection of gold rings, pushed back the hood and raised their chin that she realised who the man in front of her was.
If the stern expression and long silver hair didn't give it away, the black patch over his left eye certainly did.
"Rytsas uncle." Hello uncle, she purred with perfect high Valyrian, knowing that he spoke it just as well as she did.
"Niece." He sheathed his dagger with one last fancy twirl, and then shamelessly looked her up and down- undoubtedly noticing the womanly curves that she had only know for a year or so. "You look... different." He stated with a tone of complete indifference.
"It has been six years, that tends to happen."
Rhaella had to say that he looked quite different himself. He looked taller, but not just physically, metaphorically too. He stood straighter than he had when they were children, held his chin high, and gave off the impression that he was not someone to fuck with. He had a look in his eye, one that told her he could so easily snap at the wrong comment, the wrong look sent in his direction, and that he was ready, eager even, for combat.
His face had matured also, he had lost all the puppy fat of his youth, his bone structure was sharp and chiselled, and he wore the scar across his eye like a mark of pride. She might have called him handsome, if she didn't resent him so much.
He looked strong, she could easily assume that he had been training Ser Criston- the Queens personal guard dog. Yes, Aemond was older and meaner than her, but she wouldn't be intimidated- which she had no doubt was his intention.
He bit his tongue at her remark, obviously under clear instructions from the Queen to behave politely. But she was sure that didn't come naturally to a brute like Aemond Targaryen.
He chuckled to himself, observing her small stature, even with the heeled boots adding a few inches to her height. "You aren't any taller than I remember."
She didn't like how he were looking down at her, and tried her best to keep her head held high.
"Neither of my parents are... were tall."
Aemond noticed the slip of her tongue and smirked.
Rhaella wouldn't deny that it was awkward, neither quite knowing what to say to the other. She had always avoided her uncles when she had called the Red Keep her home, she had kept to herself, only ever muttering a few words to them at the odd tourney or dinner.
It hasn't been until Driftmark when she truly started hated Aemond, and it was safe to say those feelings were as strong as ever.
"I guess you drew the short straw. Meeting me." Rhaella continued, walking past him so she could admire the view over the city below. It was a beautiful sunny day, and she tipped her head up to bask in the warm rays.
Her rich purple eyes glistened in the sunlight, one of the many features that made her legitimacy unquestionable- a rare Targaryen trait that until her birth seemed to have disappeared with the ages. A trait that made her question whether Daemon was in fact her father, a question that no one else had seemed to ever considered.
"Not quite," he smirked patronisingly in her direction, "I had just left Vhagar when I saw your small dragon on the horizon."
Rhaella rolled her eyes at the cheap insult.
"How generous of you to wait for me Uncle." I'm afraid it's been so long since I were last here that I might have forgotten my way back to the Red Keep."
"You'd do well to remember that. Fleabottom is no place for a Princess." Make no mistake, there was no warmth or care in his voice. In fact the comment almost sounded like a dare- one she was too smart to fall for.
"If I ever decide to visit, I will make sure to borrow one of those menacing looking cloaks. No one would dare come near me then." She mocked his brooding outfit with a laugh.
Aemond clenched his jaw, "I knew your brothers were cruel little bastards, but I had never formed an opinion on you before, niece." He stood unnervingly close behind her, close enough to feel his breath on the back of her ear. "Watch yourself"
Rhaella turned to face him, "well, as it happens, I do not honestly care for your opinion. If we are lucky, we will not have to see much of each other at all, and we can go back to pretending the other doesn't exist." She had no kind words for the man who would have gladly killed her brother.
"Let us hope so." He narrowed his one blue eye at her, so pale it looked almost grey. Aemond took off down the steps from the Dragon Pit, not bothering to wait for her with his long strides. "Mother tells me there is to be a tourney in your name, " he called over his shoulder.
She caught up next to her uncle, and raised an eyebrow, "a tourney. What an honour." She could care less for tourneys, but knew that it was her duty to attend, to grant one of the brave knights her favour, and clap through all of the gore and the cruelty.
"Yes, such an honour." He retorted mockingly.
"I take it you will not be participating then?"
"I don't give a shit about tourneys." He spat sharply, leading her away from the dragonpit and towards the Red Keep, which dominated the city skyline.
"What do you care about?" She didn't know why she bothered to ask, it was not as if she cared. Yet the words slipped from her lips regardless.
Aemond ignored her question, and she were glad. Neither of them needed to fake any interest in the other, he was not one of the suitors whom she would be charged with getting to know. She would be wed before she knew it and then neither the Red Keep or Dragonstone would be her home, and Aemond Targaryen would be a distant memory.
The walk was short but silent, making it feel much longer than it actually were, and once they were inside the walls of the Red Keep she breathed a sigh of relief .
"This is where I leave you, niece." He stared at her intently, glaring at whom ever walked past them and inevitably gave her a second look.
She was not oblivious to the attention she received from men, but she was too smart to be flattered by it.
"Thank you for the escort," regardless of whom stood opposite her, she never forgot her manners. Rhaella stared him straight in the eye, her gaze never wavering, as he studied her face curiously. They each dared the other to look away first, but Rhaella had never much liked losing.
"The pleasure was mine." He stated sarcastically, his voice deep and hoarse. "See you soon niece." He took one last glance at her rosy face, before turning and leaving as quickly as he had appeared.
She remembered him being much more awful, but Rhaella supposed he was on his best behaviour. She had heard the rumours about the One Eyed Prince, how he was a loose canon, kept on a short leash by his mother the Queen, terrified that he would take one wrong step and plunge the realm into a civil war, like he had almost done at Driftmark.
Lost in her thoughts, Rhaella almost jumped with fright when one of the queen's ladies appeared at her side, letting her know that her belongings had arrived from Dragonstone - and were waiting for her in her new chambers.
She thanked the gods, after the journey her skin was damp with sweat, she could practically feel her riding leathers clinging to every inch of her body and showing off exactly just how much of a woman she had become.
She needed a long, hot bath, to scrub every inch of her skin, and then she needed to eat. She was utterly famished- nothing made her hungrier than a long flight.
When she arrived to her chambers, after sending a Raven to her mother as promised, she noticed that her belongings had already been unpacked: as if someone had wanted to check that she weren't harbouring dangerous weapons. They clearly underestimated her, and didn't think that she might be wearing them on her person. She touched her hand to the dagger strapped to her thigh, the very piece that Daemon had gifted her for her last name day, and smirked.
Rhaella didn't doubt that the Queen were behind the intrusion on her privacy, but at least her clothes had been folded away into her drawers, and dresses hung in the wardrobe across the room. Her rooms had a beautiful view over Blackwater Bay, the tall windows allowing her to stand and bask in the sun. She had missed this weather, and intended to make the most of it.
Her rooms were located at the South  of Maegors holdfast, the opposite side to the rest of her family; and luckily there were several flights of stairs and hallways between them. It was unlikely she would bump into anyone, not unless they wanted her to.
As she pottered around the room, making herself at home, she noticed a sealed letter that had been slipped under her door.
She walked over and picked it up carefully, noticing the Queen's unbroken seal. Rhaella opened it quickly and read the fancy hand writing that could only have belonged to Alicent.
Dearest Rhaella,
Myself and the King, your Grandsire, would be delighted to host you for supper
this evening, we look forward to reuniting our family once again and celebrating your upcoming betrothal,
Rhaella kept a hold of the letter and fell back onto her grand poster bed, staring up at the canopy above with her feet dangling inches off the ground. She stretched out her toes and sighed softly.
She had been excited to entertain her potential suitors, what she hadn't expected was that her family would want to be as... involved.
Alicent was smarter than most gave her credit for, her mother had told her that much: she said they had been best friends a long time ago, so long ago it felt like a different lifetime. If Alicent were summoning her to dinner it were because she wanted something, not because she were a gracious host.
Suitors from all over Westeros were due into Kings Landing in a few days, giving the Queen just enough time to try and get her claws into her. Rhaella would simply have to smile and be perfectly agreeable, something she knew how to be all too well.
As the dinner approached, Rhaella changed into more suitable attire. As soon as she had read and understood the letter she had known exactly what she wanted to wear; she rifled through the wardrobe until she came across the perfect dress, one she had been waiting for months to wear- she had just never had the right occasion, not until now.
The dress was a shade of deep, blood red, contrasting strikingly against her luminous, silver hair. The top of the dress showcased a scooping neckline, her chest above covered with a delicate lace overlay that spread across into the long sleeves of the dress and into a train at the back of the long, a line skirt. Strings of fine gold had been weaved into the lace, drawing further attention to her creamy skin that lay only partially hidden beneath the light material. A slither of cleavage peaked through, a small glimpse at the womanly body she now adorned.
A few ladies had helped her into the beautiful creation, and then had fixed her hair into a half up/ half down style which showed off her the expensive gold necklace atop of her décolletage.
The necklace, a dragon curled around the base of her neck, had been a gift from her mother. She touched it gently, wishing she could have seen her then, a woman grown and ready to play the part of a lifetime.
The ladies, of whom their names she hadn't caught yet, gushed over the finished look. As she looked in the mirror she admired her reflection, it was exactly how she had imagined, and knew that she looked like a Queen.
She could see the jealousy in her ladies' eyes, standing behind her waiting to escort her to the supper, knowing that they would never be so important as to have the King host them a dinner, let alone host them a fucking tourney.
Rhaella painted a smile across her face, and headed through Maegor's Holdfast, to the Queen's ballroom where they were to dine.
It didn't take long before she were outside the door.
"Princess Rhaella Velaryon, daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone."
Her arrival was announced in true royal fashion, and as she stepped into the smaller of the Red Keep's great halls, she was fairly surprised to find her Uncles, Aunt and the hand of the King sat at the table, of course along with her Grandsire, King Viserys, and Queen Alicent.
She walked into the room with unrivalled confidence and grace, watching as they all noticed the bold colour of her gown- a vast contrast to the Hightower green that Alicent and her children wore.
"Your grace." Rhaella curtsied first to the King, whom was looking considerably older than she had expected. She had not seen her Grandsire for 6 years, but he had aged twice that in that time. It would have been easy to stare at his gaunt face, half of which was concealed with a gold mask, and hunched, weak, posture, but she knew better and he was her family.
Despite their issues with his wife and her Uncles, she loved her Grandsire, and she had fond memories of helping him build his model of Old Valyria. He even helped her fashion a small model of Viseria, whom he perched atop the Sept of Baelor.
Then she curtsied to the Queen, and felt Alicent's eyes pour over her body and choice of dress.
"Thank you for extending the invitation to dine together."
Viserys shifted, his face contorting into what she only assumed was supposed to be a smile. What had the Hightower's done to him?
"Come and give your Grandsire a kiss." He murmured slowly with a haggard breath.
Rhaella smiled, and went over to his side so she could place a gentle kiss to his cheek. She felt all eyes on her as she did, and watched as Viserys grabbed her hand.
"Rhaella." He sighed fondly, before carrying on with broken sentences, tiring himself just from a few words. "I am glad I have lived to witness my granddaughter grow into the most beautiful woman in the Seven Kingdoms. I fear men will go to war over your hand in marriage."
She looked at Helaena out of the corner of her eye, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the compliment which so blatantly offended her aunt. Yet she supposed Helaena was not one to care for vanity, and she seemed less than bothered- she even looked agreeable.
"Thank you Grandsire," Rhaella replied politely, "but I aim to inspire peace, not war."
His face softened into a proud smile.
"You remind me so much of Rhaenyra."
"Well, if that isn't the greatest of compliments." Rhaella squeezed her hand weakly before letting it go.
She glanced around the table and noticed the only available seat were in between Aegon and Aemond. She was sure it was a cruel joke.
Aegon smirked as she slid into the chair, making it no secret that he was staring at her chest.
"You look ravishing." He whispered into her ear, the lust in his voice sending uneasy shivers down her spine. She didn't trust him one bit.
"As does your wife," she smiled over to Helaena. Whom despite being sat at the table, her mind was clearly elsewhere. Lost in daydreams or in a strange trance. The girl had always been peculiar.
Aemond chuckled at her wit, as his mother stood up to make a toast.
"To Rhaella, who I wish all the luck these coming weeks, and I hope that your time here in the Red Keep, will bring our family together once again."
Everyone held up their glasses and drank, the rich, red wine flowing much too easily down her throat. She was allowed a few glasses occasionally with dinner, yet as she were unmarried it was not appropriate to let the alcohol go to her head. She needed to keep her wits about her.
"Your grace," Rhaella thanked her, "it has been too long. I will treasure my time here before I must leave again."
Alicent nodded, "we will see," her words were cryptic, and Rhaella was not quite sure what they meant. But she took another sip of her wine, and tried to let it go.
Upon Visery's orders, servants streamed into the hall, each holding a grand dish that was to be placed upon the table. There was honeyed pork, tender legs of lamb, roasted vegetables and pastries filled with sweet chutneys. There was enough food to feed a hundred men, and she knew that anything they left would simply go to waste. The thought soured her appetite, but she picked at the food politely, taking small bites off her fork as her family conversed around her.
They ate under candlelight, whilst a band played cheerful music at the other end of the room, the music carrying hauntingly across the high ceiling and stone walls.
Rhaella shared stories of her childhood when asked, and expressed her interests and hobbies when prompted, she supposed it was her grandsire's way of getting to know her a little better, and the Queen's way of testing her.
"I do enjoy to read," Rhaella expressed, as they tucked into a buffet of desserts, "histories of the seven kingdoms, Dragon lore and studies-"
"Aemond will have to show you around our library, it is quite impressive." Alicent interrupted.
Rhaella paused, "of course, that would be very generous."
Her uncle glanced at her, knowing that she would have preferred to go alone. Admittedly, she bemused him, the way she sat there and charmed all of his family with her dazzling smiles and softly spoken words. He admired her obedience, but he wanted to smash it all over the floor.
She was a dragon, yet she were acting like a sheep.
"If you ever get bored of books, you are more than welcome in my chambers. I can school you in... other things." Aegon smirked, earning a stern word from his mother and glare from his brother.
The Queen soon lost interest, and carried on talking to her father and daughter, the music growing louder as the family split off into smaller groups of conversations.
She bit her tongue, knowing she couldn't truly say what she wanted to- but Aemond looked at her sideways, daring her to anyway.
"Thank you Uncle, but I fear I will be so busy that I will have no time for leisure activities."
"That's a shame, a slinky thing like you should be-"
"That's quite enough brother," Aemond slammed his fist down on the table, making her jump and her heart beat out of her chest. "You're drunk. Again." The words came out like a growl, and suddenly she felt even more uncomfortable sitting between the two.
"I'm just showing our favourite niece some hospitality."
She wanted to punch him, but for a plethora of reasons she knew she couldn't. So she kept smiling.
Aemond shot her a glare, as if somehow this were her fault.
"Perhaps it time she retired to her chambers," he turned to her, "niece, you must be tired after such a long day?"
Rhaella blinked, not quite believing that she were being sent to bed by her Uncle. Part of her wanted to spite him and stay out later, but perhaps he was giving her an out, "maybe you are right. It has been such a long day."
"You barely touched your cake." Aegon noticed, a last ditch attempt to get her to stay longer. She could see the filthy thoughts running through his mind, and she didn't trust him to not grab her under the table.
"I have never had a sweet tooth." She lied easily.
"I don't believe that for a second." Aegon objected, but she were already on her feet.
"Thank you your grace," she curtsied to the King, and then to his wife. "The meal was wonderful, but I have grown awfully tired."
Viserys himself looked as if he should be retiring too, there was no doubt he was dosed up on milk of the poppy, and the effects were making his eyelids drop lower and lower.
"You are excused Rhaella." Alicent nodded, before turning her attention back to her husband. "Aemond shall escort you back to your chambers. We won't have you walking the corridors alone."
Rhaella went to object, to insist she was perfectly capable of walking the short 10 minutes back to her rooms, but she knew that she was a guest, and it would have been rude to say no.
Aemond stood up, smirking down at his brother who had an ungrateful look across his face, "next time brother."
She wanted to tell them she wasn't a brood mare, but that wouldn't be completely true.
"Enjoy the rest of your evening."
Aemond held out his arm, gesturing for her to take it.
Alicent nodded to her son, as if there were some understanding between them.
"I don't bite." He remarked, as she stood there, summoning the strength to accept the gesture.
Slowly, she took his arm, reminding herself that he was simply doing his duty, as she were doing hers.
As they walked out of the hall, Rhaella looked up at him, tilting her head, before replying under her breath. "Somehow, I doubt that Uncle."
"There she is." Aemond smirked, seeing the fire in her eyes once again. "I like this version much more."

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