Very Old Friends and The One Ring

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After visiting with Frodo, Gandalf went to visit a very dear friend of his. He kicked open a gate, which had a sign on it. 'NO ADMITTANCE, EXCEPT ON PARTY BUSINESS'. Gandalf knocked on the door with the end of his staff.

"No thank you! We don't want any more visitors, well wishers or distant relations!" Came a familiar voice from inside. Gandalf chuckled to himself.

"And what about very old friends?" Gandalf called. The door opened with a click and groan, and in the door of BagEnd, stood Bilbo Baggins, much older than when Gandalf first met him. Bilbo stood in the doorway, looking very surprised.

"Gandalf?" Bilbo asked quietly. Gandalf smiled at him. Memories came flooding back to the old wizard. Memories of thirteen dwarfs, a woman with extraordinary powers, and a Hobbit.

"Bilbo Baggins." Gandalf said, his smile widening.

"My dear Gandalf!" Bilbo shouted as he ran out to greet the wizard. Gandalf knelt down and the two embraced in a hug.

"It's good to see you. One hundred and eleven years old who would believe it," the two pulled away and Gandalf looked closely at Bilbo. "You haven't aged a day!" Gandalf said. Comfortable silence passed between the two. Bilbo looked to be on the verge of tears. Laughter then broke the silence, and Bilbo rushed back into his home, waving his arm for Gandalf to follow.

"Come on, come in!" Bilbo ushered. He opened his door wider and welcomed Gandalf with a grand bow. "Welcome, welcome. Oh, here we are." Bilbo closed the door. Gandalf looked extremely tall in the small Hobbit Hole. He handed his hat and staff to Bilbo, who took it from him. "Tea or maybe something a little stronger? I've got a few bottles of the Old Winyard left, 1296, a very good year, almost as old as I am!" Bilbo shouted, and laughed merrily as he rushed through the Hobbit Hole. Gandalf ducked to avoid the chandelier. Bilbo ran off up a corridor shouting back to Gandalf, "It was laid down by my father, what say we open one eh?" Bilbo called. Gandalf looked after Bilbo.

"Just tea, thank you." Gandalf said. He turned and almost crashed into the chandelier, just like all those years ago. He turned around suddenly and hit his head on the top of the doorjamb. "Owwwh!" He shouted, and held his throbbing head. He chuckled to himself and bent down, walking through the home. While Bilbo was rambling, Gandalf picked up a map off the table, he looked at it. There was the Lonely Mountain and a picture of Smaug the Dragon over it. Gandalf looked at another picture of a woman. Though the picture was inked, memories of the woman came to Gandalf. She had [s/c] skin, [h/l] [h/c] hair. Her [e/c] color eyes shone with much wisdom, but also much sorrow and grief, for she had been alive as long as Gandalf had, since the First Age of Middle Earth. This woman had extraordinary powers, powers, which, if put into the wrong hands, would give someone the ability to destroy Middle Earth. Gandalf sighed. He greatly missed her, for she had been like his very own child. Gandalf set the picture down and continued to wonder through the home. Bilbo poked his head into the room Gandalf had just been in.

"I can make you some eggs if you," he saw that Gandalf was gone. "Oh. Gandalf?" His tone dropped into one of sadness. He had just visited with his dear friend, and now he was gone again. Gandalf leaned down through the door behind Bilbo.

"Just tea, thank you." Gandalf said. Bilbo jumped and smiled, happy to see that his friend had, indeed, not left yet.

"Oh right." Bilbo said. He stuffed some cheese into his mouth. "You don't mind if I do, do you?" Bilbo asked. Gandalf shook his head.

"Oh not at all!" Gandalf said. Suddenly, there was a pounding on the door. Bilbo gasped, almost choking on the cheese and hid against the wall.

"Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins!" A stern voice called. Gandalf frowned, wondering who would be pounding on his dear friend's door. Bilbo glanced at Gandalf with wide, upset eyes.

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